All About Academics
January Updates from Academic Curriculum Coordinators
Welcome to our second installment of All About Academics for the 2024-2025 school year! We have included information about English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Science, FLES, World Language, ELL, Arts, and Library Media Services. Enjoy!
English Language Arts
Just completed:
- Reading: Sharing Reading (Focus on concepts about print, reading with 1:1 match, sharing reading with others)
- Writing: Show and Tell Writing R&W UOS Unit 2 Letter (Drawing, Writing and Labeling, Using words and letters to write sentences)
- Fundations: Letter & sound recognition (a-z/short vowels), letter formation, phonemic awareness (beginning and ending sounds), print/word awareness, rhyming. Fundations Unit 1 Letter
- Heggerty: Home Letters: Heggerty Weeks 9-12 , Heggerty Weeks 13-14
Moving Into:
- Reading: Super Powers: Reading with Phonics and Sight Words
- Writing: Writing for Readers: Writing Readable True Stories R&W UOS Unit 3 Letter
- Fundations: Tapping, Blending and spelling 3 letter words with short vowels, Distinguishing long/short vowels, C or K spelling rules, and Reading Trick Words Fundations Unit 2 Letter & Fundations Unit 3 Letter
- Heggerty: Home Letters: Heggerty Week 15-22
Grade 1
Just completed:
- Reading: Word Detectives (Looking closely at letters, orthographically mapping words with long and short vowels, compound words, endings, and retelling stories)
- Writing: Writing How-To Books R&W UOS Unit 2 Letter
- Fundations: Blending and reading three sound short vowel words, segmenting and spelling three sound short vowel words, phoneme segmentation, Introduction of digraphs (wh, ch, sh, th, ck), practice of high-frequency trick words, and sentence dictation. Fundations Unit 3 Letter, Fundations Unit 4 Letter, Fundations Unit 5 Letter
- Heggerty: Home Letters: Heggerty Weeks 8-10, Heggerty Weeks 11-14
Moving Into:
- Reading: Learning About the World: Non-Fiction Text Sets
- Writing: Non-Fiction Topic Books R&W UOS Unit 3 Letter
- Fundations: Glued Sounds (ank, ink, onk, unk, reading and spelling words with ng, nk), consonant blends (blending and reading words with 4 sounds), New Sounds: R controlled vowels: er, ir, ur, Vowel Teams: ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oi, oy, oa, oe, ow, ou, oo, au, aw) Suffix: s, ed, ing. Segmenting and blending 5 sounds. Reading and Spelling Trick Words Fundations Unit 7 Letter, Fundations Unit 8 Letter, Fundations Unit 9 Letter, and Fundations Unit 10 Letter
- Heggerty: Home Letters: Heggerty Week 19-24
Grade 2
Just completed:
- Reading: Becoming Experts at Reading Non-Fiction (understanding information in non-fiction texts, text features, building knowledge and vocabulary through text sets, and exposure to different non-fiction genres)
- Writing: Non-Fiction Chapter Books R&W UOS Unit 2 Letter
- Fundations: Blending and reading words with glued sounds (ie: all, am, an ild, ind, old), segmenting and spelling words with glued sounds, fluent passage reading, practice of high frequency trick words, and story retelling. Fundations Unit 4 Letter, Fundations Unit 5 Letter, Fundations Unit 6 Letter
- Heggerty: Home Letters: Heggerty Weeks 8-10, Heggerty Weeks 11-14
Moving Into:
- Reading: Tackling Longer Words and Longer Books
- Writing: Finding Awesome Everywhere - Opinion Writing R&W UOS Unit 3 Letter
- Fundations: R Controlled syllables (er, ir, ur), Double vowel syllable types, Review ee, ea and ey, Multisyllabic reading and spelling. Reading and Spelling Trick Words. Fundations Unit 9 Letter, Fundations Unit 10 Letter, Fundations Unit 11 Letter
- Heggerty: Home Letters: Heggerty Week 19-24
Grade 3
Finished in November:
- Reading: Reading to Learn: Grasping Main Ideas and Text Structures
- Writing: The Art of Informational Writing
- Fundations: Review of vowel-consonant-e syllables and spelling rule, review of division of multi-syllabic words, spelling multi-syllabic words, lowercase cursive letter formation Fundations Unit 3, Fundations Unit 4, Fundations Unit 5
Currently in:
- Reading: Mystery: Foundational Skills in Disguise
- Writing: Changing the World: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions and Editorials
- Fundations: “y” and suffix spelling rule, Pluralizing for words ending in “y”, Consonale -le syllable review and exception, tion/sion, R- controlled syllable combining and, writing Uppercase Cursive letters Fundations Unit 7 Letter, Fundations Unit 8 Letter and Fundations Unit 9 Letter.
Grade 4
Finished in November:
- Reading: Nonfiction: Reading the Weather, Reading the World
- Writing: Writing Boxes and Bullets: Personal and Persuasive Essay
- Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop: Defining words, work with synonyms and antonyms, sentence completion, word associations, work with Latin/Greek roots, words in context
- Sadlier Grammar Workshop: Simple subjects, simple predicates, present tense, comparison
Currently in:
- Reading: Details and Synthesis
- Writing: Literary Essay: Writing About Fiction
- Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop: Defining words, work with synonyms and antonyms, sentence completion, word associations, work with Latin/Greek roots, words in context
- Sadlier Grammar Workshop: Nouns: Proper, singular, plural, possessive; contractions
Grade 5
Finished in November:
- Reading: Tackling Complexity: Moving up Levels of Nonfiction
- Writing: Journalism Writing
- Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop: Defining words, work with synonyms and antonyms, sentence completion, word associations, work with Latin/Greek roots, words in context
- Sadlier Grammar Workshop: Simple/compound sentences, possessive nouns, simple tense: past & present
Currently in:
- Reading: Fantasy Book Clubs (Themes and Symbols)
- Writing: Literary Essay
- Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop: Defining words, work with synonyms and antonyms, sentence completion, word associations, work with Latin/Greek roots, words in context
- Sadlier Grammar Workshop: Nouns: Proper, singular, plural, possessive. Adverbs, complex sentences, fragments, Verbs: linking, phrases, irregular.
Students are currently working in the following units:
Grade 6
- Reading: Navigating Non-Fiction
- Writing: Informational Writing
Grade 7
- Reading: Contemporary Fiction & Literary Response
- Writing: Literary Responses
Grade 8
- Reading: Dystopian
- Writing: Literary Essay
Students will be moving into the following units after February Break:
Grade 6
- Reading: Research Across Text-Sets
- Writing: Argument Writing
Grade 7
- Reading: Essential Research Skills: Argument
- Writing: Argument Writing
Grade 8
- Reading: Night & The Human Experience- Assured Text (In preparation for their Washington D.C. trip and visit to The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
- Writing: Night & The Human Experience Written Responses and CAPSTONE Essay.
Middle School Advanced English
- The students in English 6A, 7A, and 8A participate in the same units as students in English 6, 7, and 8 with augmented lessons and instructional materials to bolster the advanced teaching and learning experience. Additional skills, activities, and resources are used to enrich the advanced curricular materials.
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in English Language Arts?
Contact Kim Paladino: Kimberly_Paladino@Greenwich.k12.ct.us, head to our website, or click on the banner above.
Social Studies
Our Social Studies curriculum has been updated to match the newest K-12 Social Studies Standards for Connecticut. Parents can learn more about these shifts by reviewing our K-8 Curriculum Page on the GPS website. Social Studies learning standards help students to effectively study and critically think about how people process and document the human experience. Students then garner a capacity for communication, empathy, and citizenship through critical thinking, reflection, and appreciation of diverse viewpoints.
GPS students study contemporary and historical writers and thinkers to develop their abilities to critically read, write, speak, and think, ultimately preparing them to excel in today’s global society. Together, these areas of study prepare students for success in college and career while also ensuring students are informed, engaged participants in civic life. In addition, students study other writers and thinkers, contemporary and historical, to develop their abilities to read, write, speak, and think critically and globally.
Student transition back and forth from science and social studies on a unit-by-unit basis according to the district suggested pacing calendar. In the grades listed below, students first units include learning and projects on topics related to:
- Kindergarten: Communities Past and Present
- Grade 1: Honoring the Past & Present
- Grade 2: Leadership Past & Present
- Grade 3: State Constitution and Government
- Grade 4: Location, Place & Movement
- Grade 5: Colonial Era
Middle School
- Grade 6: Currently exploring Europe, examining its diverse topography, climate, and vegetation to understand the continent’s critical geographic features. Soon, they will journey into the historical realms of classical Greece and Rome to study the origins of democracy and republicanism.
- Grade 7: Beginning the study of Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on how its four geographic zones influenced the rise of civilizations and their interactions with one another and with those in the Middle East and North Africa
- Grade 8: Ending the Constitution Unit in January (the Bill of Rights, Supreme Court Cases, and the Document-Based Question assessment) and then moving into Unit 3: The Early Republic in early February.
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in Elementary Social Studies? Contact Tara Fogel: Tara_Fogel@greenwichk12.ct.us. Want to learn more about what your child is learning in Middle School Social Studies? Contact Thomas Healy: thomas_healy@Greenwich.k12.ct.us, head to our website, or click on the banner above.
Please be on the lookout for the family letter that comes home before each chapter. These letters provide context, learning targets, and success criteria for the chapter.
Kindergarten: Add Numbers Within 10.
Grade 1: Count and Write Numbers to 120.
Grade 2: Understand Place Value to 1,000.
Grade 3: Round and Estimate Numbers.
Grade 4: Factors, Multiples and Patterns
Grade 5: Divide Decimals.
Elementary ALP Math
- The ALP Math curriculum compacts a year and a half of the curriculum into a single year. In addition, additional supplemental enrichment opportunities are used to meet the various needs of ALP students.
Middle School
Middle schoolers are typically enrolled in one of the following seven courses:
Course 6: Algebraic Expressions and Properties
Course 6A: Ratios, Rates, and Proportions.
Course 7: Equations and inequalities.
Pre-Algebra 6 & 7: Graphing and Writing Linear Equations.
Pre-Algebra 8: Graphing and Writing Linear Equations.
Algebra: Solving Systems of Linear Equations.
Geometry: Congruent Triangles.
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in math? Please visit the support on our website for access to support videos and topics to practice. Contact Mike Reid: mike_reid@greenwich.k12.ct.us, or head to our website.
As anticipated, your students' science notebooks are full of models, data, evidence, and discovery. Student transition back and forth from science and social studies on a unit-by-unit basis according to the district suggested pacing calendar. Moving into the second science unit the school year students engage in scientific explanations based on evidence, focus on project based learning and team work during engineering challenges, and continue to hone modeling skills by make their thinking visible!
In the grades listed below, students second units of science include learning and projects on topics related to:
- Kindergarten: Animals, Plants, and Their Environment
- Grade 1: Sun, Moons and Stars
- Grade 2: Land and Water
- Grade 3: Forces, Motion, and Invisible Forces
- Grade 4: Magnetism & Electricity
- Grade 5: Climate
Elementary ALP Science:
The students in Elementary ALP Science participate in the same units as students in grades 3, 4 and 5 Science with extension activities and performance expectations.
Be sure to ask your child: How have you used your science notebook to keep track of your wonderings, evidence and discoveries this week?
Middle School
Phenomena, modeling, and projects! Oh my! You may have heard your students talking about models or projects in class. Each unit in middle school science allows students to make their thinking visible, grapple with real-world phenomena, and engage in individual and team projects. Currently, students in the middle school classroom are on their fist unit of the school year. Students engage in scientific explanations based on evidence.
- Grade 6: Nature vs. Nurture, Thermal Energy and Climate
- Grade 7: Cycles of Energy & Matter, Ecosystems
- Grade 8: Exploring our Solar System, Adaptation Over Time
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in science?
Contact Tara Fogel: tara_fogel@greenwich.k12.ct.us, head to our website, or click on the banner above.
Advanced Learning Program
Upcoming 2024-2025 Information Sessions
Grade 5 Middle School Transition
Middle school counselors, middle school principals, and curriculum coordinators will go live on Wednesday, January 22 to answer questions about what goes on in the spring and summer to help prepare students for the next school level. During this session, parents may also ask questions regarding the placement process for Advanced Studies in Grades 6-8. To accommodate parent schedules, morning and afternoon sessions are being held. Parents are invited to attend either session.
Wednesday, January 22
9:30 AM Zoom link, 10:30 AM (Spanish) Zoom link
7:00 PM Zoom link, 8:00 PM (Spanish) Zoom link
Links to the videos as well as the transcribed slides regarding the fifth to sixth grade transition, are available on the transition website and it is recommended that parents review this information before attending meetings.
In order to provide input for your student’s middle school placement, parents are given an opportunity to provide the committee with their insights via the Parent Input Form prior to February 7.
Elementary ALP Information
Save the date! The ALP Leadership Team is hosting a virtual Q&A to answer questions about the placement process for Advanced Studies for Elementary ALP for the 25-26 School Year on Tuesday, March 11. To accommodate parent schedules, morning and afternoon sessions are being held. Parents are invited to attend either session.
Tuesday, March 11
9:30 AM Zoom link
7:00 PM Zoom link
Want to learn more about Advanced Learning? Get in touch with our team at
advancedlearning@greenwich.k12.ct.us, head to our website, or click on the banner above.
K-8 ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
We are gearing up to administer the annual LAS Links assessment to all English learners in grades K-12 in order to evaluate their progress in and mastery of English language acquisition. This testing window runs from January through early March.
In K-2 ESOL, we are reading our favorite story books, looking for sight words we know, learning about story elements, crafting all about/expert books, and using non-fiction text features to help us navigate non-fiction text. In ESOL, we try to reinforce/use Fundations that are taught in the general education classroom in both reading and writing.
In 3-5 ESOL, based on the reading/writing curriculum, we read books and focused on learning about characters, story elements, and themes! We recently transitioned into reading informational texts. In writing, we published personal narratives, and have transitioned into writing informational texts.
At the middle school level, multilingual learners in the beginning classes enjoyed presenting and sampling foods from different U.S. regions as part of their culminating project in the U.S. Geography unit. Students at the intermediate level participated in debates to practice persuasive techniques in the persuasive writing unit. Multilingual learners in the advanced level classes are enjoying the twists and turns in short stories by classic American authors, and analyzing theme and craft.
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in English for Speakers of Other Languages?
Contact Geoffrey Schenker geoffrey-schenker@greenwich.k12.ct.us, head to our ESOL websites, or click on the banner below.
FLES & World Languages
In grades K-2 FLES, students are learning how to say what they like or do not like to do, give their age and ask others, and describe where an animal lives in the target language.
In grades 3-5 FLES, students are actively engaged in describing what makes a place special by comparing places where the target language is spoken.
In grades 3-5 Native Spanish Language Arts, students are learning how to make express ideas and feelings when reading literature, as well as identify literary devices as they are used in a text.
In middle school, both Spanish and French students are continuing with rigorous units of study. Students are reinforcing and improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in the context of the thematic units such as family, recreational activities, house and home, and health.
Our middle school Spanish Native Language Arts students are building on their previously developed foundational oral and literacy skills in order to explore themes and literature associated school, short stories, and immigration.
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in World Language?
Contact Geoffrey Schenker geoffrey_schenker@greenwich.k12.ct.us, head to our World Language Program websites, or click on the banner above.
K-8 Arts: Music
December was filled with winter concerts all across the district! The GPS community was treated to seasonal sounds from our Bands, Choirs, Orchestras and Middle School Select Ensembles. As students prepared, they not only reinforced and perfected repertoire, but also learned what it means to perform as a group and work together.
Students might ask: How do I know that I played the correct rhythm? Is my third finger position the same as my peers? What does it mean to articulate clearly and how do I do it? Is my vowel shape correct? What is the length of phrase for this song? Am I keeping a steady beat while watching the conductor? What do I do if I miss a rhythm and loose my place with the ensemble?
Students are constantly refining their practice by reflecting in the moment as they are playing and hearing their ensemble peers. Performing music is certainly an amazing experience which gives the audience a smile and opportunity to tap their feet, but the cognitive processing each student experiences pays dividends for developing our learners in multi-sensory feedback loops that increase their capacity to problem solve and process multi-step tasks.
Understanding what it means to be a performer is another lesson concert season brings for students. It can be challenging to manage nerves when performing in front of peers and community members, whether it is the first time or tenth time. Understanding emotions while also being mindful of the feedback from our conductor/teachers is an important framework for future success in life and all our school-based pursuits.
K-8 Arts: Visual Arts
Our Visual Art students have been busy continuing to grow their skills by understanding form, value, exploring 3D, working with artistic and functional mixed media, implementing specific techniques in water color, and investigating linocut prints.
Grade K-2 students have worked with different mediums such as chalk and pastels to capture still life. Students drew inspiration from Alma Thomas as they worked with markers to explore abstract designs and scenes. Then students extended their 2D technique to developing watercolor skills with dip/drip/dab/dash, to perfect brush stroke control.
Grade 3/4/5 students have been working with form by applying depth and value to common shapes. As we progress through this winter, students will also work in 3D with clay and/or model magic to create, or they might make their own delicious Oldenburg-inspired work!
GPS students continually explore art from different countries such as Huichol Yarn Paintings or Romero Britto's works which were masterfully crafted from whatever mediums were available.
Finally, our elementary students have also been inspired by seminal artists like Keith Haring, helping us understand that everyone is an artist and part of our community.
Our MS students have been working with mixed media as they plan, create, reflect and express their artistic purpose. Both CMS and WMS celebrate their semester 1 art shows in January, while EMS and ISD had receptions in December. Our district Art show will be upcoming March 25, 26 and April 1st at 299 Greenwich Ave, in the Greenwich Arts Council galleries. Both school-based art shows and our district art show are listed online in our 2024-25 Arts Performance Calendar
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in Art & Music? Contact James Antonucci at james_antonucci@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Please follow us on X: @GPSArt_Music
Physical Education K-8
HORSE at Riverside
Riverside School held their annual 5th Grade PE HORSE Basketball Tournament. Here is a picture of the student winners with PE Teachers Bill Bogardus & Jay D’Andrea
Winter golf at Cos Cob School
For the second year in a row PE Teachers Phil D'Amato and Mike Fina bring in some holiday cheer to the Cos Cob community. The holiday themed course was integrated into a PE segment on golf
Ghost Bowling at Parkway
At the end of October, students at Parkway School eagerly jumped into the highly anticipated Ghost Bowling unit in PE! In this exciting unit, students worked in teams to knock down ghost-themed pins using an underhand toss with bean bags. They practiced consistent tossing patterns to improve accuracy and distance, applied the concepts of direction and force to aim at their targets, and, most importantly, strengthened their teamwork and collaboration skills while working toward a shared goal.
Business as NORMS at Hamilton Avenue
Dr Lynch's class: Dr. Fabian working with Mrs. Priess' 5th Grade class. The purpose of the visit was to have the students work through how to follow the School Norms during physical education
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in K-8 Physical Education and Health?
Contact Peter Georgiou at peter_georgiou@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Library Media Services
Battle of the Books 2025: Get Ready for an Epic Showdown!
Our elementary schools are once again diving into the world of literature with the Annual Battle of the Books! This engaging school library program encourages fifth graders to explore quality literature during the summer and throughout the school year.
Once again, all of our 11 elementary schools are participating in this year's reading program. Each school will proudly send a team of five students to the District Competition, where they will showcase their knowledge and passion for ten carefully selected books.
📅 Mark Your Calendars:
- Event Date: Tuesday, January 21 at 6:30 PM
- Snow Date: Wednesday, January 22 at 6:30 PM
- Location: Greenwich High School Performing Arts Center
Join us for a night of friendly competition, teamwork, and a shared love for reading! 📚✨
We Celebrated the Hour of Code!
In today’s technology-driven world, we believe that understanding how technology works is key to turning that dream into reality.
That’s why our elementary schools participated in the Hour of Code, part of Computer Science Education Week (December 9–15). This global event inspired over 100 million students worldwide, equipping them with essential 21st-century skills.
During the week, students engaged in activities that introduced them to basic coding concepts, problem-solving strategies, and the value of teamwork and collaboration. These skills will serve as a foundation for their success in many dynamic and professional fields.
Media Buzz: Middle School Edition
The weather outside might be frightful at this time of year, but Western Middle School students know just what to do - they are regularly visiting the Library Media Center for independent reading, book selection, and participating in collaborative sessions about curriculum units of study, subscription database instruction, and genre book-talking.
In Digital Literacy, Western students in 6th and 8th grade are having important and impactful conversations about Digital Citizenship and working through all six steps of the GPS Research Process (Task Definition, Information Seeking Strategies, Location & Access, Use of Information, Synthesis, and Evaluation) to wrap up their 2nd quarter mini-research projects on topics such as life inside a beehive, the effect of video games on kids & teens, and all about a career. They are utilizing multiple tools, technology and strategies to analyze information, evaluate websites, take notes, create infographics, and cite their sources... they will be well-prepared for the work to come during their 8th grade Capstone projects!
Students at Eastern Middle School are hard at work as well! In addition to using Ed Club to improve their typing skills, 6th grade Digital Literacy students are using google spreadsheets to keep track of data. Students are also researching a country of their choice, taking notes and keeping track of their resources using Noodletools, a digital research tool used throughout the district. Shortly they will be using their notes to create and share their presentations to their classmates. To encourage reading for all students, the Media Center bulletin boards are currently displaying a variety of book titles with winter and top "25" themes. Thank you to Ms. Lethbridge, our new Library Assistant this year, for the wonderful bulletin board displays and to our parent volunteers as well!
Last but not least, the department is excited to welcome Jaime Alascia to the team as the Library Media Specialist at Central Middle School; she arrives just in time for the third-quarter and we know we can look forward to great things for the students at CMS!
Want to learn more about what your child is learning in Library Media? Contact Esra Murray esra_murray@greenwich.k12.ct.us or Pia Ledina pia_ledina@greenwich.k12.ct.us
Academic Curriculum Coordinators
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Website: https://www.greenwichschools.org/teaching-learning/k-8-curriculum
Location: 290 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT, USA