Peek at the Week
Week of February 3rd, 2025
Monday, Feb. 3
- School Jobs Week 3
- Mahomes Monday - headbands, curly hair and mohawks
- 9:00 - 3:30 pm - Book Fair (see information below)
- 8:00 am - Jag Choir Rehearsal in Music Room
- 3:45 pm - After School Science Club in Art Room
- School Jobs Week 3
- Team Time Tuesday - dress like your favorite player, coach, fan, ref, or cheerleader
- 9:00 - 3:30 pm - Book Fair
- 3:45 pm - After School Archery Club at Meadowlark (see information below)
- 4:00 - 6:00 pm - After School Book Fair Shopping Event
- School Jobs - Week 3
- Andy Reid "Wins"day - dress like Andy Reid or wear professional team gear
- Global Play Day
- 9:00 - 3:30 pm - Book Fair
- 8:00 am - Jag Choir Rehearsal in Music Room
- 8:00 am - Continental Math League (4th & 5th Grade)
- 9:00 - 10:30 am - 3rd & 4th Grade Music Practice at ACHS
- 3:45 pm - Sign Language Club (4th & 5th Grade)
- 4:00 - 6:00 pm - After School Book Fair Shopping Event
Thursday, Feb. 6
- School Jobs - Week 3
- Tailgate Thursday - wear your sunglasses and a hat
- 9:00 - 3:30 pm - Book Fair
- 9:00 - 10:30 am - 3rd & 4th Grade Music Program Practice at ACHS
- 7:00 pm - 3rd & 4th Grade Music Program at ACHS
- School Jobs - Week 3
- National Wear Red Day
- 7:40 am - Student Council Meeting
- 9:00 - 3:30 pm - Book Fair
What is Heart Month 2025?
Heart Month 2025 is a month-long initiative focused on heart health and cardiovascular disease prevention. It aims to educate individuals about the importance of maintaining a healthy heart and making lifestyle choices that support cardiovascular well-being. Heart disease remains a leading cause of death worldwide, and this observance seeks to reduce its impact through awareness and action.
These students were recognized by their teachers at the Pep Assembly for perseverance. They keep going and never give up. Well done!
The annual Meadowlark Elementary Spelling bee took place on Friday, January 24, 2025. The 2025 winner is Macy T., a fourth-grade student from Mrs. Montgomery’s classroom and our runner-up is, Vincent V., a fifth grader from the classroom of Mrs. Willmott. There were seventeen contestants in this year’s bee. Other contestants included:
3 rd Grade – Ezekiel T., Zara I., Monroe H., Eleanor M., Addison T., and Kobe R.
4 th Grade – Hudson B., Brayden M., Kaniyah P., and Kate F.
5 th Grade – Mira H., Max M., Graham E., Owen W., and Emma L.
Mr. Brett White pronounced the words to the students with Ms. Cami Kasel and Mrs. Traci Flake, serving in the role of judges for the bee. Macy will be representing Meadowlark Elementary at the Butler County spelling bee on February 7, 2025, at Butler County Community College in El Dorado, Kansas.
Congratulations to all of the spellers for a successful spelling bee!
20% of all sales go directly back to Meadowlark PTO.
Available in PowerSchool December 6th
Your child’s report card is now available for view in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Below are instructions for accessing the report card. If you have questions or need help with access, please contact your child’s school. Please note that you will need to log into the Parent Portal. You will not be able to view report cards using the mobile app.
Elementary Student Report Cards
Parents can see all archived reports for their children in the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Any current reports that are published to the public portal can be run by the parent at any time.
If you have more than one student, select the student tab for the student you want to view the Elementary Report Card
Click on Student Reports in the left navigation menu as seen below
Click on the Report you want to view under the Archived Report section
Elementary Report Cards will be Archived quarterly for parents to view or print
As outlined by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Office of Civil Rights, identified English learner (EL) students that are enrolled in Kansas schools are entitled to services that ensure students can meaningfully participate in educational programs and services.The Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA) measures the English language proficiency of EL students.
Kansas administers KELPA to measure student progress toward such proficiency based on English Language Proficiency Standards. These standards were designed to allow students to gain English proficiency and to learn other subjects at the same time. The KELPA has four parts: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
All students who are identified as ELs must take the KELPA, whether or not they are receiving instructional services. Building test coordinators and ESOL teachers will administer the KELPA to all EL students in grades K-12 between February 3rd and March 14th. School staff work closely with core teachers to schedule an appropriate testing time. Although the test is untimed, students will spend about 20- 45 minutes on each of the four parts.
EL students continue to qualify for services until they score “proficient” in all four language domains for one year. The 2024-25 KELPA scores should be available in May 2025.
September 27, 2024
Dear Parent or Caregiver,
The Andover USD 385 Board of Education approved the purchase of a new elementary school counseling program called Safer, Smarter Kids to support our counselors in addressing the Kansas Social, Emotional, and Character Model Standards. This curriculum was created by educators, developmental psychologists, and experts in abuse prevention to teach personal safety with engaging age-appropriate lessons and activities. The Safer, Smarter Kids curriculum will provide your child with protective principles and the knowledge needed to identify and avoid unsafe situations, people, and behaviors - and how to access help.
The school counselor will teach these lessons during the regularly scheduled counselor class time. The lessons incorporate videos and in-class activities that address topics such as body boundaries, respecting yourself and others, the difference between safe and unsafe secrets, listening to your “Guiding Voice” and telling a trusted adult when a situation makes you feel confused or uncomfortable. You may view the lesson sequence, specific lesson topics, and related resources for each grade level using this link.
If you would like to learn more about the curriculum and see sample lessons, please visit www.SaferSmarterKids.org. For more information on ways to keep your child safe, teach personal safety lessons at home, and how to identify unsafe adults, visit www.SaferSmarterFamilies.org.
If you have questions about the curriculum, or, if after reviewing the lessons you would like to “opt-out” of specific lessons for your child, please email Brooke Holcomb no later than Friday, October 4,, 2024.
Dana Matheny, School Principal
Brooke Holcomb, School Counselor
Attendance Hours: 8:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
School begins at 8:45 a.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Students should arrive no earlier than 8:30 a.m. All doors will remain locked until 8:35 and supervision can happen. There will be no direct supervision of students prior to 8:35 a.m., so for the safety and well being of your children, we ask that you make child care arrangements for your children. Neighbors or relatives may be able to watch your children before school, or the YMCA has a latchkey program at Meadowlark. Information about the program can be found at https://ymcawichita.org/programs/child-care-and-camps/before-and-after-school
Students who wish to eat breakfast at school may arrive as early as 8:15 a.m. and enter through the front entrance.
Late Arriving Students
Students who arrive after 8:45 a.m. must check in at the office.
Lunch Visitors
Due to our enrollment size and cafeteria capacity, we are not able to accommodate visitors during lunch. If you’d like to eat lunch with your child, you may check him or her out of the building and eat off-site.
Early Pick Up of Students
Please call the Meadowlark office at (316) 218-4630 if you are picking up your children prior to 3:45 pm.
Please drive to the back of the school building (southeast end). Students need to remain in the car until school personnel signals students to exit the car. Doors will be locked at 8:45. ALL students must be dropped off in the back unless they are walking, cycling, arriving late (after 8:45), or eating breakfast (before 8:35)
Please drive to the back of the school building (southeast end). Students will be dismissed to your car. ALL students need to load the car from the passenger side. This is done for the safety of your child. We ask that you have a sign (8 1/2 x 11) visible on your front dash/window so that we can quickly identify which child goes with each vehicle. Please list the names of all the children whom you are picking up (WRITE BIG!). Click on the form below.
Meadowlark Bicycle/Scooter Contract
- Students may ride a bike or scooter with parent permission.
- Students must have a bicycle/scooter contract on file.
- You must wear a helmet when riding!
- When arriving on Campus, students must stop at the stop sign located at the south entrance intersecting 159th street, look both ways before crossing and walk their bike across the road. Students must walk their bike on the sidewalk all the way to the building.
- When leaving campus, students must walk their bike on the sidewalk to the stop sign located at the south entrance intersecting 159th street, look both ways before crossing and walk their bike across the road.
- Bikes and scooters must be parked in the bicycle racks and locked. (Meadowlark Elementary assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged items).
In the morning, the buses should arrive at the school at approximately 8:35 am and will deliver students to the bus oval on the north end of the building.
In the afternoon, the buses should arrive at the school at approximately 3:35 pm and will pick up students from the bus oval on the north end of the building. This is NOT to be used by parents for pick up or drop off.
Location Manager | First Student, Inc. #12808
Office: (316)247-1926
222 E King Street, Andover, KS 67002
Meadowlark Elementary School
Email: harveyr@usd385.org
Website: http://meadowlark.usd385.org/
Location: 1122 N 159th St E, Wichita, KS 67230 USA
Phone: 316-218-4630
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meadowlarkelementary