25 October 2024
Week 2, Term 4
Principal's Message
Kia Koutou Hautapu Whānau,
Welcome back to Term 4, we hope you had a lovely term break. It has been wonderful to return and get back into the swing of this term and to see our students so engaged in their learning.
We have a busy and exciting final term ahead, with many learning opportunities and events planned. We are delighted to welcome a number of new students to Hautapu School, a very warm welcome to you all.
On Wednesday we held our annual Ag Day and Flower Show Day. We had such a successful day and it was wonderful to see our community come together to celebrate all the hard work that went into making this another memorable event.
I wish to congratulate every animal owner, it is a huge commitment to raise a lamb, kid goat or calf. You should be proud of all of your hard work and the care you showed towards your animals. It was wonderful to see our students proudly sharing their efforts with the judges, whānau and our classes who came out to see their very cute animals!
This day would not be possible without the efforts of a very large number of supporters.
I would like to pay special tribute to Brooke Phelan for all her hard work and dedication in organising this event. Brooke was the driving force behind our Ag Day being such a success. Thank you so much Brooke, your efforts were very much appreciated.
Thank you to our amazing Ag Day sponsors; Brandt, Farmlands, Fenrir Architects, Annton nurseries, Toyota, Harvest Grains, Black Shepherd Apiaries, Fonterra, LIC, Dairy NZ, FMG and Lawnrite.
Thank you to Ava, Mackenzie and Kaden for being amazing stewards. Ingrid for mowing the rings as well as Frank and Vanessa for setting up the rings and scrim. It was lovely to see some miniature ponies at Ag Day this year, thanks to Maia and her family. Thanks to Isla and her Dad Sona, who bought some piglets which were a huge hit with the students. Thank you to Helaine and Geraldine who cooked all those sausages on the BBQ! Many thanks also to the staff for supporting this event to help it run smoothly.
Following our Ag Day we had a number of our students attended Group Day today at the Hautapu Sports Grounds. Congratulations to everyone who participated, you represented Hautapu with pride. A heartfelt thank you to Demi, Brooke and Vanessa for all their hard work and the many hours they have spent on organising and preparing for this event.
I hope you have a restful long weekend!
Ngā mihi nui,
Tracey Bennett
Sun Safety
Term four is when the beautiful sunny weather arrives, please ensure your child brings a sunhat to school everyday.
We encourage students to come to school wearing sunblock. Classrooms are supplied with sunblock, which they are encouraged to use. If your child brings their own sunblock, please make sure it is clearly named and they can apply it independently.
Please make sure your child brings a drink bottle filled with water to help them keep hydrated during the day.
Hautapu School Ag Day
Congratulations to all of the students who entered their ag day animals. You should be proud of all of your hard work and the care that you took of your pets. Thank you so much to our sponsors, Brandt, Farmlands, Fenrir Architects, Annton nurseries, Toyota, Harvest Grains, Blackshepherd Apiaries, Fonterra, LIC, Dairy NZ, FMG and Lawnrite.
Best Costume: Caitlin Vipond
Most Obvious Pet: Grace Ferguson
Reserve Champion Goat: Isabelle McKeon
Champion Goat: Madison Gibbs
Reserve champion Lamb: Kyle Austin
Champion Lamb: Thomas Bryant
Reserve Champion Calf: Cruden Cummings
Champion Calf: Malikah Cummings
Group Day
Group day was held at the Hautapu Sports grounds today. Congratulations to all of the students who took part, I was so proud to see you all with smiles on your faces and the pride you had for all of your hard work with your pet.
A huge thank you to Demi and Vanessa for all of your efforts in organising the event, it was an exceptional day that ran smoothly.
Halloween Disco Friday 1st November
Gumboot Friday 1st November
Carols In The Paddock - Wednesday 11 December 5.30pm
Hautapu Helping Hands
Helping hands is a community of support from all whanau. You are welcome to join the closed Facebook group and keep up to date with events. Hautapu Helping Hands
Important Dates Term 4
Monday 28 October – Labour Day (No School)
Tuesday 29 October – HPV Dose 2
Wednesday 30 October – Amazing Race - Year 8 Leaders
Thursday 31 October – BOT Meeting 6pm
Friday 1 November – Waikato A&P Show
Friday 1 November – Gumboot Friday
Friday 1 November – Halloween Disco
Friday 8 November – Assembly 1:30pm – Tōtara/Mānuka
Friday 15 November – Teacher Only Day (No School)
Monday 18 November – Senior School (Year 3 - 8) Athletics Day
Tuesday 19 November – Junior School Athletics Day (Yr0-2) 9am - 11pm
Thursday 21 November – Rainbows End - Year 8s
Friday 22 November – Assembly 1:30pm – Nikau/Tawa
Monday 25 November – Student Leadership 2025 applications due
Friday 29 November – Interschool Athletics
Wednesday 4 December – Nikau / Tawa Camp (returning Thursday)
Thursday 5 December – BOT Meeting
Friday 6 December – Assembly 1:30pm – Kōwhai/Rimu
Wednesday 11 December – Carols in the Paddock
Thursday 12 December – Service to Schools Assembly (celebrating student leaders for 2024)
Thursday 12 December – Pool party for Leaders at lunchtime
Friday 13 December – Classes to meet their new teacher for 2025 (9:30am)
Friday 13 December – Year 6 Pool Party at lunchtime
Monday 16 December – Year 8 Leavers Assembly 1:15pm
Tuesday 17 December – Prizegiving 1pm
Tuesday 17 December – Reports go home
Wednesday 18 December – Last Day of Term (School finishes 12pm)
Your Lunch Box
Your Lunch Box
We are able to offer Your Lunch Box (https://www.yourlunchbox.co.nz/) at Hautapu School. This is a great, convenient way to have delicious & healthy lunches made fresh and delivered to your children at school at the click of a mouse. Orders will be delivered to school in the morning and children can collect their school lunch box from the office.
Kell Club Holiday Programme
Kit-Markin Construction
Multi award winning Master Builders Kit-Markin Homes will donate $5000 to Hautapu School when friends and family of the school choose them to build their new home or commercial building. New decks from the community will result in a $500 donation to the school. Contact Josh on 0279355435 or josh@kmh.co.nz
Contact Us
Email: admin@hautapu.school.nz
Website: https://www.hautapu.school.nz/
Location: 5 Hana Lane, Cambridge 3493, New Zealand
Phone: +647827 7466