News from Room 208
Weekly Updates from Miss DeWitt's Class
April 7, 2017
Spirit Days
We had so much fun this week with our spirit days! Here are some pictures to show how it went!
This week was also a week in which we did not have math class every day due to Forward testing. Good news is, we only have one test to go! In math, we focused on improper fractions and mixed numbers. We learned that an improper fractions are greater than one whole, and that means the numerator is greater than its denominator. We also learned that improper fractions can be written as a whole number and a fraction, which is called a mixed number.
We practiced writing improper fractions as mixed numbers and vice versa using two different tools: sheet protectors and online fraction strips. The students will get to decide, after practice using both, which they feel more comfortable using for the remainder of the unit.
The sheet protectors have all the unit fractions we use in 4th grade. Each kiddo would look at the improper fraction or mixed number, find the correct unit fraction sheet to use, and color that fraction in on their sheet protectors with a dry erase marker. If they started with an improper fraction, they would see how many whole fraction strips they colored in (the whole number in a mixed number), and how many unit fractions were left over (the fraction in a mixed number). If they started with a mixed number they would color in the whole number first, then the fraction. Then all they had to do was count the number of unit fractions and have their answer as an improper fraction!
The online fraction strips work in a similar way, just on the computer instead of on paper. This is a great resource for your child to use at home on homework! I hope they were able to show you this tool! I do have the link on my school website under "Links and Resources", and I also include it as a QR Code on each homework assignment for easy access.
Social Studies
We learned about the Lead Rush that occurred in Wisconsin during the 1800's. This was big reason why our state became so populated with people! Lead was a resource that a lot of people used during this time period, and many men came to Wisconsin with the hopes of becoming miners for lead. We learned that these people often times came without the necessary materials to survive, and lived in caves like badgers rather than building homes. This is the reason why we are known as the Badger State. The students were very surprised, as they thought our name came from an overwhelming population of badgers in the state.
No School--Spring Break
Monday, Apr 10, 2017, 12:30 PM
Pewaukee Schools
Guidance Lesson with Mrs. Farrow
Monday, Apr 17, 2017, 01:45 PM
Miss DeWitt's Room
Forward Testing--Mathematics
Wednesday, Apr 19, 2017, 09:00 AM
Miss DeWitt's Room
Madison Field Trip
Friday, Apr 21, 2017, 08:30 AM
Capitol Building and Wisconsin Historical Museum
Miss DeWitt
Email: dewilyn@pewaukeeschools.org
Website: http://pewaukee.schoolwires.net/site/Default.aspx?PageID=1028
Phone: (262) 701-5557