Creekside Chronicle
September 6th, 2024
Important Dates
Friday, September 13th: 1st Quarter Midterm
Mr. Doyle's Message
Good evening Creekside Families!
I want to take a moment to share some important information about attendance.
Reporting Absences – A phone call from a parent/guardian by 8:45 am on the day of the absence is required. A signed note from a parent/guardian is acceptable, but should be submitted prior to the day of the absence. If no communication occurs within 24 hours of absence, the student may be considered truant.
Excused Absences – Excused absences include illnesses, a death in the immediate family, an emergency as approved by administration, and a field trip or approved school activity. In order for students to participate in athletics and extra-curricular events after school, students must be in attendance for at least half of the school day.
Excused Absences Requiring Advance Notice – The following absences may be considered excused if the Attendance Office is notified 2 days in advance: religious observances, and doctor/dentist appointments. These types of absences will require appropriate, verified documentation to be excused. The following absences require at least 5 days advance notice to be considered excused: vacations and other travel choices, including international travel for long periods. Please note that lengthy absences are not encouraged and may negatively impact a student’s academic success. CMS will do its best to support our families, but we ask that vacations and other lengthy periods of absences be postponed until holiday, spring or summer breaks.
Chronic Absenteeism – After 17 days (10% of the school year) of any type of absence, a student will be considered Chronically Absent. All absences, including excused absences, count towards this limit, except for religious observances and school-sponsored absences.
Truancy – This term is defined as an absence, with or without parent/guardian permission, which does not meet the criteria for excused absences (see above). Chronic truancy, as defined by the state’s compulsory school attendance law, is any student “who is absent without valid cause from such attendance for 5% (9 days) or more of the previous 180 regular attendance days.” CMS follows the Woodstock City Ordinance and State of Illinois’ guidelines governing student truancy. If a student becomes truant, the student and their parent/guardian may be subject to referral to the County Truancy Officer through the Regional Superintendent’s Office.
It is imperative that consistent, regular attendance is a priority for your student. Research shows that students missing 10% or more of a school year are more likely to fail at least 1 class and tend to be more stressed/anxious.
If you have questions about supporting your student or would like more information or support to address concerns preventing your student from regular attendance, please reach out for support and partnership.
Mr. Doyle
Falcon PTO Updates!
Stay tuned for upcoming fundraisers! Remember, the money raised helps fund events like the 8th Grade Dance, decorations for 8th Grade Promotion, annual Field Trips, Teacher Appreciation Luncheons, IAR Motivation prizes, and much more! Thank you for your support!
Mid-October: Fannie May
Mid- November: Midwest Mixes
Student Services Support Section!
Research shows that the most impressionable age for peer influence seems to be the middle school years. Here are some tips for parents who want to help their child make positive, responsible choices this year at school. Thank you for partnering with us to provide all that we can to help your child successfully ROAR through this school year with Respect, Organization, Attitude, and Responsibility!
Mrs. Nieman (School Counselor)
Mrs. Meyer (School Social Worker)
Ms. Tucker (School Social Worker)
Staff Highlight!
First Chapter Friday!
News from Nurse Schrock
Dear Parents - health requirements for 6th grade are due by October 15th. Students need a current school physical, and updated vaccinations (please see below). Students new to D200 must meet the district health requirements by October 15th. If you have any questions, or require assistance, please call me at 815-337-5200, or email me at:
Thank you!
Nurse Carla
CMS Associate Position Openings!
Creekside Middle School
Assistant Principal: Kris Nickolas
Dean of Students: Jason Laidig
Secretary to the Principal: Kerrie Butenschoen
Secretary to the Assistant Principal: Adriana Silva-Rodriguez
Nurse: Carla Schrock
Office Hours: 7:30 am - 4:15 pm
Location: 3201 Hercules Road, Woodstock, IL, USA
Phone: 815-337-5200