HPE Patriot Post
Harrison Parkway Elementary
October 25, 2024
Attendance for week of October 07-11: 96.25%
HPE Expectation/Goal is 97%
Upcoming Events at HPE
10/21-11/1= Texas Roadhouse Fundraiser
08 = Picture retake (AM only)
14 = Family Night (5:30pm-7:00pm)
25 = Body Safety
27-29 = Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL
02-07 = HPE Bookfair
05 = Grandparents Day (More information to come soon)
06 = Grandparents Day (More information to come soon)
07 = HPE PTO Pancake Breakfast
23-Jan 06 = Winter Break NO SCHOOL
FHS Choirs Winter Spectacular Elementary Student Feature
FHS Choirs would like to invite your elementary-aged student to perform alongside our high schoolers at our 2024 Winter Spectacular performances! If interested, please fill out the form below by Wednesday November 6th to be considered! Please reach out to Laney De Luna (ldeluna@hse.k12.in.us) with any questions!
Form Link:
Lunch Menu - Week of October 28, 2024
Please be mindful there can be last minute changes.
Monday = Calzon Italian Beef Pepperoni with Spicy Cauliflower Bites
Tuesday = Walking Taco with Pinto Beans w/Salsa
Wednesday = Chicken Nuggets with Roasted Sweet Roots
Thursday = Joe Fritos Sammy with Pizza Green Beans
Friday = French Toast and Sausage with Orange Glazed Carrots
**Daily alternate entrees: PBJ; Impossible Burger, Pizza Pack Box, Asian Teriyaki Salad, Garden Salad.
All lunches are served with milk, vegetable and fruit.
Counselor's Corner
Dear HPE Families,
As required by the Indiana Department of Education and Senate Enrolled Act (SEA) 355, Hamilton Southeastern Schools will be providing Body Safety education to our students again this year. These lessons will be provided by the Indiana Center for Prevention of Youth Abuse (ICPYA). All students at HPE (K-4) will receive age-appropriate lessons on Friday, November 22nd.
Prior to your child participating in this program, we are providing you with information regarding the specific content of the lesson. You can view this grade level specific information on the ICPYA created site at: https://www.indianaprevention.org/parentresources
This evidence-based program provides basic abuse prevention education to students. Students will learn anatomically correct names for private body parts, basic body safety rules, how to recognize common tactics – or lures – abusers use to manipulate their victims and be encouraged to talk to their trusted adults if they have a safety concern. It is essential that we empower our children with knowledge and tools to protect themselves from potential harm.
As partners in your child's education, we highly value your involvement in this initiative. We believe that a strong partnership between school and home is crucial to reinforcing the lessons learned during the training. Therefore, we encourage you to discuss the subject with your child at home and reinforce the importance of speaking up about any uncomfortable or concerning situations.
Please be assured that the safety and well-being of your child are of the utmost priority to us. We are dedicated to creating a school environment where every student feels safe, respected, and supported.
If, after exploring the online resource, you do not want your child to participate in this experience, please send an email to Mrs. Williams (rbwilliams@hse.k12.in.us) or please print and sign the attached form and send it in prior to November 15th. If you indicated at the beginning of the year via Skyward forms that you did not want your child to participate, you do not need to send a separate email.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs. Landez, principal, Mr. Perry, assistant principal or Mrs. Williams, counselor. Thank you for your continued partnership and support from home.
Thank you!
Bethany Williams
HPE School Counselor
Social Emotional Learning
In this week’s lesson, your child will review part of the brain, then identify strategies or “tools” to reset the brain and body in moments of big feelings and get back to the Green Zone.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share one strategy they learned to reset their brain and body to feel calm
First Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will review parts of the brain, then identify strategies or “tools” to reset the brain in moments of big emotions to get back to the Green Zone.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share some strategies that can reset their brain (ask for a hug, get a drink, smile, stretch, listen to music, take a screen free break, etc.)
Second Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will review parts of the brain, then identify strategies or “tools” to reset the brain in moments of big emotions to get back to the Green Zone.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share some strategies that can reset their brain (ask for a hug, get a drink, smile, stretch, listen to music, take a screen free break, etc.)
Third Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will consider how posting selfies or other images could lead others to make assumptions about them. They will begin to reflect on the most important parts of their unique identity and identify ways they can post online to best reflect who they are.
Try This at Home:
Discuss with your child some of the different characteristics they identified as being the most important parts of their identity, help brainstorm some other unique characteristics of your child’s identity. Talk with them about what they could post online to show represent those characteristics.
Fourth Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to name their feelings and fit them into categories or zones with other feelings that are similar.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to share with you about the four Zones of Regulation (Red, Blue, Green, & Yellow) and which is the best to be in for learning (Green). Have your child describe what being in the Green Zone looks and feels like to them.
Book Fair
The book fair will be open for shopping December 2 - 6 during the school day. We will also be open during the pancake breakfast from 8-10:30 on December 7 in the library.
Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up
Are you interested in helping at the book fair? Please make sure you have a safe visitor pass before ou sign up. Check out the sign up for different opportunities:
Set Up
Preview Days
Shopping Days
Grandparent/Special Person Days
Dental Day
Dear Families,
HSE Schools welcome the Smiles Program/Mobile Dentists to provide a free exam and cleaning to your student while they are in school. We understand many families do not have dental insurance and cannot afford the costs out of pocket, so we hope this will provide the dental care your student needs.
Mobile Dentists accepts dental insurance as well, so please provide that information if you’d like to register your student(s).
Harrison Parkway Elementary is hosting the Mobile Dentists on November 14th & 15th.
To register your student(s), please complete a form by using one of the following methods:
· Go to: www.myschooldentist.com, find your school in the listing and complete the form
· Scan the QR code to take you to the website
· Pick up a permission form and send in with your student or scan and email to your building nurse or Amy Hanna at: ahanna@hse.k12.in.us. Copies will be sent home with students.
Please complete all information on the form. If information is missing, you may be asked to complete another form. You may submit the form by Friday, November 1st to ensure Mobile Dentists have time to process the forms prior to the appointment date.
If you have any further questions, feel free to go to the website: www.myschooldentist.com
Vision Screening
Vision screening is required by the Indiana State Board of Health for all 1st grade students. First grade will have vision screenings on October 30th. Near and far vision will be screened. This is only a screening to determine if further evaluation is needed. Parents will be notified only if your student does not pass the screening. If your child wears glasses, please make sure they have them at school the day of the screening for accurate results.
If you decline to have your student screened, please notify the school nurse, Jenny Leonard, via email jleonard@hse.k12.in.us by Friday, Oct. 25th.
PTO Board Members
Co-President: Lindsey Berndt
Co-President: Mandy Leverenz
Vice President: Amanda McCullough
Treasurer: Carla Sklorenko
Co-Secretary: Jamie Davis
Co-Secretary: Kaitlin Trueblood
PTO News
PTO Website: https://hpepto.com
Join our email list: https://volunteer-45556.cheddarup.com
Contact the PTO: HPEptoVolunteer@gmail.com
Stay informed and connected to the HPE community!
Like the PTO Page - https://www.facebook.com/HPEPTO and join the Harrison Parkway
Elementary Parents group on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/harrisonparkwayelementaryparents
Teacher and Staff Favorites
Easy Ways to Help the PTO!
For Kroger, login to your online account or create one using the Kroger Plus Card number you already have or get a new one. Then go to www.kroger.com/communityrewards and enroll in Community Rewards. Search for “VA241” and select “HARRISON PARKWAY ELEMENTARY - PTO.”
Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit your school’s earnings online. If you find any traditional Box Top “official coupons” on a product, please clip them and send them to school.
Donate money directly to the PTO with the ‘No Frills’ fundraiser! https://no-frills-fundraiser.cheddarup.com
The Texas Roadhouse Gift Card fundraiser has begun!
Please be on the lookout in your patriot's backpacks for the Texas Roadhouse gift card fundraiser packet. This is a huge fundraiser for HPE and makes great holiday gifts. Gift Cards valued at $25 are sold for $30 and include 6 free appetizer cards. HPE makes $7.50 on each gift card sold. This is a prepaid fundraiser, so please be sure to collect all payments upfront. Gift cards can be used at any of the 500 Texas Roadhouse locations nationwide! The gift cards and coupons never expire or lose value.
If our school achieves a goal of $5,000 total in gift cards sold, HPE gets 15% back instead of 10%!
The top-selling student will receive a $100 Amazon gift card if we reach the $5,000 goal or a VIP Dinner Package for 2 if we do not. Every student who sells at least one gift card will receive a free kids' meal. Every student who sells $100 in gift cards will receive a $10 certificate to Texas Roadhouse!
Order forms and payments must be turned in no later than November 1st! Please make all checks payable to Harrison Parkway Elementary PTO. You can also submit and pay for gift card orders electronically through this link - https://texas-roadhouse-gift-cards-2024.cheddarup.com
Important Parent Information
Attendance Line
If your student will be absent from school, or tardy, for any reason, please report it to the office by 9:00am by calling the attendance line. You may leave a message 24 hours a day by calling 317-915-4210 and selecting 2.
If you prefer to communicate an absence by email, you may send a ParentSquare message or directly email Amy Powell, at apowell@hse.k12.in.us
Lost & Found
Harrison Parkway Elementary has a Lost & Found located outside of the Music Room for any lost items. On the last day of each month, we donate all items to charities that serve people in need. Please have your student check it out if they are missing items.
Transportation Change During the Day
Occasionally, parents must make unplanned transportation changes during the school day. All telephone calls must be received by 1:00 pm. This is to allow enough time to accurately deliver messages to teachers, as well as time to confirm the change if necessary. Please do not call the school after 1:00 pm to make a transportation change except in the case of extreme emergencies.
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information.
HSE Report It!
A school safety mobile reporting app that allows students, staff and community members to provide anonymous information about concerns for their own safety or the safety of others. HSE Report it!, can be downloaded via Google Play or the Apple App Store. It’s anonymous and reports are made exclusively through the mobile app. HSE Report it! will has no length limitations or the need to remember a short code. Reporters can attach photos, screenshots, videos, documents and/or audio recordings to their concerns and they can engage in a two-way dialogue with a real person.
Harrison Parkway Elementary School
Website: https://hpe.hseschools.org/
Location: 14135 Harrison Parkway, Fishers, IN, United States
Phone: 317-915-4210
Twitter: @HPEPatriots
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551616581898