for the tri-state's premier PD event in STEM+ education
Do you know an outstanding PK-12 STEM Educator?
PK- 12 STEM Educators (teachers, administrators, and informal educators) are encouraged to nominate themselves or others in one of the following categories.
Outstanding STEM Educator Career Achievement Award (30+ years of service)
Outstanding STEM Educator Career Achievement Award (20-29 years of service)
The Mid-Career STEM Educator Award (10-19 years as an educator)
The Early Career STEM Educator Award (0-9 years as an educator)
Nominations will close on Friday, August 23, 2024 at midnight. Click here to submit your nomination.
Awardees will be recognized on Thursday, October 10, at the 2024 Tri-State STEM+ Conference.
Be the Catalyst for Change: Develop Future STEM Talent
October 10th, 2024
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Tangeman University Center, University of Cincinnati
Consider submitting a session proposal
Be a part of the community of educators from around the tri-state and beyond coming to share their innovative approaches for becoming the catalysts of change for the future. Through three unique learning sessions, this year's conference will send participants back to their own learning spaces inspired and fully equipped with the tools needed to bring new life to STEM+ instructional experiences.
- Category 1 - STEM+ Instructional Programs and Strategies
- Category 2 - STEM+ Activities, Labs or Projects - Interactive Workshops
- Category 3 - STEM+ Sharathon Lessons, Activities, Labs or Projects
Why Share?
- Inspire Others: Your ideas have the potential to spark inspiration in fellow educators, fostering a culture of continuous growth.
- Problem-Solving: Facing a challenge? Sharing your experiences might provide solutions and fresh perspectives from those who've been there.
- Build a Community: Create a supportive network of like-minded educators who are passionate about shaping the future of education.
Brought to you by your partners in STEM: