BSD Staff Update: Honoring Retirees
Friday, June 19, 2020 (the LAST day of school!!)
Congratulations, retirees!
We have a "drive through" event planned for next week as well. We'll share photos in a future Staff Updates Newsletter!
Thank you Jay Montgomery for putting our words and photos into video to honor our retirees!
Marilyn Arnold
Crownhill Elementary
24 years of service
James Berg
Washington Youth Academy
24 years of service
Sheila Clark
First grade teacher
View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy
42 years of service
Sarah Dargan
Preschool paraeducator
Armin Jahr Elementary
16 years of service
Valerie Dawson
Library paraeducator
View Ridge Elementary
21 years of service
Catherine Easley
Bus Driver
21 years of service
Peggy Johnson
Second grade teacher
View Ridge Elementary
35 years of service
Valerie Kennedy
Bremerton High School
30 years of service
Karen Lippy
8th grade teacher
West Hills STEM Academy
6 years of service
39 years in education
Jody Mariner
Bus driver
22 years of service
Charles Neeley
Social Studies teacher
Renaissance High School
27 years of service
Val Sandell
MMIS, CTE, LAP teacher
West Hills STEM Academy
34 years of service (BSD)37 years in education
Nyla Simonetti
Mountain View Middle School
CTE/Technology teacher
Mountain View Middle School
4 years of service (BSD)
39 years in education
Laura Stone
View Ridge Elementary Arts Academy
28 years of service
Kathie Tolson
Kitsap Lake Elementary
29 years of service (BSD)
31 years in education
Julie Wasserberger
District Library Coordinator
22 years of service (BSD)
34 years in education
Kimberly White
8th grade science teacher
Mountain View Middle School
14 years of service (BSD)
24 years in education
JoEllen Yeaple
Elementary music teacher
Armin Jahr
4 years of service (BSD)
20 years in education
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New Tech TOSA: Lisa Casey
Lisa Casey will be joining the District’s Teaching and Learning Team as the new Instruction and Technology Specialist (TOSA). Lisa will be working collaboratively with District Administration and staff to foster student engagement, ownership of learning and creativity. She will support district-wide implementation of innovative instructional practices in classrooms, flex spaces and overall school community settings, assisting classroom teachers in leveraging instruction and technology to create a personalized learning environment for all students.
Lisa joined the BSD family five years ago as an English teacher at Bremerton High School.
Lisa grew up near the Twin Cities of Minnesota. She graduated from Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and earned her Master's from Capella University. She taught at an international school in Bangkok, Thailand for two years. During that time, her husband was in the Navy stationed in South Carolina, New York, and finally Washington. When her contract ended, Lisa joined him in Bremerton!
She enjoys travel, reading, running, and playing music.
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Board Highlights - June 18, 2020
Back to School / Fall Start:
The Board appreciated all of the emails/letters they have received from the community in regard to what the return to school might look like in the fall, as well as the position of the Security Resource Officer (SRO) in our schools. The District is also looking for feedback via current and upcoming surveys.
District retirees were recognized via a pre-recorded video with Superintendent Leavell reading the names of retirees along with a short bio of their career in education and with the Bremerton School District. There were 18 retirees this year, coming from all walks of district-life and totaling hundreds of years of dedicated service to children and families. Sheila Clark, 1st gr. Teacher at View Ridge, topped the chart spending 42 years inspiring and educating our students.
The Consent Agenda carried the usual business items, as well as a Memo of Understanding between the Peninsula School District and the West Sound Technical Skills Center (WST) to plan for a summer session, July 27-August 12.
On behalf of the student body, Student Representative to the Board Gabriel O’Rourke-Dela Cruz thanked all of the staff involved in planning and participating in the graduation and other end-of-year events for students. Gabriel introduced Rodgie Oliver who will be the 2020-21 Student Representative to the Board.
The Board approved changes to the Bremerton High School’s ASB Constitution as well as many HR resolutions involving 2020-21 salary schedules and authorizations to employ non-represented supervisory staff and supervisory and non-supervisory certificated staff.
Written reports included a Facilities Report containing information and photographs of the work that was done this year and upcoming summer work, the OSPI approval of the district’s 2019-20 Emergency School Closure Waiver, and an update on the planning for this year’s back to school fair/event. “The event will be modeled after other drive-through events held this spring. Abundant Life volunteers plus 2 staff from each building will staff the events. Families will drive through and pick up bags without getting out of their cars.”
At this time, planning is to hold our July 9th Board meeting in the District Board Room. However, if things change before then and Zoom meetings continue, remember: simply go to the BoardDocs website on the day of that meeting, click on the “meeting date,” and a “video” icon will show up that allows you to sign in and be a part of the audience. Each regular meeting will have the opportunity for public input as usual.
At the July 9th Board meeting, the Board is prepared to hear from the fall start work group on recommendations for the upcoming school year. If you’d like to have a voice in this process before this comes to the Board, please take part in the district surveys or email or otherwise correspond with Dr. Leavell or the Board.
To view any documents or further information, visit BoardDocs.
Compiled by Ioanna Cossack, Board Secretary
It is not too late to complete your staff survey!
Survey reminders/guidance:
- Staff assigned to a building should take the survey for their school (See links below).
- District staff not assigned to a building, Open Doors and West Sound Tech staff should use the District survey link.
- This survey has some questions that are most applicable to teachers. However, we felt it was important to get feedback from ALL staff so the survey was shared districtwide.
- Please complete the survey and and answer the questions that are relevant to your role/job in the District.
- If you work in MORE than one building, you only need to complete the survey once.
- The survey closes on Monday, June 22 at 3 p.m.
- This won't be our only survey. We will be reaching out to staff and families throughout our process of evaluating the three options presented by OSPI, and finalizing many important details of our plan.
- If you have any glitches with the survey, try using a different web browser.
- If you have a technical question or issues about the staff Panorama survey, please contact Laura.Bay@BremertonSchools.org.
Survey links:
Social-Emotional Learning in Quarantine
BHS staff: Do you have photos from the Graduation Gauntlet you'd like to share?
Add them here! Thank you!
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Coming up this weekend!
Kitsap Musicians Project: United for Kitsap
"United for Kitsap" is a special concert featuring the Kitsap Musicians Project in partnership with the United Way of Kitsap and BKAT. It is set for Saturday, June 20th at 9:00 am & Sunday, 21st at 9:30 pm. We are presenting a program designed to raise awareness and help raise resources for our neighbors in need as a result of the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.
The following Naval Avenue Early Learning Center (NAELC) staff (and one BHS student!) are involved in this project:
- Tony Avenson- special audio/video digital consultant
- Kim Hurst - songwriter/ guitar/ performer
- Ian Jones- saxophone ( he is NAELC's Megan Jones' husband)
- Pablo Flores- guitar/bass player and audio/video editing (co-producer)
- Rick Cortes- songwriter/ guitar/performer (co-producer)
- Andrew Kehm, BHS senior - songwriter/performer
Thank you,
Pablo & Rick
Reminder: SEBB is offering an opportunity to change your benefits!
You can:
- Enroll in medical benefits if you are currently enrolled only in dental and vision.
- Add eligible dependents to your medical coverage. Dependent verification is still required.
- Increase or decrease your Medical FSA or DCAP annual elections.
- Enroll in a Medical FSA or DCAP for the rest of the 2020 calendar year (if eligible for these benefits).
Please note that employees cannot change their medical plans or waive medical coverage during this limited open enrollment.
To add dependents or enroll in medical benefits, employees should visit SEBB My Account.
*** This needs to be completed no later than July 31.
Reminder: It is Important to review your leave balances. Will you forfeit any?
Employees are encouraged to be proactive in knowing your own leave balances, how much you have used during the school year, and how your balance is affected by your working agreement and District policy.
If you earn Vacation you should ensure your balance on August 31st (June 30th for Administrators) is no more than thirty (30) of your workdays. Any days in excess of thirty (30) days will be forfeited on September 1st (July 1st for Administrators).
Additionally, each employee should review their working agreement regarding their rights associated with Personal leave. If you are allowed to accrue Personal leave, it is accounted for in the “Other Paid Leave” category in the Time Off Section of EA+. Any excess personal leave not used or cashed out (if eligible) by June 30th (August 31st for full-year employees), will be forfeited on September 1st. If you are on a July - June Contract you must use your Personal leave by June 30th. For Personal Leave that qualifies for cash out (please read your specific Collective Bargaining Agreement, located on the District's website), complete a paper leave slip, mark “Other” and write “completed qualifications to receive _(insert number)_ days of Personal leave cash-out”. Your request for cash-out (leave slip) must be approved (signed) by your building administrator and must be submitted to Payroll by June 30, 2020.
Follow BSD on Social Media!
- View past issues of the Staff Updates newsletter
- Submit ideas or content for the Staff Updates newsletter to: Karen.Bevers@BremertonSchools.org
BSD Staff Updates Newsletter 2019-20 / Issue #21 : 6/19/2020
Photo by Gregg Scott: Class of 2020 Graduation Gauntlet 6/12/2020.
Website: www.bremertonschools.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BremertonSchools/
Twitter: @BremertonSD