BIRCH Friday News!
September 6th
Volunteers needed for a Rainbow Day event on 9/20/24 at Birch!
Throughout the school year, BVSD Food Services holds “Rainbow Days” to encourage students to eat a colorful, nutritious lunch by including fruits and vegetables from the salad bar.
Rainbow Days are held in the cafeteria during lunch time and last ~2 hours. We need rockstar volunteers to: encourage students in line to try a variety of produce and engage with students at tables about what it means to “eat a rainbow.” (Bonus points for wearing a salad bar-inspired accessory provided by us!) It’s a fun, easy way to support BVSD’s mission of not only feeding kids nutritious food, but educating them about why it’s so important.
If you are interested in volunteering at your school’s Rainbow Day please sign up here!
Dental Screening Forms from the Health Office
Dates for the Dental Screenings:
October 28
December 18
February 7
May 8
Parent Engagement Network
For the third year, BVSD, in collaboration with the Parent Engagement Network, is hosting the BVSD Community Leadership Academy. This program helps parents and community members learn more about the district and how they can become more involved in their child’s education and the district's activities. Please see the District Information for School newsletters for a copy of a English and Spanish announcement about BVSD Community Leadership Academy to share in your school newsletters.
Questions? Contact Bianca Gallegos
Volunteering in the Classroom or Field Trip
BVSD Volunteer Application Instructions
We ask that each individual interested in volunteering and interacting with students on a ongoing basis under line of sight supervision by BVSD staff, complete the appropriate application; ENGLISH or SPANISH. Please note, there is a $32.00 background fee due at the time of submission.
Please note that an active email and a valid social security number* are needed in order to complete the application. If you do not have an email you can create one HERE.
Once you have received email confirmation that your application has been approved, you are welcome to begin volunteering. Please allow up to 48 hours, upon submission, for approval notification. Approved background screenings are valid for 12 months, at which time they will need to be renewed.
Thank you for being a part of BVSD, your time and efforts are extremely appreciated.
*Please note - If you do not have a valid social security number please contact Vivian Campbell, HR Manager, at 720-561-5259 or at vivian.campbell@bvsd.org.
Volunteers and field trip chaperones who are not under line of sight supervision are required to complete a CBI Fingerprint Check through a third party vendor, paid by the volunteer/partner/school AND must sign a BVSD Volunteer Agreement (Spanish).
Please see the Volunteer/Visitor FAQ and the Volunteers/Visitors Flowchart for additional details. Ifyou will be needing a fingerprint background check, please contact Berenice Ramirez at 720-561-5167 or berenice.ramirez@bvsd.org.
- 2nd Grade Field Trip-Tuesday, September 10th
- Dinner Night Out @CHICK-FIL-A-Tuesday, September 10th @5pm-8pm
- Coffee with the Counselor & Principal-Friday, September 13th @8am
- PTO Meeting-Tuesday, September 24th @6pm
- Birch Field Day-September 27th
- Teacher PD/Workday-NO SCHOOL for Students-Monday, September 30th
Birch Elementary
Counselor-Emily Tweten
Office Manager-Kristy Shanks
Registrar-Mary O'Brien
Health Assistant-Carol Bristow
Website: https://bie.bvsd.org/
Location: 1035 Birch Street, Broomfield, CO, USA
Phone: 720-561-8800