SMA Weekly Staff Bulletin
Live, Love, Learn, Pray
Week of November 11th to 15th
This Week
Virtue - Empathy
Social Skills - Following Instructions and Working with Others
Veteran's Day assembly
Tuesday, November 12th
Pizza Lunch
PTO meeting at 2 pm in the STAR Center
Wednesday, November 13th
Report Cards due to the office by 8 am
9:30-2:30 3rd Gr Field Trip
Thursday, November 14th
Dollar Denim
Geppetto's Sip and Shop 9 am - 11am and 5 pm-7 pm
Friday, November 15th
11:20 School Mass
6-8 Send Report Cards home (TK-5 waiting for conference)
1:15 Staff Meeting
Sunday, November 17th
9 am Family Mass
"Laudato Si" Session with Bishop McElroy - All are Invited!
Bishop Robert W. McElroy and the Creation Care Ministry of the Diocese of San Diego invites all priests, deacons, religious women and men and Catholic school principals and teachers to a day of study, reflection and planning on the message of Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si” about the environment and our stewardship of all of creation. Click here for more details
Don't forget! This Thursday, between 9-11am and 5-7pm when you mention SMA at the register, SMA will receive 15% of the sale proceeds.It's a great opportunity to buy fun Christmas presents and support Stella Maris. Thank you!
Looking Ahead
Thanksgiving basket donations due
Tuesday, November 19th
Minimum Day - Parent Conferences
5:15 School Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 20th
Minimum Day - Parent Conferences
Thursday, November 21st
Minimum Day - Parent Conferences
Spirit Wear Day
Friday, November 22nd
Minimum Day
11:20 Mass
No Extended Care
No Meeting - Thanksgiving break
Pictures are Needed
Adult Virtues of the Month
September - Faith
October - Justice
November/December - Prudence
January - Hope
February- Fortitude
March- Charity
April/May - Temperance
#CSW20: Jan. 26 - Feb. 1, 2020
It's never too early to get started on your #CSW20 (Catholic Schools Week 2020) prep! See below for our kindergarten coloring contest and our 5th grade essay contest. This year's theme is Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.
Adopt a Classroom
SD Catholic Standards-Referenced Grading Resources
Rick Wormeli will be presenting at St. Columba on November 21-22 (K-6) and December 2-3 (7-12). All participants will receive a complimentary copy of Fair Isn't Always Equal. We have used a number of Wormeli resources in our SRG handbook and professional learning. This is a great FREE opportunity through CAPS PD! See a sample video of his work below: "The Problem with Zeros on a 100-Point Scale."
Renaissance Videos
Renaissance has provided us with a list of helpful videos covering topics such as Mastery, Focus Skills, Adaptive Testing and many more. You may download the list by clicking here.
STEM in the K-8 Classroom
This workshop is delivered in two sessions for each grade span (Pre-K-2, 3-5, 6-8) and will focus on providing teachers with an opportunity to learn how to implement STEM in their classrooms immediately; create low-cost/no-cost STEM activities, and collaborate with grade-span peers.
Session 1 also includes the following:
- Understand the crosscutting concepts of NGSS.
- Acquire resources to help with implementation.
In Session 2, participants will learn six new STEM activities for immediate classroom implementation and focus on the following:
- Examine implementation challenges at grade spans.
- Deepen their understanding of the NGSS and STEM.
**There is NO COST to attendees! Please bring your own snacks, lunch, and beverages.
Session 2 will take place at St. Kieran School in El Cajon:
Standards Based Grading Workshop
Wow! THE Rick Womeli is going to be the presenter for the standards-based FREE workshops for private school teachers. These sessions will be hosted in our diocese at St. Columba Catholic School. Register quickly as I'm sure this one will fill up (ALL private school teachers invited, so it won't just be our SD Catholic teachers)!! This is paid for using Title IIA state funds earmarked for CA private schools.
Sick Procedures
· Call Sarah Clariza (619-243-9568) the evening prior to the day you will miss or before 6:00 am of the day you will miss. Always leave a voice mail message. Please do not text or email only.
· Call Francie Moss at home (619-881-7870), if no answer, leave a message.
· Email Francie Moss, Katie Zack, and Julie Hollis
· Email sub plans to,, and
· Call the school by 2:30 the day you are absent to inform the school if you will be out sick an additional day.
Important Reminders & News
Please use the procedures, policies, and forms in the Field Trip Policies & Procedures
Dispose of all old Field Trip forms.
News from the Diocese
Diocese of San Diego Office for Schools Newsletter
Take some time to read the Diocesan Office for Schools Newsletter for information about Professional Development, events, and other news.
Religion Teacher: Religion Teacher/Catechist Requirements - Revised 2018
Staff Resources, Forms, & Handbooks
NEW EMPLOYEE HR RESOURCES AND FORMS WEBSITE an independent nonprofit designed to improve K-12 education, offering free reviews of K-12 instructional materials focus on alignment to college and career-ready standards and other indicators of high quality as recommend by educators.
Student & Teacher Planners Educator Resources
IOIPay Employee Self Service - look up Pay Check stubs or Sick or Vacation Hours
Professional Learning & Development
The mission of Stella Maris Academy is to empower a community of diverse learners to achieve their God-given potential by providing a Christ-centered, academically excellent, and safe environment.
The parents, administration, faculty, and staff of Stella Maris Academy believe that Christ is the center of our lives and that we are called to proclaim the Good News, to create community, and to be of service to all of God’s people.
We acknowledge that parents are the primary educators of their children.
We foster a supportive environment that balances high expectations with the respect for individual differences.
We commit ourselves to challenge students to become life-long learners while developing a healthy attitude of personal value and self-worth.
We prepare students for higher education, responsible citizenship, and moral integrity in an ever changing world.
Graduates of Stella Maris Academy are:
Active Faith Filled Catholics Who:
- Pray Everyday
- Live like Jesus and the Holy Family
- Understand, share, and participate in the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church
Life Long Learners Who:
- Communicate effectively
- Works independently and collaboratively
- Demonstrate critical, creative, and original thinking skills
- Integrate fine arts
- Persevere through challenging experiences
Community and Global Ambassadors Who:
- Utilize social skills
- Resolve conflicts peacefully
- Care for all of God’s creations
- Treat everyone with respect
- Demonstrate a spirit of service
September: Respect
October: Building Peace
November: Empathy
December: Sharing
January: Celebration
February: Cooperation
March: Service
April: Stewardship
May: Gratitude
Following Instructions
Accepting Criticism or a Consequence
Accepting “No” for an Answer
Greeting Others/Introducing yourself
Getting the Teacher’s Attention
Disagreeing Appropriately
Saying You’re Sorry/Making an Apology
Accepting Compliments
Talking with Others/Having a Conversation
Asking for Help
Asking Permission
Staying on Task
Sharing with Others/Sharing Something
Working with Others
Using a Nice Voice Tone/Using an Appropriate Voice Tone
Cruz Owen, K
John Schatz, 1
Sivanna Cabrera , 1
Bella Garwick, 1
Flynn Helliar, 1
Catherine Soriaga, 4
Ella Howell, 5
Olivia Hostetler, 7
Jensen Schroedl, 7
Scarlett Hellier, 8
Shane Horgan, 8
Jack Limberg, 8
Owen Hodge, 8