Linn Lion's Roar
October 2024
- Sept. 30-Oct. 4: Bully Prevention Week, see flyer for details
- Oct. 3: McTeacher Night @5:00-8:00pm
- Oct. 7-11: Book Fair! See librarian's corner for details
- Oct. 10: Parent Teacher Conferences @3:30-6:30pm
- Oct. 11: No School
- Oct. 11: Parent Teacher Conferences @8:00-11:40am
- Oct. 16: Unity Day, wear orange
- Oct. 16: PRIDE Awards @2:30pm
- Oct. 17-18: No School
- Oct. 28-Nov. 1: Red Ribbon Week, see flyer for details
- Oct. 31: Student of the Month Breakfast @7:30am
Important Notice for Parents/Guardians:
- If you have questions regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher or paraprofessional, please contact the school principal to gain more information on teacher qualifications and observed teaching performance.
- If you have questions regarding your student’s state assessment scores, please contact the school principal where your child is attending school.
- Parents will be contacted by the school if their child(ren) is taught for four or more continuous weeks by a teacher that does not meet the appropriate state certification standards. Letters are mailed out in September and February of the school year.
Bully Prevention Week
McTeacher Night
Unity Day
Red Ribbon Week
Grade Level News
Kindergarten: Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Moore
In kindergarten we are focusing on letter names and sounds in reading. Knowing them quickly with automaticity will help the students become good readers. Please continue to practice the alphabet and sight words at home. In math, we are focusing on numbers 0-10. They need to be able to count, recognize, and write these numbers. You can even have them count toys, blocks, cereal, noodles, etc. Reinforcing at home what we are learning in school helps your student be even more successful.
As the weather becomes cooler, please be mindful of making sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather.
Math Home Support
1st Grade: Mrs. Fry and Ms. Hernandez
Greetings from First Grade!
In reading, we will be working on identifying the Main Topic in an informational text. Students will need to be looking at pictures and words in the story to hep them identify information. First graders will also be working on Text Features and how that information can help them understand an informational text. In Phonics, we are decoding consonant and short vowel sounds. Please read to your child every day for at least 15 minutes.
For Math, the students are learning number sentences with a missing addend. An example is, 6+_=9 or 8=_+2. Please work with your child in learning to count to 150. Students will also be working on commutative property to count on from a larger addend. An example is, 6+4=_ or _=7+2. The students will start with the larger number in a given math equation and then count on using the other addend.
We have enjoyed getting to know your child and if you have any questions, please feel free to use the talking points to reach out to us.
Thank you!
Mrs. Fry and Mrs. Hernandez
Math Home Support
2nd Grade: Miss Rosales, Ms. Salmans, and Ms. Solis
In Reading, we have been focusing on:
- retelling the beginning, middle and end of a story.
- diagraphs (ch, sh, th, wh) and R controlled vowels (or, ar,)
In Math, we will:
- be working on place value of a number. Standard form, word form, expanded form and unit form of a number.
- Comparing two numbers: greater than, less than.
Math Home Support
3rd Grade: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Laskowsky
Greetings 3rd-grade Family and Friends,
Happy Fall!
We are so excited to work with you and your child this year! FastBridge screening data has helped us to make goals and we are focused on working hard in our PRIDE time groups.
Students keep track of their information and are excited to share growth with you at conferences.
Third graders are keeping organized by using their binders in class. They are learning that everything has a "home". Students are responsible for making sure items are put where they belong.
In math, we are currently in Module 2 learning about place value and problem solving with units of measure. This is a great unit to use scales at home and the store or have your student help in the kitchen with a recipe. Don't forget to have your student access ZEARN using their login information if you have an electronic device. 20 minutes a few times a week will keep skills fresh!
In ELA we are currently reading non-fiction books. By the end of our module, students will be writing a magazine article about something in the natural world. Their writing will have to include details, text features, and illustrations. Super cool! Keep helping your student to answer questions orally in complete sentences and remember to write in complete sentences. This will help make writing easier.
Please keep in contact with Talking Points. Let us know if you have questions.
We look forward to the Fall weather and finishing this 1st semester with fabulous learning.
The 3rd-grade team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Laskowsky
Math Home Support
4th Grade: Mrs. Castro, Mrs. McLean, and Mrs. Rolle
Greetings 4th Grade Families!
We are continuing to have a great year full of learning in fourth grade. Here's a quick overview of everything your student will be learning during this month.
ELA- During the second part of our first reading unit we will continue working with informational text. Students will be working on researching and writing an infographic about an animal of their choice.
Math- We will be starting our second module and focusing on -Unit Conversion and Problem Solving with Metric Measurements.
Social Studies/Science- We have completed our first Social Studies unit and will be moving on to our first Science bundle where we will be learning about Organism Structures and Behavior.
At home, please make sure you are reading with your student each night to increase fluency skills and practicing those multiplication facts, as our next math unit will focus on multiplication and division.
Thank you for all your support and of course, please reach out if you have any questions!
-4th Grade Team
Math Home Support
5th Grade: Mrs. Adame, Ms. Harlan, Miss Sughroue
We are hard at work in fifth grade. In ELA we have started reading our informational text, washed up! This will go along with our writing where students will be researching and writing about an ecosystem. Students will research plantlife, weather, and the animals that live in the ecosystem they have chosen. In math, students are working on their multi-digit multiplication skills. The year is beginning to take off as we begin to dig deeper into our curriculum, please be sure to come ready and prepared for a busy and fun filled day of learning. As a team we would like to remind students about the importance of speaking to one another with respect and being mindful of how we communicate. Kind words and thoughtful actions make our school a better place to be. Happy Fall Ya’ll !
Reminders: Please make sure your student is reading 20-30 minutes every evening. They also should be practicing their multiplication facts every evening. Please make sure your student is getting to bed at a reasonable time, this allows their brains to rest and be prepared for learning. We are getting into cold and flu season, if your student is running a fever, please take them to a doctor and/or keep them home. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please message us on talking points or call the school to talk to us.
Mrs. Harlan, Mrs. Adame, and Ms. Sughroue
Math Home Support
Music: Mr. Adams and Mrs. Shuler
In music 5th grade is working on the program performance which will happen the middle of November. 2nd grade is working on recognizing and practicing songs in 2, 3, and 4 meters. 1st grade is also working on meters of 2 and 4. Kinder is working on steady beat and the four main voices we use: whisper, talk, shout and sing.
PE: Mr. Williams and Miss. Morales
For the month of September our Students will be working on Throwing & Catching.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade students will become familiar with the 3 step Underhand Throwing technique.
1.Swing Back
2.Step (Opposite) toward target
They will also develop their catching skills by using the Open mitts catching style.
2nd Grade through 5th Grade students will become familiar with the Overhand Throwing Technique
- Side
- Step (Opposite) toward target
- Throw/follow through
Librarian's Corner: Mrs. Nolan-Santy
Book Fair Schedule
October 7 - 11
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 7:30-7:55 AM
Thursday: 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 11:40 AM
Horario de la Feria de Libros
Octubre 7 - 11
Lunes, Martes y Miércoles: 7:30 - 7:55 AM
Jueves: 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Viernes: 8:00 AM - 11:40 AM
Counselor's Corner
October is a month of celebrations. We celebrate being drug-free, not having bullies, and unity. The students will love doing something each week because they get to do or wear something fun. Please watch for fliers coming home in early October. You don’t want your student missing out. It takes all of us to have a great year.
Remember, as we celebrate each of these weeks, we will be teaching your students something about the subject at each grade level. Make sure you find out what they have learned each week. Thanks to those who have contacted the school and talked to a teacher. We love having parents involved, even if it is to work out a problem. Let your child’s teacher know you notice how much they care for your student. We love having them here.
Linn Elementary
Email: medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/543274_3
Address: 1900 W. Linn St. Dodge City, KS
Phone: 620-471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/