November 3, 2024 Madison Memo

Sunday, November 3, 2024
Principals' Message
Madison Parents & Guardians,
As we near the end of the 1st trimester, we want parents and guardians to know that we will be recognizing Mustangs at an All School Gathering at the end of the trimester. At that assembly on November 22, select students from each classroom will be honored for displaying Safe, Kind, & Responsible behavior throughout the first three months of school; as well as students showing Academic Excellence and/or Academic Growth during the first trimester. We are so proud of all of our Mustangs and are working on some new ways to recognize all of the great things happening in our school. We will also be showcasing our school leaders like safety patrols, student council, yearbook , video, & tech teams. There is so much to celebrate at our great school!
Your principals,
Mr. A & Mrs. Conlon
Veteran's Day - November 11th
On Monday, November 11, 2024 Madison Elementary will be celebrating Veterans Day. Veterans associated with Madison students & families are invited to Madison to attend a schoolwide assembly which will take place at 9:05 AM in the gym. Following the assembly refreshments and a raffle will be held in the cafeteria for veterans, family members, and associated students. We look forward to honoring our veterans for their service.
No School on Tuesday, 11/5
As a reminder to parents & guardians, Tuesday, November 5th is Election Day and Madison is a polling place. There is NO SCHOOL for students as teachers will be in professional development sessions.
Character Trait of the Month
November: Gratitude
We are looking forward to focusing on Gratitude this month! One way to think about Gratitude is “choosing to appreciate the people and things in our lives.” Practicing Gratitude can increase our well-being and even our happiness! Here is the Family Newsletter! Below is a fun & timely video/song that encapsulates this character trait! We are THANKFUL for our Madison students and families!
Kindness Poster Contest
Congratulations to the following students from each grade, for winning the Madison round of the annual Kindness Poster contest. These six winning posters now go to the district level to compete against grade level winners from the other 25 schools. Good luck, and thanks to all of our Mustangs who participated!
Kindergarten: Ruby W., KK
Grade 1: Clementine W., 1P
Grade 2: Emilio S., 2A
Grade 3: Cora H., 3G
Grade 4: Locklyn L., 4P
Grade 5: Patrick N., 5L
From the Health Office
If your family has any pants with elastic waistbands that you no longer need, our health office would gladly accept them. They are quite useful at school when a student needs a change of clothing for the remainder of the day. Simply send them to school with your child, labeled Health Office donation. Thank you so much!
Picture Retake Day
Lifetouch will be at Madison on Tuesday, November 12 for retakes. If your child was not photographed on the previous Picture Day or you would like the pictures redone, this is the opportunity. Parents are able to order online at mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID: EVTQ3PZWV. Flyers are available in the school office.
From the Madison PTO
Turkey Bingo is back!
Please join us on Thursday, November 21st from 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM, with doors opening at 6:00 PM. The cost to participate will be $10 per family and we ask that anyone under the age of 18 be accompanied by an adult.
Please join us for the next PTO meeting on Monday, November 11th from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in the Madison library. Please reach out to board@madison-pto.org with any questions ahead of the next PTO meeting. We look forward to seeing you at PTO & Turkey Bingo!
New Volunteer Opportunities
Lunchroom Support:
Help is needed during Kindergarten and 1st Grades lunches (10:40 AM - 11:20 AM daily).
Click here to sign up for Lunchroom Support
Staple Club:
Volunteers will meet on Tuesday afternoons to help sort and put flyers together for students to take home for Wednesday Packets. Click here to sign up for Staple Club
Device Cleaning:
Help us keep germs away! Volunteers are needed to help clean Chromebooks and IPads in the classroom. This could be done during the day or after school. If you sign up, we will work with your schedule. Click here to sign up for Device Cleaning
Madison's Volunteer Services Coordinator: Lori.Ngo@ahschools.us
November 4, CogAT Testing in Grades 2-3
November 5, Election Day (NO SCHOOL)
November 6, CogAT Testing in Grades 2-3
November 7, CogAT Testing in Grade 3
November 11, Madison PTO Meeting, 6:30-8:00 PM
November 12, Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
November 21, Turkey Bingo, 6:15-7:30 PM (Doors open at 6:00)
November 22, End of Trimester I
Important Numbers and Links
Any time your child will be absent from or late to school, please report the absence by 9:15 AM by calling the Attendance Line at 763-506-3306 or entering the absence in ParentVue.
Contact Information
Main Office: 763-506-3300
Absence Line: 763-506-3306
Fax: 763-506-3303
School Hours: 8:45-3:15 (Doors open at 8:35, breakfast door opens at 8:25)
Website: www.ahschools.us/madison
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AHMadison Elementary
Additional Resources
This e-newsletter is published by Madison Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.