Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Ordinary People
“September 11, 2001, revealed heroism in ordinary people who might have gone through their lives never called upon to demonstrate the extent of their courage.” — Geraldine Brooks
September 13th - Clay County Vaccination Rate is 41.1%.
Tuesday, 9AM - Community Foundation, 10:30-11:30 AM - Free Blood Pressure Check @ESCC; 3PM - Community Center Phase II Steering Committee; 4PM - Municipal Court
Wednesday, 8AM - 1PM/4-6PM - Farmer's Market @ESCC
Friday, 7:30AM - Council Work Session; 6PM - DEP Annual Dinner
- Community Foundation will discuss logo & website design, fundraiser.
- Community Center will discuss Market Analysis & Operations Plan, Stormwater Management Approach, Aquatics Design Concepts, Temporary Pool Enclosure, Shade, Restroom, & Pool Mech, concessions
- Council Agenda items under development include audit presentation, budget approval, liquor license, Housing Authority appointment, wellness agreement, sale of property, accept public element, selection of Bond Counsel, Royal Hotel hearing, 353 projects
Key Project Updates
- IRS granted the Community Foundation of Excelsior Springs 501c3 status, effective 8/30/2019
To Enhance the Quality for All...
The events of 911, forever changed how communities prepare for & work to prevent emergencies. In response to 911, local agencies committed to working together through the Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Committee. The KC region engages a broad coalition of partners to improve our preparedness efforts. This cooperation allows our region to enhance capabilities far beyond what a single organization could do alone. Here are a few examples of the work across the region since 2001:
- Improved communications: Improved radio communication capability across the region. Excelsior Springs is a part of this communications system.
- Enhanced partnerships: Better connected emergency operations centers & dispatch. Excelsior Springs is directly connected with Kearney & Gladstone, with other agencies considering to join this micro-partnership.
- Information sharing: Increased level of interagency communications, analysis & information sharing to better anticipate & counter threats.
- Specialized response teams: Specialized response teams are in place (hazmat, technical rescue, explosive ordinance response, enhanced tactical & a regional mass fatality team), to respond to threats anywhere in the region. The teams train & exercise together so they are more seamlessly able to support one another.
- Improved pre-hospital care communications: The KC region's investments to enhance communication & coordination between paramedics & health care facilities ensures timely & appropriate pre-hospital care.
- Enhanced public engagement: Coalition partners continue to engage the public about threat risks & opportunities to help protect themselves. Most local jurisdictions have implemented mass notification systems to help residents stay informed.
Choose Your Attitude!
As part of the NWMO Wine Trail, not only is Excelsior Springs home to one of the most unique natural mineral springs in the world – but this little city is the best wine destination because the history is mesmerizing, the people are fantastic, & the quality of the winemaking will certainly impress you. Conveniently located, it’s easy to stay & enjoy the entire weekend tasting Missouri wine varietals, local craft beers & handmade distilled spirits (not to mention incredible food with perfect wine pairings). Read ~ Top 5 Reasons To Go Wine Tasting In Excelsior Springs (impeccablypaired.com)
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752