Laura Lee Newsletter
The Beehive Bulletin, June 9, 2024
Important Dates To Remember
June 10 - 14, 2024; Spirit Week
Wednesday, June 12, 2024; 1:00 pm dismissal
Friday, June 14, 2024; Monthly Student Awards
Monday, June 17, 2024; 8th Grade Graduation
Tuesday, June 18, 2024; Last Day of School
Spirit Week
We will be having Spirit Week, June 10th - June 14th. This will be a fun and memory making week!
Monday, June 10th: Ice Cream Truck, School Store
Tuesday, June 11th: Field Day, Cookout
Wednesday, June 12th: Waffle Wednesday, Talent Show
Thursday, June 13th: Castle Tournament, DJ/Karoke
Friday, June 14th: Fun Friday, Monthly Student Awards
Monday, June 17th: Dress Up Day, 8th Grade Graduation, 8th Grade Family Luncheon
Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School
Email: paulapeters@lowell.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/lauralee
Location: 235 Powell Street, Lowell, MA 01851
Phone: (978)937-7655