International SEL Day
March 26th ~ Mark Your Calendars & Get Ready!
Week One: Why Social Emotional Learning?
CASEL's "more than two decades of research demonstrates that education promoting social and emotional learning (SEL) gets results. The findings come from multiple fields and sources, including student achievement, neuroscience, health, employment, psychology, classroom management, learning theory, economics, and the prevention of youth problem behaviors." Checkout their free resources here.
CASEL's SEL Signature Practices
The SEL 3 Signature Practices were developed in response to these commonly heard questions: “But what does SEL LOOK like?” and “How can we start doing SEL right now?” Educators and OST providers understood and believed in the power of SEL, but sought clarity about how to demonstrate and observe SEL in action during the school day and beyond.
The SEL 3 Signature Practices are one tool for fostering a supportive environment and promote SEL. They intentionally and explicitly help build a habit of practices through which students and adults enhance their SEL skills. While not an SEL curriculum, these practices are one concrete example of a way to help people understand and practice the goals of an overall systemic SEL implementation plan. Where will your creativity take these practices in your classroom?
The CASEL Guide to Schoolwide SEL Essentials
This printable mini book offers a compact set of essential tools for use during professional learning or as a quick reference for coaches and SEL team leaders. It includes illustrated overviews of the four focus areas and fundamental resources within each section.
SEL Snapshots K-12
The Illinois State Board of Education developed social-emotional learning standards that closely align with New York State's SEL standards as both states have partnered with CASEL to develop their state guidelines. These snapshots included here are a helpful tool for teachers, parents, and students to closely look at grade level performance expectations.
Self Assessing SEL Instruction and Competencies
Download this crucial social emotional learning resource today and use it to reflect on your own SEL practice, or bring together teachers in your school to use as part of a professional learning activity.
Light Reading
This is Why it is Dangerous to Deny Your Emotions
Emotional Intelligence has never been more important.