Capitol Hill Community News
November 2024
Principal's Message
Capitol Hill Community,
Every year around this time I am reminded of how much I am thankful for in my personal and professional life. I continue to be blessed everyday with my family. My girls are growing up so fast and Danielle and I are loving doing life together. I still consider my job at Capitol Hill my dream job. Our community, staff, and students are amazing. I feel lucky to be a part of this school with you all!
I hope you find rest and peace over this break! See you in December :)
My Core Values
Honesty and Transparency
Student First Decision-Making
Listen to Understand
Realize We Are All Humans
Important Dates
Successful School Survey
You input is very valuable to us! Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey above.
New Learning Center Teacher
Welcome Angela!
PPS has given Capitol Hill an additional 0.5 Learning Center Teacher. We've hired Angela Gelhar to serve alongside our current staff in serving our students who receive special education services. Please join me in welcoming Angela to our school community!
Capitol Hill is a great place to learn!
Capitol Hill School
Email: msauers@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/capitolhill
Location: 8401 SW 17th Ave
Phone: 503-916-6303
Principal @ Capitol Hill Elementary Portland Public Schools