SGE Family Newsletter
March 4, 2024
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Looking Ahead...
March - Take Time to Read Month (see info below)
Mar 1 - Texas Girls in STEM Day
Mar 2 - Texas Flag Day
Mar 2 - Read Across America Day
Mar 4-8 - Say Something Week
Mar 4-8 - Texas Public Schools Week
Mar 4-8 - National School Breakfast Week
Mar 4-22 - Adventure Dash
Mar 7 - Open House
Mar 8 - Kindergarten Rodeo
Mar 8 - Hawaiian Dress Up Day
Mar 10 - Daylight Savings Time Begins
Mar 11-15 - Spring Break
Mar 18 - No School for Students / Professional Development Day for Staff
Mar 29 - No School
Apr 1 - No School For Students / Professional Development Day for Staff
Apr 2 - Assistant Principal Day
Apr 3 - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
Apr 4 - School Librarian Appreciation Day
Apr 5 - End of 5th Six Weeks
Apr 5 - PreK Field Trip
April 8 - No School
Month of March Celebrations
Leaders of the Pack!
Check out our Leaders of the Pack this week! Their teachers say...
"Brixley shines as leader in our class. She recognizes when others need help, including the teacher, and will step in to fill any needs!"
"When given a direction on the playground, Emma responded with, 'Yes, Mrs. Cook!' She was a leader to her peers, and a role model of respect."
We're thankful and grateful for the acts of character shown by our youth!
Academics + Character = Success
Scottish Rite: Take Time to Read Program
During Texas Public Schools Month, Masons and elementary schools celebrate and encourage reading by asking students to Take Time to Read every day!
Your child will bring home a Take Time to Read calendar for the month of March. Here's how it works:
-Mark the calendar each day your child reads.
-Turn in the Take Time to Read calendar to the classroom teacher by Wednesday, April 3rd.
-Scottish Rite will bring a prize for students who turned in the completed calendar!
It's that easy! We hope you and your kiddos TAKE TIME TO READ!
School Breakfast Week 2024
Surf's up with school breakfast! Let's get more students stoked about free school breakfast! Be sure to view the parent information flyer below! Hawaiian dress up on Friday!
Read Across America Day, March 2
Read Across America Day, also recognized as Dr. Seuss Day, is an annual event that promotes the joy of reading, especially among children. It is celebrated in honor of the birthday of Theodor Seuss Geisel, famously known as Dr. Seuss. Darlene Denton, our amazing Parent-Volunteer Coordinator, coordinated volunteers to read a Dr. Seuss book to every one of our 30 classes this past week! Students were able to learn about some of the contributions of Dr. Seuss and enjoy some of the iconic stories that have charmed generations.
Thank you to our guest readers!
Colleen Davis
Julie Ebeling
Elizabeth Johnston
Erin Stevenson
Elizabeth Johnston
Liz Kneller
Jeremy Miller
Nancy Cranfill
Valerie Ullman
Johnnie Deleon
Tim & Darlene Denton
Autumn Feller
Lisa Bullock
Amanda Lastly
Amy Hernandez
Jo Powell
Gina Kiser
Megan Garcia
Zac Neely
Tori Leggett
Nancy Allen
Elizabeth Drake
Bill Drake
Brent Guenter
Caity Clinton
Jennifer Cowfer
Kaycie Banton
Sherry Buck
Cecilia Freeman
Krystal Winkler
Texas Flag Day, March 2
Say Something Week - March 4-8
Sandy Hook Promise’s Say Something program teaches students to recognize the warning signs of someone at-risk of hurting themselves or others and how to say something to a trusted adult to get help before a tragedy can occur.
Texas Girls in STEM Day, March 1
March 1st is Texas Girls in STEM Day! This day marks a chance to celebrate and encourage the participation of girls in this state in fields related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Texas Girls in STEM Day gives many young girls the opportunity to learn, ask questions, and dive deeper into subjects they may not have been encouraged to explore otherwise.
Leader of the Pack!
Check out our Leaders of the Pack this week! Their teachers say...
"Brixley shines as leader in our class. She recognizes when others need help, including the teacher, and will step in to fill any needs!"
"When given a direction on the playground, Emma responded with, 'Yes, Mrs. Cook!' She was a leader to her peers, and a role model of respect."
We're thankful and grateful for the acts of character shown by our youth!
Academics + Character = Success
Attendance Incentive for the 5th Six Weeks!
The 5th six weeks is a clean slate and brings a new opportunity to earn the 5th six weeks incentive which is BUBBLES and CHALK! Students who have no more than 1 absence OR one tardy earn the incentive!
SGE Attendance Tracking
SGE's ADA for this past week was 94.37%!
ADA stands for Average Daily Attendance and is defined as the total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. "98 IS Great!", so 98% is our goal!
Notification of Student Absence
A parent must provide an explanation for any absence within 5 days of the student’s arrival or return to school. The student must submit a note signed by the parent. The campus may accept an email from the parent sent to the school’s attendance clerk, but reserves the right to require a written note. The form below will send an email to SGE's Attendance Clerk and then the campus will determine whether to classify the absence as excused or unexcused.
This information may also be found on the BCISD website:
Viewing Report Cards and Progress Reports
An important piece in the family-school partnership is staying aware of student performance. It is requested that parents view and electronically sign progress reports and report cards. See the directions below, and be sure to get those signatures in! In addition, parents are encouraged to regularly view grades in Skyward.
Be sure to check out our Facebook page for pictures from behind the scenes at SGE! "Shady Grove Elementary School - BCISD"
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
Shady Grove Elementary School
7:15am Office Opens
7:40am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email:
3:20pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Location: 111 Shady Grove Road, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 756-2126