Penguin's Raft
Last week of May, 2024
Dear Moraine Families,
This edition of the Raft includes:
- The Fun Run is TOMORROW!
- Fun Fair wristbands are now available to purchase...see below
- May is Moraine's month for Northville Civic Concern Donations -LAST WEEK TO DONATE!
- Fun Fair is Friday, June 7th, see flyer below
- Check out the Michigan Activity Pass for summer adventures!
- Hillside Carnival Information in the 5th Grade "Raft"
- 5th Grade "Raft" for news & information about next year's Middle School happenings
- Northville Youth Network Kona Ice & Community, May 29th
- Northville Travel Soccer Tryouts
- Girl's Basketball Summer Camp
- K-3 Kickstart Robotics Program
- Adopt-a-pot for school beautification!
- Skateboarding to Success
- NEF Thank a Staff program continues
Be well and talk soon,
Joe Reimann
Principal, Moraine Elementary
Teaching for Learning for All!
Upcoming Dates
- Entire month of May - Northville Civic Concern Food Drive @ Moraine
- Tuesday, May 28th - Fun Run
- Thursday, May 30th - Clap out for NHS Seniors
- Monday, June 3rd - PTA & Family Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon
- Thursday, June 6th - Field Day
- Friday, June 7th - Fun Fair
Northville Civic Concern Food Drive
May is Moraine’s month to support Northville's own Civic Concern - Hunger knows no season. Please support Civic Concern by sending non-perishable food items to Moraine this May. Collection boxes are located near the front office. If every child would bring one can or box it would go a long way to support community members who are struggling. Thanks in advance for your support!
Items needed at this time include:
- Canned fruit
- Canned pasta and pasta sauce
- Canned tuna fish
- Non-sweetened cereal
- Rice, pasta & mashed potato side dishes (boxed or bagged)
Fun Fair wristbands are now available for purchase!!! Fun Fair will be held on Moraine grounds, June 7, 5:30-8:30pm. Wristbands are $17 per child, ages 3+ and pick up will occur the week of the Fair. This event can not happen without our volunteers! Please consider signing up for a short time before, during, or after the Fair.
Volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4CA4AE22ABF4C43-49293988-moraine
Purchase Wristbands: https://app.givebacks.gives/76c95d/Campaign/Details
5th Grade "Raft"
It's the time of year that preparation for the next school year begins. We've created a new 5th Grade "Raft" to highlight opportunities for our future middle school students. Be sure to check it frequently for new events!
The Northville Youth Network will wrap up our Wellness Wednesday programs with “Kona & Community.” Bring a buddy and enjoy a complimentary Kona Ice on us May 29, 4:30-5:30 pm at Millennium Park. All students K-12 are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!
Moraine Beautification - Adopt-A-Pot
Happy Spring!
Moraine has six planters in front of the school and one can be yours for the summer!
Here's how Adopt-A-Pot works:
For a donation of $15, you will be funding one of the planters AND you get to take a beautiful pot home for the summer. Your pot/s will be available for you to pick up at the last day of school for you to water and care for over the summer, returning them right before school starts so our school looks beautiful on the first day!
Pots will be assembled by Moraine students during our Spring Clean up on Saturday, April 27th.
Contact Janelle Justin at 586-489-4163 to Adopt-A-Pot!
First come first serve!
Looking For Adventure This Summer? Click the Picture Below to Learn More!
ENVY FC, Northville's local travel soccer club, will be holding tryouts for 2024/2025 teams the weekend of June 8th and 9th. Tryouts are open for boys teams and girls teams with birth years from 2012 to 2016. ENVY teams currently include kids from all 6 Northville elementary schools and both middle schools. For more information about ENVY FC and to pre-register for tryouts, visit ENVYsoccer.com
Girl's Basketball Summer Camp
Please see attachment below for information about the NHS Women's Basketball Summer Camp.
News from the PTA
The Northville Educational Foundation Thank-A-Staff Super Sub campaign is rolling into
spring with a brand-new drawing, and we can't wait for you to be part of it!
Here's your chance to amplify the appreciation for your favorite NPS Staff Member through the
Northville Educational Foundation’s Thank A Staff Super Sub campaign, proudly presented
by Michigan Educational Credit Union! Whether it's a teacher, para pro, food service, admin,
ed tech, operations, or someone at the front desk – if they deserve a shoutout, now’s the time!
How does it work? Simple – a small donation puts your nominee in the running for an afternoon
off, an amazing goody bag from Michigan Educational Credit Union, and a personalized
Certificate of Appreciation! And the best part? Each month there is another drawing.
Let’s keep the momentum going as a community, showing our gratitude and support for the
remarkable teachers, staff, and students who make our district shine! Get all the details and
nominate your standout staff members for the next drawing right here!
FREE Young 5's Program Enrollment now OPEN for Fall 2024!
Kindergarten and Young 5's Enrollment for 2024-25 School Year Only!
Northville Public Schools is now accepting Kindergarten and Young 5’s enrollment for Fall 2024. To be eligible for Kindergarten, students must be 5 on or before September 1, 2024. Students turning 5 between July 1st and December 1st 2024, may enroll with a signed waiver in either Young 5’s or Kindergarten.
Take a look at the Young 5's website to learn more about the program, eligibility, and frequently asked questions. We have also put together a helpful document on key Kindergarten Readiness Indicators. Enroll today in 3 easy steps by visiting our Enrollment page.
Check out the video below to experience our excitement!
Young 5-s Announcement video.mp4
Quick Links for Reference
2023-24 Moraine School Calendar
Moraine Snack Procedure and Birthday Treat Policy
Video Gallery Picture - Exciting NPS Events!
Joe Reimann, Principal
Email: reimannjo@northvilleschools.org
Website: https://moraine.northvilleschools.org/
Location: Moraine Elementary School, Eight Mile Road, Northville, MI, USA
Phone: 248-465-2150
Facebook: facebook.com/groups/morainepta
Twitter: @MorainePenguins
School Lunch Orders Must be in by 7am!
The Northville Public Schools provides a breakfast and hot lunch program for interested students.
Families must preorder lunches for preschools and elementary students. Orders must be in by 7am for all students for breakfast and lunch. The system will not allow you to order after the time listed above. For your convenience, meals can be preordered up to 30 days in advance. To avoid any issues, we recommend ordering the night before.
- All students that may qualify for free or reduced lunch should still fill out the form as they will receive additional benefits. You can find a link to the application in the parent portal or on the district's website under the Food Service tab.
- Check out the Frequently Asked Questions surrounding the Free Meals Program this school year.
- Lunch and Breakfast menus are available online through Nutrislice.
- Breakfast:
- Pre-K and Elementary students:
- All students must pre-order breakfast through Nutrislice. (Instructions on how to place an order through Nutrislice)
- Make sure to include your student number when ordering and choose the correct teacher.
- ALL ORDERS ARE DUE BY 7AM THE DAY OF, *this is a change from last year. You can order up to 30 days in advance.
- Breakfast will be served in the classroom during the school day (not before school).
- If your student wants milk only, this is NOT free. Students must pay for the milk separately.
- Pre-K and Elementary students: