Career Center E-News
November 2017
Parent/Teacher Conferences November 9th at Career Center 3:00 - 7:00pm
Fall Break - November 20th - 24th - No School
Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 9th
Career Center
3:00 - 7:00pm
Help Save Lives Donate Blood
St. Mary's is pairing up with The Career Center on
November 8th 10:00AM - 12:00 PM for a Blood Drive.
All are welcome!
Parents we encourage you to come and give blood. Anyone under the age of 18 will need a permission slip signed by a guardian. Please pick up your permission slip from the Healthcare Occupations classroom.
Gavin Carcamo - Culinary Arts
Nathaniel Simon - Computer Technologies
Tristan Parker - Construction
Cole Sackett - Construction
Cheyenne Peck - Construction
Caitlin Tufly - E C P
William Jacob - Horticulture
Caitlynn Wilson - Healthcare Occupations
Bella Bryant - Small Animal Care
Dominick Lucero - Sport Vehicle Repair
Darienne Irvin - In-Steps