The Friday Focus
May 31, 2024
Office of The Superintendent
The Hopewell Valley Arts Council proudly presents our first Emerging Artists Art Exhibit, showcasing exceptional artwork by student artists from Hopewell Valley Central High School and the Cambridge School. Curated by the schools’ art educators: Lora Durr, Carolyn McGrath and Kate Masterson Damm, the exhibit features paintings, drawings, and ceramics. This exclusive showcase will be on display for two days only:
- Don’t miss the first opportunity to meet the students and view their artwork at our Tour Des Arts fundraiser, “Canvases + Confections”, on Friday, May 31, 2024, at the former Hopewell Theater in Hopewell Borough. More information and tickets can be found at www.hvartscouncil.org/tourdesarts.
- The exhibit will also be open to the public the following day, Saturday, June 1, 2024, from noon to 5 pm at the same location.
Happy Hour to benefit the Hopewell Valley Mobile Food Pantry! Ivy Inn, June 5th, 6-8pm
Featuring the Jamtastic Rock and Roll Band BoxORox! We hope that you can join us to celebrate all of the good work that we are doing together!
Hopewell Valley Come Outside and Play, June 6th-8th. Click on the link for schedule!
This 3-day event was established to increase awareness of nature and an appreciation for time spent outdoors. Families and community members are welcome to attend any of the activities. Most activities require advance registration. They are free to attend and open to all ages unless otherwise noted. In case of inclement weather, most activities will be cancelled. We thank you for joining the Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance and its community partners during this Hopewell Valley wide event, now in its 14th year! Feel free to post your pictures attending events on the Hopewell Valley's Backyard Facebook page.
Operation Parent webinar: The Truths of Youth Screen Addiction recording
Are you noticing your child's screen time creeping out of control? Join Operation Parent for an eye-opening webinar with Mike Eiden. He will break down the science behind youth screen addiction and help you spot the signs. Discover how excessive gaming, social media scrolling, pornography, and other screen habits affect development. Plus, get practical tips for intervention and prevention that you can implement at home. View or listen to the recording here. These handouts and resources have been provided by the presenter.
- Hopewell Highlights May Issue: available in the May Hopewell Express.
- Click the link for news about: FBLA, Model UN and Model Congress, Climate Leadership, a Women in Stem Conference, "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" , the Witness Stones Project, Physics and Latin Competitions, the Debate Club and Advanced Scene and Directing.
- Hopewell Highlights June Issue: available in the June Hopewell Express.
- Click the link for updates on DECA, the Robotics Club, the Witness Stones Program, the CHS Music Program, Green Week activities and Spring highlights.
- Thank you to the teachers and faculty advisors for their commitment to our students and congratulations to all on their accomplishments!
HVCHS Updates: Please review the May edition of HVCHS Updates, which was sent earlier in the week. The newsletter includes important information about final exams, grade level updates, and more!
KICK off the Summer at The UNIFIED CLUB & FBLA's 6th Annual Kickball Game!
Everyone is welcome -- Sign up here to join us: I WANT TO PLAY KICKBALL
WHAT: Kickball, music, fun, smiles, laughter, and hopefully sunshine! (Sometimes there's even a conga line around the bases and dancing in right field, lol)
WHERE & WHEN: HVCHS Softball Field #2 next to CHS Turf field, Monday, June 3rd at 3:00 pm
Spring Performance Series: It has been wonderful watching our talented students perform in the spring Band Concert, Piano Recital, Orchestra Concert, and Student Choreography Night. Our Spring Performance Series will conclude with our Choir Concert, which will be held on Wednesday, June 5th at Trinity Cathedral, 801 State St, Trenton from 7:00-8:00pm.
Cross Country Informational Meeting, Wed. June 5th at 5pm.
For anyone interested in participating in cross country for the high school next season there will be an informational meeting in the high school community room. If you have any questions please email Coach Oldfield at aaronoldfield@hvrsd.org
Service Learning Pathway: The HVCHS Service Learning Pathway is now accepting applications for enrollment for the 2024-25 school year! The Service Learning Pathway is open to all students, and allows for an opportunity to extend education beyond school and into the community. Students will help to meet community needs through individual service hours, and will develop and implement a culminating project during senior year with a local non-profit organization. Participation in the pathway will not impact the students' academic schedule or course selections. This inclusive pathway provides social-emotional and academic benefits for the student participants, reflecting Dr. Martin Luther King’s belief that “Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.” Beyond the academic and social-emotional value of participating in the Service Learning Pathway, students will also receive an endorsement on their transcript and diploma, a personalized letter of recommendation from Ms. Riley, and recognition at the Service Learning Recognition Gala in the spring of their senior year.
Currently, over 40 students are enrolled in the Service Learning Pathway. The students completed over 1000 hours of service during the 2023-24 school year, and many students qualified for national recognition through the Presidential Service Award. Interested students should review the Service Learning Pathway website and the pathway expectations and complete the application form prior to June 15, 2024 for potential enrollment in the upcoming school year.
Absences & Late Arrivals: Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number 609-737-4003, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence or late arrival. Please also review our attendance procedures for details about the district policies.
HVCHS PTO Dog Byte: With information and links to upcoming events, fundraisers and Class Pages.
What’s Happening at HVCHS? Please follow us on Twitter: @HVCentralHS and Instagram: hopewell_valley_central_hs for pictures, updates, and fun facts. Our daily morning announcements can be found on the school website and via this link. Fundraising activities from our classes, clubs, and teams can be found on our fundraising calendar. Also, check out our HV Student Publications Network page for student-created podcasts, digital videos, and more! If you are a graduate of HVCHS, and you would like to join our Alumni Directory, please complete our Database Form and indicate what type of information you would like to receive from HVCHS.
Upcoming Dates:
6.4 STRIVE PTO Awards, 6 p.m.
6.5 Spring Choir Concert, 7:00-8:00pm
6.6 Senior Athletic Awards, 5pm
6.07 Class of 2024 Prom and Post Prom
6.11 Service Learning Pathway Celebration, 6 p.m.
6.13 & 6.14 Final Exams
6.17 & 6.18 Early Dismissal for Students Last Day of Classes
6.18 Class of 2024 Commencement Ackerson Field
Timberlane Middle School
Principal Turnbull's Principal's Page with links to the Daily Announcements and other resources.
HVCHS Transition Tours: At this point, 8th-graders have made their course selections and have met their 9th-grade school counselor. To help our students further transition to Central High School, the 8th-grade class will participate in Transition Tours on Wednesday, June 5th. Each team will walk over to the high school for a 60-minute, small group tour of the high school with a guide answering any questions they may have.
HVCHS Apparel Sale - Great gift idea for graduating 8th graders! To ensure delivery by the end of the school year, the sale will stay "open" until Friday, June 7th. To order, please click here.
Yearbooks are on sale! Click HERE to order your student's yearbook now!
Early Dismissals: Please advise your child of early dismissals prior to coming to school and send them to school with a note. Students need to present the note to the main office right off the bus for a pass to leave class at the time they need to leave. If the need occurs after the start of school, please call the Main Office, not TeleSafe. Please be aware Timberlane Drive is closed between 2:30 - 3:00 for TMS and CHS dismissal.
TMS Updates: For additional information about TMS, please visit our webpage or follow us on Twitter @Timberlane_HV or Instagram @timberlane_timberwolves.
*Dates To Remember*
6/5: HVCHS Transition Tours
6/6: 7th Grade Zoo Trip
6/11: Moving Up Practice / 8th Grade Picnic (rain date: 6/12)
6/13: 8th Grade Moving Up (rain date: 6/14)
6/14: 8th Grade Dance
BT Principal's Page - Provides links to information and activities.
BTPTO Bear Flash - Everything you need to know for the month and beyond!
BT Spring Concert - Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the CHS Performing Arts Center. Featuring every 4th and 5th-grade student in one or more of the following ensembles: 4th Grade Chorus, 4th Grade Orchestra, 5th Grade Chorus, 5th Grade Band, 5th Grade Orchestra and the 5th Grade Vocal Ensemble (The Treble Makers). All performers should arrive by 6:30 pm. Dress code: ALL BLACK
Field Day at Bear Tavern School is EPIC! - We go all out with fun game stations, tug-o-war grade level/staff competitions, and our traditional fire truck and ice-pop finale to enhance the total experience for our students in grades K-5. This year, our Field Day is on Friday, June 7th; parents are welcome to attend our afternoon tug-o-war competitions and fire truck finale at 2:15 pm. If you are interested in popping by, please click here to sign up. Also, if you plan to take your child(ren) home directly from field day, you can use the link to indicate such. Please fill out the form by Wednesday, 6/5, at 4 pm.
BT Night At Trenton Thunder - Come out for the game on Saturday, June 15 at 6:00 pm, and cheer on our BT Treblemakers as they perform the National Anthem! Enjoy a night of Superhero-themed family fun with fireworks after the game. Click here to purchase your tickets - we will be in Section 204, Rows L-W & Section 205, Row W.
BTPTO EOY Picnic - Please save the date for our annual End Of Year Picnic on
June 14, 2024! Bring the whole family out for a night of fun featuring Uncle Ed’d ice cream. Remember to bring chairs and/or blankets.
Lost and Found - Our lost and found is growing. Please have your students stop by to look for their misplaced items.
Payschools Central Food Service - Use the following link for the 2023-2024 school lunches.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number 609-737-4005, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4005 btmainoffice@hvrsd.org
*Dates To Remember*
6/3 - Kindergarten End Of Year Show
6/4 - Pride Day - Wear The Rainbow
6/5 - BT Spring Concert (CHS/PAC)
6/6 - 5th-Grade TMS Visit, Preschool Graduation
6/7 - Field Day
6/13 - 5th-Grade Pool Party
6/14 - Flag Day (Wear Red, White & Blue), PTO EOY Picnic
6/17- Early Dismissal, PreK AM Only
6/18 - Last Day of School (Early Dismissal), PreK PM Only, 5th Grade Clap Out at 12:30 PM
The Principal’s May Newsletter - Hopewell’s Happenings is on the HES Website.
Hopewell’s Happenings is a monthly update with links to all sorts of information and activities.
Zero Waste Community Potluck - Stop by on Sunday, June 2nd from 5-7PM for the Zero Waste Community Potluck, hosted by Sustainable Hopewell Boro and the Hopewell Public Library. You can view the Flyer for more information HERE
HES Spring Concert - Monday, June 3, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the CHS Performing Arts Center. We look forward to showing off the students' hard work throughout their music classes at the concert. Please review this information in order to ensure your student is prepared for the concert. We look forward to seeing everyone.
Upcoming 5th Grade Events - Link HERE for the 5th Grade Scoop! A list of dates for special 5th Grade End-of -Year events!
TMS PTO welcomes 5th grade families! If you are looking for a little gift to celebrate a 5th grader heading off to middle school, we are here to help with Timberlane spirit wear! Here is a link to our online store: https://timberlane-middle-school.square.site/. Please place your order by June 1st. All orders can be picked up at the TMS main office during regular school hours or alternate arrangements can be made if needed. Please contact tmshopewellspirit@gmail.com with any questions.
Kid-Preneur Fair - Stop by the Kid-Preneur Fair on Saturday June 8th at HES during the Hopewell Town-Wide Yard Sale (RAIN DATE is June 9th)
Lost and Found - Our lost and found is growing. Please have your students stop down to look for their misplaced items.
PaySchools Central Food Service - Use the following link for the 2023-2024 school lunches.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number, 609-737- 4007, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
HES Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4007 hwmainoffice@hvrsd.org
Dates to Remember
May 31st - Spring Concert School Assembly (2:00PM); 5th Grade's Family Dinner (6:00PM).
June 3rd - Spring Concert @ CHS PAC (7:00PM)
June 5th - 5th Grade TMS Visit
June 6th - Kindergarten Show/End of the Year Party (2:00PM), 4th Grade Field Trip - CHS Band Concert
June 7th - 5th Grade Fun Day, Hopewell Valley Come Outside & Play
June 8th - KidPreneurs Fair (1:00PM-4:00PM)\
June 11th - Whole School Meeting (Wear Grey HES T-Shirt), PreK Graduation (2:00PM)
June 13th - 1st Grade Writing Celebration (9:00AM); HES Graduation (5:30PM)
June 14th - 5th Grade Breakfast (9:00AM); 3rd Grade Ice Cream Social(2:00PM); 4th Grade Feature Creature (3:00PM)
The Principal’s Page is on the SB Website.
Upcoming Fifth -Grade Events - Attached you will find a letter outlining all of the important events that will take place for our 5th grade students throughout the remainder of the school year. We have also created a fun Save the Date card with the important dates for you to remember!
Take Me Out to the Ball Game … on June 6th! Buy your tickets for the Stony Brook Trenton Thunder game on Thurs, June 6 at 7pm. Don’t miss out on a night of games, singing and rooting for the home team. Members of Festival Ensemble will be singing the National Anthem prior to the start of the game. Tickets will be sent home on Monday, June 3! We still have some tickets available if you’re interested in attending!
SB Yearbooks! - You can still order a yearbook for $30 paid by cash or check, while supplies last. Use this paper order form.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TelSafe line at 609-737-4006, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence or late arrival.
Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If you have a dismissal change, please e-mail the main office in advance at sbmainoffice@hvrsd.org. Last-minute changes should be called in to 737-4006.
Attendance Procedures - Please refer to our Attendance Procedures for details regarding school absences, late arrivals and early dismissals.
School Lunch information can be found on these links.
Membership Toolkit - Volunteer opportunities, class lists & apparel can be found here. Click here to register. Contact StonyBrookPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
*Dates To Remember*
6/6: SB Night @ Trenton Thunder - 7PM
6/11: PEECH Graduation - 2:00 PM
6/13: 5th Grade All Star Celebration 6:30PM
6/17 & 6/18:12:45 Dismissal
6/18-Last day of school
TG 4th and 5th Grade Spring Concert - Our concert is on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Hopewell Valley Performing Arts Center at the High School. The concert features the 4th grade choir, 5th grade choir, orchestras, band, and vocal ensemble. All 4th and 5th grade students are members of one or more of the ensembles and therefore expected to attend. Please click here to view more information. You will also need to fill out the permission form (no later than June 3rd) for your child to be bussed to CHS for the rehearsal during the school day on June 4th. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cuesta or Mrs. Phillips.
Walk, Bike or Roll to School Day - The Toll Gate Green Team invites you to Walk, Bike, or Roll to School on Wednesday, June 5th. By walking, rolling, or biking to school, you will help reduce the amount of air pollutants emitted by automobiles. These air pollutants result in increases in ground-level ozone, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter such as particles of dust, soot, smoke, dirt and liquid droplets. Lace up your sneakers and/or strap on your helmets to get to school and help the Green Teamers create a healthier environment around Toll Gate.
Toll Gate Student Council Sponsored Spirit Days-. Our next spirit day is coming up on Tuesday, 6/11 and will be “Tropical Tuesday.” To participate, we are requesting a donation of canned fruit that will benefit the Hopewell Valley Mobile Food Pantry. Thank you for your help in supporting our local community. Please see this document for details.
Lost and Found - Our lost and found is growing. Please have your children stop down to look for their misplaced items in the vestibule outside of the cafeteria.
TMS PTO welcomes 5th grade families! If you are looking for a little gift to celebrate a 5th grader heading off to middle school, we are here to help with Timberlane spirit wear! Here is a link to our online store: https://timberlane-middle-school.square.site/. Please place your order by June 1st. All orders can be picked up at the TMS main office during regular school hours or alternate arrangements can be made if needed. Please contact tmshopewellspirit@gmail.com with any questions.
Upcoming 5th Grade Events- Attached you will find a letter outlining all of the important events that will take place for our 5th grade students throughout the remainder of the school year. We have also created a fun Save the Date card with the important dates for you to remember!
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday, 6/4: TG Spring Concert at CHS - 7:00 PM
Wednesday, 6/5: Walk, Bike, or Roll to School Day & Toll Gate Night at Trenton Thunder
Thursday, 6/6: PEECH Graduation - 2:00 PM
Tuesday, 6/11: Tropical Tuesday Sponsored by the Student Council (Canned Fruit Donation)
Thursday, 6/13: 5th Grade Promotion Event - 6:00 PM
Monday, 6/17: Early Dismissal at 12:45 PM
Tuesday, 6/18: Last Day of School, 5th Grade Clap Out at 12:30 PM,
Early Dismissal at 12:45 PM
Community Events
The Hopewell Township Police Department has created a registry for our community members who are Autistic or have another communication disability in efforts to give police quick access to critical information about a person who is registered in an emergency situation. This registry will provide our officers with emergency contact information, detailed physical descriptions including a photo, medical concerns, best way to communicate, known stressors / stress reducers, and much more. Please click the above link for more details.
The Mercer County Park Commission will be offering our annual Summer Camp Out @ Rosedale Park on Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2. Registration is open!
Annual Hopewell Valley Charity Softball Game, Police Vs. Teachers! Sat. June 1at 10am,
$5 admission. All proceeds raised to benefit Hopewell Baseball & Softball Association (HVBSA).
Location: Softball fields at Central High School.
Live Music at The Sanctuary, Saturday, June 1st, 2:00-8:00pm, 215 N. Main Street, Pennington
Click on the link for more information about these free live musical performances!
Special Olympics of New Jersey Summer Games, June 7th -9th
We are so excited to have our Young Athletes and Families join us for the 2024 Special Olympics New Jersey Summer Games for children ages 2-7 with and without intellectual disabilities to share the joy of sports and play in an inclusive space for all abilities. To participate in our Young Athletes Events, you must be registered as a Young Athlete with Special Olympics New Jersey (SONJ). Our athletes really enjoy seeing people from the district in the stands at TCNJ when they walk into the field! There is a great need for have volunteers, for ages 14 on up!
Youth Coalition of Mercer County's "Prom for All", June 8th
Deadline to register: Monday, June 3rd All High School Students Invited! Click on link for more information.
Join us in celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Hopewell Township Police Department, Sat. June 8th at 1pm, Woolsey Park It promises to be an unforgettable day of camaraderie and fun! Featuring: Food trucks Live music, Engaging activities for all ages.
- Exclusive merchandise to commemorate this special occasion
- Retro patrol car that will take you back in time
Hopewell Borough Recreation Committee: Food Truck Friday! June 14th, 5-8:30pm,
Hopewell Elementary School: Includes food from: Antimo's Italian Kitchen, Thai Cha Chak, The Fry Guy, Nomad Pizza, Latin Bites, Ma & Pa Tex Mex BBQ, House of Cupcake, Sublime Sips, Sirens Treats Ice Cream & Dolato Espresso
Hopewell Valley Youth Football & Cheer Association 2024 Fall Registration is Open!
Click the link to learn about the Flag, Tackle and Non-Competitive Cheer Programs.
Here are the links to the local libraries for upcoming storytimes, events and programs:
Summer Programs
Hopewell Township Recreation Camps! Parents can choose a 1/2 day camp, 9am-12pm or 1pm-4pm, or can sign up for a full day option by choosing a morning and an afternoon camp and adding Lunch Bunch from 12pm-1pm. Our camps at Woolsey Park are as follows:
- Rec Camp in the Park
- Magic Camp
- Nature Camp
- Mad Science Camp
- Junior Travel Camp (camp leaves and returns to the Park each day)
Please see attached flyers for dates, prices, and registration information.
Summer Flower and Art Workshops with Le Jardin de Marie-Mathilde
for children ages K to 12th grade. Workshop subjects include: Flower & Art, 3D Flower, Flower & Illumination Letters, Floral Lattice, Pine Cone Sculpture & Land Art. All Classes at The Sanctuary in Pennington 215 North Main Street.
Tulpehaking Nature Center, click here for the summer brochure with programs for the whole family!
Hopewell Township Recreation Skateboard Camp: Camp day will include structured learning and open skateboarding time. Ages 7-15, Week 1: 7/8-7/12 and Week 2: 8/5-8/9
Bulldogs Flag Football Program Summer Camp: July 22nd-25th, 9am-12pm, Grades 1st-8th
A 4day Camp focusing on position specific skills/techniques as well as daily flag football competitions. Click on the above link for further information and registration.
Hopewell Valley YMCA Summer Camp: June 24-August 23: Your camper will learn teamwork, embrace their artistic side, develop their sports skill sets and further engage in their love of STEM activities and much more.
Hopewell Valley Children's Theater: We are excited to announce that our shows will be Alice in Wonderland, Jr. for the morning campers (grades K-5) and The Wizard of Oz, for the afternoon campers (grades 6 and on). Please check www.hvct.info for more information and to register for camp.
Hopewell Quarry Small Group Swimming lessons! Each class is loaded with fun, engaging and challenging activities that motivate children to want to perform and learn to swim. Classes will be taught by our experienced instructors who are American Red Cross certified lifeguards and instructors in partnership with Eggert Aquatics. Five different sessions offered to fit everyone's summer schedule! Parent and Child, Preschool, and Learn to Swim 1-3. Weekday and Saturday classes.
Please check the attached link for Schedule and Class Descriptions.
OG All-Stars:
Early Evaluations, June 1st & 2nd /Team Evaluations: June 27th-30th
Cheer Camp: June 24-28/July 8-19, Aug 5-16 OGA Gym, Quakerbridge Mall
Come Join us for an All-Star summer! Arts and crafts, games, trips and more!
Watershed Summer Academy for High School Students: Offers immersive environmental investigations on the 950-acre property. Each five-day session engages students in a world of science where they ask questions and identify problems, gain skills and knowledge, explore root causes of environmental injustice, propose solutions, learn about career opportunities and how to advocate for change. Please click on the link for additional information and dates.
Hopewell Tennis & Swim : Firefly Camp and Tennis Camps
Schafer Sports Center: Offer campers a variety of activities including gymnastics, sports and playground games, both full and half day programs. We are also offering camp inclusion for children with special needs: Inclusion Sports Performance Training.
Rylor Lacrosse Summer Camp: 6/24-6/28. The mission is to provide a fun, safe and positive learning environment in which lacrosse players can improve their lacrosse skills and understanding of the game.
ESF’s Camps at Chapin School, 6.24-8.23: multiple award-winning camps full of enrichment opportunities and action-packed fun activities for children in rising grades Preschool-10th. Extended Day is available. Hopewell Valley Regional Township School District families who enroll on or before June 17th will receive an exclusive discount of $100 off total tuition by using coupon code ESF2024 at checkout.
Arts Council of Princeton: Offers Summer camps and classes.
Girls Who Code Free Virtual Summer Programs Overview: Free, virtual summer programs are open to 9-12th graders. Students can choose to learn new coding skills in game design, web design, cybersecurity, or data science and artificial intelligence.
Art Sparks Hopewell - Summer 2024 Camp: provides theme-based creative experiences during which children get to explore a variety of media such as acrylics, collage, watercolors, pastels, charcoal, printmaking, sculpture, assemblage, colored pencils, clay and more.
Hopewell Valley Soccer Association: Bulldog Soccer Camp: Grades 1-8, August 12th-15th
Timberlane Athletic Fields, led by HVCHS Coaches and Players.
Summers at Pennington: offers a wide range of programs that allow campers to explore and dive into subject matter they are interested in.
Princeton Day School Summer Programs: Camp facilities utilize our entire campus including our STEAM Centers and classrooms, state of the art athletic facilities, our organic garden and one of a kind ropes course. Campers from all local schools are welcome to attend
Princeton University’s Campus Recreation Summer Day Camp: Campers in Grades 1-8 days will be filled with a variety of sports, games, arts and crafts, and camp activities as well as weekly programs or trips for their specific grade level. All campers are provided camp gear.
Princeton University Sports Camps: Each camp is directed by the Princeton University varsity coaches, with assistance from college coaches and players from around the country.
McCarter Summer: Summer Camps, for ages 7-15, are taught by highly experienced creative arts professionals, including actors, theatre directors, choreographers, musical directors, designers, and visual artists.
Stuart Country Day School Summer Camp: Offering 22 new programs for a total of 60 sessions over 11 weeks, including exciting new offerings for high school students. There is a camp offered every week of the summer at the preschool, lower, and middle school levels, giving families an opportunity for their daughters or sons to spend their entire summer at Stuart.
Maple Shade Farm, Hopewell: Riding lessons, equine-facilitated learning sessions and a summer nature/sports camp.
Apple Hart Farm: Farm Camp provides a rich, outdoor experience in which budding nature lovers connect with the natural world in a safe, nurturing environment.
Eggert Aquatics: Offering customized swim programming for all ages, needs and abilities.
Fal-Rooney Summer Camp: The uniqueness of our summer camps is that they’re like an all day gym class where teams compete against each other for the coveted cup at the end of the week. Our camps are geared towards those in first to ninth grade.