6th Grade WEB - Thursday, August 24
Welcome to Discovery - Where Everybody Belongs!!
6th Grade Web
Thursday, Aug 22, 2024, 09:00 AM
Discovery Middle School, Hanford Road, Canton, MI, USA
Get Ready to Join the Nest!!
We are busy preparing for your child's 6th-grade WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) Orientation. This is your child’s first step as a middle schooler and is a student-only function. Please make plans for your child to take the bus, walk to Discovery, or drop them off at the front entrance where the WEB leaders will meet them.
Also, please make sure your student knows how they are getting home after their WEB Orientation Day; if you are picking them up, will it be at Discovery or at their elementary school? If you are picking them up at Discovery, a good place to meet them is the front loop. The morning is very active, so students should dress in comfortable clothes and leave backpacks, purses, etc. at home if possible.
What is WEB?
WEB creates safety and comfort for your new 6th graders. While the transition to middle school can be a major event in a young person's life, very few strategies for support exist in most middle schools. WEB was developed in response to the recognized need for a middle school transition program and based on the philosophy of the very successful high school transition program, Link Crew.
WEB begins with a fun and energetic orientation day that gets 6th graders excited and proud to be attending their new middle school. It also allows them to begin developing relationships with other students as well as learn strategies that will contribute to their middle school success. WEB continues after orientation providing a variety of both Academic and Social Follow Up Activities throughout the year.
More information about WEB can be found on the Boomerang Project website at www.boomerangproject.com
Transportation Information
P-CCS Provided School Bus Schedule
- Bus Pick Up Time at designated locations: 8:30 AM
- Bus Departure Time from designated locations: 8:35 AM
- Program Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Bus Departure Time from each middle school: 12:10 PM
- Bus Arrival Time at designated locations: Between 12:20 PM & 12:35 PM
Transportation by school bus is provided from:
- Eriksson Elementary
- Hoben Elementary
- Miller Elementary
Transportation by Parent
Parents may also drop their students off at the front doors of Discovery marked "Main Entrance" (look for the flag pole, Door #1)) starting at 8:50 a.m. and pick them up from the same location at 12:05 p.m.
**Please talk to your student about where they will be picked up. "At School" can be confusing. Are they waiting at Discovery for you or taking the bus to meet you at the Elementary School. Make sure it is clear before they leave.
Don't worry about your students! We've got you covered. They will have a great time!
We look forward to seeing all their eager smiling faces!
First Week of School - Inside Scoop!
When you arrive at school on 9/3/24, those riding the bus will enter through the bus loop doors (east end of the school, door #6); those who walk or get dropped off will enter through the front door labeled "Main Entrance" (north side, located by the flagpole, door #1).
Remember the school does not open until 7:45 a.m. Note: Breakfast is available every day in our cafeteria.
Once you arrive, head to the Auditeria (Cafeteria). Staff and WEB Leaders will be in the hallways to help direct students. 6th-grade homeroom lists will be on the walls adjacent to the Auditeria. Look for your name to find out your homeroom teacher, then head into the Auditeria to meet your homeroom teacher and lots of Discovery staff! You will then go to your homeroom with your teacher where you will receive a printout of your daily schedule.
For the remainder of the 1/2 day, you will follow your complete daily schedule: staff and WEB students will be in the halls ready to help you get to your next class. We know that it can be tricky to get around a brand new building, so teachers don’t mark tardies for 6th graders for the first several days.
End of the Day
When the day is over, there will be several staff members in the halls ready to help students with their lockers and to help them get to the right spots for departure. The busses do not leave until students have left the hallways. Students getting picked up should exit through the school's front doors to meet their ride in the front loop.
What to bring on the first day
Pencil and paper. Please do not send your student to school with their backpack until they receive their locker assignment.
If you ride the bus, make sure you have your bus number information WRITTEN DOWN and stored safely in your pocket.
Especially with school only being a half-day, make sure you know how you are getting home!
The Discovery Staff is so excited to meet you and help you soar as a Discovery Eagle!