Trustee Highlights
February 26th, 2024
Students Perform at the February Board Meeting
Mid-year LCAP Expenditure Update
At the Feb. 20 meeting, the Trustees received information about the District's LCAP—Local Control and Accountability Plan—which describes the goals, actions, services and expenditures to support student outcomes that reflect state and local priorities. The LCAP is created with the collective input of the SCESD community, and is designed to direct District funding priorities with significant community engagement.
The Trustees received information on the District's spending as directed by the LCAP (see graphic below), as well as LCAP Goal 3, Quality Staff Providing Exceptional Service.
Calendar Appvoved
The 2024-2025 school year calendar was approved! See below for details.
Strong Relationships as a Community
Trustee Angela Der Ramos (above, right) attended the Community Schools Planning meeting on February 6. The District was awarded a planning grant.
Trustee Belia Garcia (above, right) attended a literacy event at Roosevelt School at which players from the Santa Cruz Warriors spent the morning of February 3 reading to, and playing games with, Roosevelt's third grade students.
Trustee Amy Ish attended the CUE Conference on Feb. 3. CUE, or Computer-Using Educators, was co-sponsored and co-organized by the SCESD, took place at Rancho San Juan High School and drew hundreds of educators from Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties.
Board President Art Galimba represented the District at the Feb. 23 Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce legislative breakfast.
Board Vice President Jessica Powell completed one of the CSBA Masters in Governance modules, offered by the Monterey County Office of Education.
Next Meeting
The next Board of Trustees meeting is March 19 at the District Office.
Phone: 831-784-2201
Information about School Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees establishes its meeting schedule for the coming year annually in June. Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month, with closed session occurring at 5pm and the public portion of the meeting starting at 6:30pm; the schedule is subject to change if the third Thursday of a month occurs during an official school holiday or on a national holiday.