Coyote News #6

Standards Based Reports
Your students received their first SBR (Standards-Based Report) today. Please take the time to review the scores and narrative carefully. For grades K-2, the narratives are written for parents, while in grades 3-5, they are addressed to your child, allowing them to discuss their learning with you. As a reminder, a score of 4 on the SBR indicates that a student has met the end-of-year expectations for a particular standard. Many of our standards are comprehensive and cover a lot of content. It’s important to note that we have not yet covered or assessed all the material necessary to meet the end-of-year expectations for most of the standards. Therefore, receiving scores of 3s and 2s at this point in the year is typical and expected.
Field Day Reminder: 11/1 from 12:30-3:00
New Family Guide: Letter F
Field Day is held on the open sports field behind the school during school hours. True to
Carlson fashion, it is a unique event that gives students a chance to lead, work in a team,
use their imaginations, get moving and have a great time. Students rotate through stations
to participate in wonderfully novel games based on a chosen theme for that year. It is a
great way to foster a sense of community among all classes and age groups. Typically, 5th
grade students lead each team along with teachers and parent volunteers.
Field Day Theme 2024: Supersized Everything
Get ready for some supersized fun this year with games like a 100 ft obstacle course and a giant ring toss! Make sure to send students to school in athletic dress and tennis shoes.
Field Day Visitors
You are welcome to attend Field Day. Please come to the canopy door to check in with a staff member. Ensure your visitor tag is visible, indicating that you are checked in.
No Early Dismissals
Because each field day team comprises students K-5, we will NOT honor early dismissals after the event. Students will have designated areas to report back to, go back into the building, and get ready for release. You may move to your grade level dismissal location outside or enter the car line. We appreciate your understanding of this requirement to ensure a safe dismissal for all students.
PTA Carlson Weekly
You can find the following details in the Carlson Weekly posted on 10/27
- Dress Passes
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Room 7 Sock Drive
- Running Club Updates
- Made Grene Family Garden Workday
- Volunteer Opportunities
Alice Carlson Applied Learning Center
PTA Website:
Location: 3320 West Cantey Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: 817-815-5700
PTA Facebook: