CCISD Special Services
January 2023
A note from Dr. Staley
Happy New Year!
I hope that you and your family enjoyed your holiday break, whether you spent it visiting family and friends, driving to a favorite place of interest, or simply relaxing at home. The staff and students seem well rested and ready for the opportunities that await them in the new year.
The new year is a time for teachers and parents to assess the strategies which were effective in helping students to be successful, and to discuss the implementation of methods that address areas of concern. Once again, the key to a successful team is effective communication among teachers, staff, parents, and students. It is only through this approach that we can truly support and learn from each other, and together, achieve more.
Our team will continue to emphasize the importance of the Six Pillars of Character that include trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. These values help instill a positive school climate and a culture of kindness, making schools a safe environment for students to learn in CCISD. By helping the students to understand the significance of these values and encouraging them to practice good manners and common courtesies, we hope to instill in them an understanding and appreciation for these values, not only in school, but in the home, and everywhere they go. As teachers and parents, we can work together to set examples and expectations for them to follow in their daily lives. Let us work together to make the most throughout the new year.
As always, if we can be of service to you, please reach out via the link in the newsletter, by emailing sped@ccisd.net, or contacting us through our Parent Resource Center Specialist (Penny Sweeney) at 281-284-0751.
***The information provided in this newsletter is gathered from a variety of sources and is not sponsored by, nor affiliated with CCISD. The information is provided for your information and review.
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Dr. Michele Staley
CCISD Executive Director of Special Services
Parent Resource Center Specialist
Please reach out to Penny Sweeney if you have any questions or are in need of support. Click below to schedule a time to meet. These meetings can be held in person, via TEAMS or over the phone.
Parent Resource Center 281-284-0751
email BSweene1@ccisd.net
Link to the Parent Resource Center
Upcoming Parent Resource Center Events
Enhancing Language and Communication Development
Many children experience delays in language and communication thus enhancing language and communication development is a high priority for these children. Parents and families will gain knowledge of activities and strategies to infuse language and communication throughout the day.
Guest Speakers Christen Ashley ( Lead SLP) and Jennifer Schwind (SLP)
Hosted by Angie Baines (Elementary Alternative Academics Instructional Specialist)
Thursday, Jan 26, 2023, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Parent 101 (Transition and Graduation Requirements)
Parents will receive an in-depth look at the Federal and Texas Transition process used in their child’s IEP to help them be successful after graduating from high school. This training will cover the importance of self-determination and involving your child in the transition process. Guest Speaker Kim Rodgers (Transition Specialist)
Thursday, Feb 9, 2023, 09:00 AM
Learner Support Center CCISD, Falcon Pass, Houston, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
SSI Presentation
Shonbay Jones SSA Public Affairs Specialist
Collaboration is the key! Community First!
Great information and turnout!
Dyslexia News
Students with dyslexia may benefit from having accommodations for testing and instruction to assist them with accessing information. These accommodations are intended to level the playing field, so students are able to demonstrate their understanding without being hindered by their impairment. Accommodations aren’t a one size fits all and should always be individualized based on the student’s needs as related to their dyslexia. There are many types of accommodations and, the decision on which accommodations a student needs, should be discussed with your child’s teachers/instructional team to help your child be successful. Accommodations offered during classroom instruction should be closely aligned with accommodations offered on district and state assessments. If a student needs an accommodation to be successful in the classroom, they likely need that same or similar accommodation during testing. To learn more about accommodations for students with the condition of dyslexia, the International Dyslexia Association provides great guidance here.
How To Limit Screen Time
Lots of parents worry about their kids’ screen time, but it can be hard to know how much is too much. To figure it out, it helps to think about your child’s overall health and wellness. Do they get plenty of sleep and exercise? Are they keeping up in school? Do they spend quality time with friends and family? Do they enjoy non-screen activities and hobbies, like music or sports? If all the answers are yes, then screen time isn’t likely to be a problem. But if tech gets in the way of any of those things, then limiting screen time might help.
Rules don’t need to be extreme to be helpful. You can try setting specific times of the day or week that are always open for screens, so that your child knows what to expect. Extra screen time can be a reward for positive behavior, like getting ready for school on time. Writing a list of non-screen activities together (reading, crafts, playing with a pet) can also help, since it gives your child lots of options to pick from if they get bored. Modeling healthy screen use (like putting away your own phone during set times) makes a big difference too.
It’s normal for kids to push back against new rules. They might throw tantrums or ask over and over to change the rule. But usually, they will adjust to the new rule within a week or two. It’s important to keep the rule consistent during that time and avoid making exceptions at first. And it’s best not to debate about the rule — once it’s set, it’s not up for discussion. It can also be helpful to start a new rule at a time when other changes are happening, like the end of a school vacation. That way, kids get a fresh start all at once.
Article retrieved from: https://childmind.org/bio/hannah-sheldon-dean/
Please join us for our regular association meeting (6:30pm) this Thursday, January 12.
Mike Lutey, of Special Strong is our guest speaker. You can read more about Special Strong here: https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/01/04/special-strong-helps-make-fitness-more-accessible-to-people-with-physical-challenges-and-special-needs/
Please share meeting information within your circles and as always, help promote SEPTA membership. If you or someone else has not yet joined the CCISD Special Education PTA (SEPTA) please visit joinpta.org with the School District "Clear Creek ISD" and PTA "CCISD Special Education"
See you Thursday. Thank you for supporting SEPTA!
Time: Jan 12, 2023 06:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 967 983 3680
Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kcuBsrJOG2
A word from our Elementary Team
Winter Break Blues
After winter break, parents might presume their children won't need the same amount of preparation, since teachers and classes largely remain the same. But some things will change in the new year—such as the coursework your child will do each day. Talking through any worries or concerns can help them feel more confident. Older kids and teens might want to set some academic New Year's resolutions they can work toward.
Celebrate Going Back
Returning to school after a fun-filled winter break can feel a little disappointing. Help soften the blow by organizing something special to celebrate the completion of their first week back. Some examples: a movie night, special play date, dinner at their favorite restaurant, family game night, or bowling. When math class feels tedious, they can look forward to the upcoming treat!
Stock Up on School Supplies
Start the new year ready for new challenges by ensuring your child has all the resources they need. For younger kids, this might mean a fresh set of sharpened colored pencils, new glue sticks, boxes of tissues, or hand sanitizer. Older kids might appreciate some new reading material, colorful folders, or notebooks.
5 Ways to Save Big Bucks on Back-to-School Supplies
Make Your Mornings Easier
School mornings can be hectic, especially if kids have gotten used to moving at a slower pace during the holidays. Make the before-school hours run smoothly by prepping a few things in advance. For example:
- Ask kids to organize and pack their school supplies and backpacks before bed.
- Prepare breakfast items or lunches the night before.
- Lay out clothing options.
- Agree on a bathroom schedule if you have a large family.
- Plan to leave a 10-minute buffer to avoid being late on the first day back.
Validate Your Child's Feelings
Just as you might not look forward to your own daily grind after winter break, it's normal for kids to have mixed feelings, too. They might be eager to see their friends and their teacher—or they might feel anxious and apprehensive about the situation. Both reactions are normal and valid. Encourage kids to voice their feelings and listen with patience. When children feel heard, they're more likely to share their feelings and worries. Act as a safe space, and let your kindness help them muster the courage needed to face all of life's challenges.Resource: Parents.com
Transition Planning
Early Learning
Attached is a Tool about Navigating concerns about your child’s development: A Roadmap for Families.
Please share information about our Early Childhood Special Education Evaluation Center with any friends or family that might have concerns about their child's development.
Upcoming date to keep on your calendar.
April 10-14th- Week of the Young Child - Focus on early intervention and the power behind preschool education. Fun activities will be sent home with your child to do at home.