Full Speaker Line Up

✨Full Speaker Lineup✨
Noelle Birky
Noelle Birky received her graduate degree in Speech-Language Pathology from California State University East Bay in 2013. Since then she has worked in school based settings serving individuals with complex communication, physical and behavioral needs. Noelle specializes in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), developing communication systems that range from paper-based to high tech speech generating devices. She previously worked for Multnomah Education Service District as a speech language pathologist in their Functional Living Skills program. Noelle is passionate about access to literacy instruction for people of all abilities. In her free time, Noelle enjoys spending time with friends, hiking, and finding the best places to get tacos in Portland.
Noelle will join Carrie Luse to show us how to get funding for assistive technology.
Gayl Bowser
Gayl Bowser, M.Ed. is an independent consultant whose work focuses on the creation of effective, legal and high-quality service systems that encourage integration of technology into educational programs for students with disabilities. Formerly the Coordinator of the Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP) and the U.S. State of Oregon’s Specialist in Assistive Technology, Gayl provides consultation, professional learning opportunities, mentoring and technical assistance throughout the United States and internationally.
Gayl joins us to deliver two 90-minute sessions.
Chris Bugaj
Christopher R. Bugaj, MA CCC‐SLP is the Assistive Technology Specialist for Loudoun County Public Schools. Chris co-hosts the Talking With Tech podcast featuring interviews and conversations about augmentative and alternative communication and has hosted The A.T.TIPSCAST; a multi‐award winning podcast featuring strategies to design educational experiences. Chris is the author of The New Assistive Tech: Make Learning Awesome For All first and second editions, published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Chris is the co-author of Inclusive Learning 365: EdTech Strategies for Every Day of the Year and The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools both of which are also published by ISTE. Chris co-authored two chapters for a book published by Brookes Publishing titled Technology Tools for Students with Autism. Chris is also the owner of his company, Educational Experience Design. Chris has presented over 700 live or digital sessions at local, regional, state, national and international events, including TEDx.
Chris will be joining us for two full days, six 90-minute sessions. He brings his progressive AAC curriculum as well as topics on access, self-advocacy and more.
Cheri Dodge Chin
Cheri Dodge Chin is an Assistive Technology consultant, adjunct professor, doctoral-level mentor, and published researcher. With over 20 years of experience as a speech-language pathologist, she has worked across pediatric private practice, rehabilitation, clinics, and schools. She holds doctoral degrees in both Education and Speech Pathology and a master's degree in Speech Pathology.
A pioneer in SLP blogging and social media, Dr. Dodge was among the first SLP bloggers. Her blog, Super Power Speech, features over 700 posts, and she has developed more than 300 resources to support AAC, language, articulation, and social skills. She has delivered presentations at local, state, and national conferences.
Cheri brings us a session on cutting edge tools including AI.
Hannah Erickson
Hannah Erickson, IRISBOND’s Head of Training & Support, is originally from Minnesota, USA, but has spent much of her career abroad. She graduated with a Psychology degree from the University of Minnesota in 2013, and after working in her home state in special education, she spent 6 years as a language trainer in Spain, and coordinated international program exchanges. Now at Irisbond, where she has been part of the team for over 2 years, Hannah is the Head of Training
and Support and provides eye gaze product knowledge and support to clients around the world.
Hanna brings us a session about eyegaze, support, and eyegaze friendly apps.
Kelly Fonner
Kelly Fonner is a self-employed consultant in assistive technology & an online teacher. For over 40 years, she has presented at schools, universities & conferences in the US & internationally in Australia, Brazil, Canada and South Africa. She presents on a wide range of topics including augmentative communication, computer access, literacy, writing supports, AT assessment and implementation strategies. Kelly is a volunteer leader in QIAT, WI AAC Network and an advisor to the ATIA conference.
Kelly will join us both days, for six total sessions, with focuses on literacy, writing and AAC.
Dr. Connie Johnson
Dr. Connie Johnson is a school based physical therapist and LEND faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is ABPTS Board Certified, DC LEND trainee who received her MSPT from Springfield College and DScPT from University of Maryland. She’s an advocate to eliminate health and opportunity disparities to achieve employment for youth with disabilities. She has published in peer reviewed journals on transition, fitness of youth with disabilities, case studies on work capacity evaluation in transition and Use of the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice. She is an active member of the Academy of PediatricPhysical Therapy as co-chair of the Practice Development Committee and a member of the school and AADA SIGs as well as APTA Academy for Leadership and Innovation. She is the creator of Fit4Work.
Courtney Lackey & Reid Lackey
Courtney Lackey MA, CCC-SLP received her Bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing from Elmira College and her Master’s degree in speech language pathology from the University of Northern Colorado. Prior to starting Speech & Play, Courtney worked in an Early Childhood Special Education program, supporting families throughout Washington County. During this time she gained valuable experience helping children advance in their speech and language skills and learning to see the world through the eyes of the children she worked with.
Courtney believes strongly in supporting children and their families as a team. Including families in every aspect of a child’s treatment leads to greater progress and allows children and their families to share in the experience of success. Courtney has experience working with children with a variety of speech and language needs, including late talkers, children with articulation and phonological disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and AAC communication needs.
Courtney will join us with her son, Reid, for a session about eye gaze from the perspctives of a professional and a parent.
Carrie Luse
Carrie Luse graduated from the Medical University of South Carolina in 2001 with a Masters in Occupational Therapy. Her education was primarily interdisciplinary, learning alongside physical therapy and speech language pathology students. Carrie has been a certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) since 2007. Her true passion is working with and learning from people with complex communication, mobility, and medical needs. She worked for almost ten years at Legacy Randall Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon and was part of multiple interdisciplinary clinic teams. Carrie has served children and adults through her private practice at Assistive Technology NW, as well as consulting at the Providence Neurodevelopmental Center for Children and The Child Center. She has been an adjunct teacher at Pacific University for an AT course. She presents regionally and nationally on a variety of topics. Carrie lives in Portland with her husband, two daughters, and two little dogs.
Carrie will present in concert with Noelle to bring us the ins and outs of funding for assistive technology.
Dr. Varleisha Lyons (Gibbs)
Varleisha D. Lyons (formerly Gibbs), PhD, OTD, OTR/L, ASDCS, is an occupational therapist and author with over 20 years of experience working with children and adolescents diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, sensory processing disorders and neurological disorders. She developed and founded Delaware’s first occupational therapy program and became the first black indigenous American woman to serve as the Scientific Programs Officer at the American Occupational Therapy Foundation. Currently, she is the Vice President of Diversity Equity Inclusion Justice Access and Belonging at the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA).
Varleisha continues to lecture and provides training on sensory processing strategies and self-regulation to practitioners, parents, and teachers throughout the country and internationally. As co-author of Raising Kids with Sensory Processing Disorders, she has provided families with strategies to understand and care for their children. Dr. Lyons is the developer of the Self-Regulation and Mindfulness program and author of the best-selling book, Self-Regulation and Mindfulness: Exercises and Worksheets for Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder (PESI Publishing & Media). She is the co-author of Trauma Treatment in ACTION: Over 85 Activities to Move Clients Toward Healing, Growth and Improved Functioning (PESI Publishing & Media). Her areas of expertise include neuroanatomy, self-regulation strategies across the lifespan, health inequities, and trauma responsive approaches.Chandra Pinnock
Chandra Pinnock is the both the parent of an adult autistic child and an advocate for accessibility, empowering independence through technology and education with both OTAP and RSOI through her current role as Accessible Technology & Learning Specialist. She has presented to a variety of audiences on topics relating to assistive technology, Maker projects, accessibility and Accessible Educational Materials. Chandra has a passion for lifelong learning and helping others succeed. In her spare time, she also is a teaching SCUBA Divemaster, loves kayaking and cooking.
Chandra will be joining Kelly to bring a great AAC resource to Oregon.
Allison Posey
Allison Posey is an international leader for inclusive practices through implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). She works at CAST, where she collaborates to apply current understanding from brain research into innovative, equitable instructional practices. She taught a range of science courses in high school and community colleges, such as biology, genetics, anatomy, and psychology and she still teaches at Lasell University.
Allison earned a degree in Mind, Brain, and Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education, is author of two books, Engage the Brain (ASCD, 2018) and Unlearning (CAST Publishing, 2020). She lives just outside of Boston, is an avid hiker, and loves being a mom.
Check her out at https://www.allisonposey.com.
Brian Sacre
Brian Sacre is an Assistive Technology Specialist and former educator from Access Technologies, Inc. He travels Oregon and Southwest Washington, demonstrating and assessing the technologies that give people greater independence, as well as training agencies and employers in the design and implementation of creating accessible documents. He holds a BS in psychology from the University of Oregon and is a certified office ergonomics evaluator.
Brian is presenting a session on the state resources at Access Technologies.
Judith Schoonover
Judith Schoonover, MEd, OTR/L, ATP, FAOTA is an occupational therapist and former elementary school teacher. She is certified as an assistive technology professional (ATP) by RESNA and is a founding member of the Loudoun County Public Schools Assistive Technology Team. Judith has provided direct services in schools for more than 44 years. She has authored numerous articles and chapters and is a nationally and internationally recognized speaker presenting on the topics of school-based occupational therapy, transition, literacy, and assistive technology. Judith is the former vice president of the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association and served as the communication liaison for the American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA) Early Intervention and School Special Interest Section. Currently, Judith represents AOTA on the National Joint Committee (NJC) for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities, and serves on the editorial board of the Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits (ATOB) Journal. Judith was the recipient of the Joy Zabala Spirit Award in 2023, and is currently serving as a Joy Zabala Fellowship Mentor.
Judith will be with us for two days, six total sessions, including interactive make and take fun!
35 kits are available for each session on a first come basis.
Elisa Wern
Elisa Wern is an Occupational Therapist, with a Master’s degree in Special Education, and RESNA Certified Assistive Technology Professional (ATP) with over 20 years of experience in pediatric therapy. She presents at a variety of state and national conferences including regional training, AOTA, CEC, PATINS A2E, and ATIA, Closing the Gap, OTAP/ECHO TIES Project, CATE, TalkingAAC and AAC in the Cloud. She is the Local Assistive Technology Specialist for Alachua County Schools in Gainesville, Florida, where she coordinates AT services for the district, and serves as the Lead Occupational Therapist. In her spare work time she has a private practice, AT & OT Consulting and Coaching, supporting students and families primarily through teletherapy evaluations, consultations, and interventions as well as consultation for companies. She is a contracted staff member for LessonPix providing training and conference support. She proudly served as a Year 1 Mentor as a Joy Zabala Fellow. She coordinates the Facebook group book study on Comprehensive Literacy for All. She shares ideas and resources on Twitter @wernedat and can be reached by email elisa@atotcc.com.
Elisa will be presenting for two days, six total sessions on an array of her signature topics, including two co-presentations with Judith Schoonover. Double the fun!!
1409 NE Diamond Lake Blvd, Suite 110
Roseburg, OR 97470