What's the Buzz?
Upcoming Dates
Remember to utilize our SMS Google Calendar subscription (click here to view), or view the “Events” page on the SMS website.
Jan. 31 -9 am School Mass -led by ALL GRADES, parents welcome!
Jan. 31 -11:30 AM Dismissal for MCH full day - Grade 8
Jan. 31 - Progress Reports will go home ONLY for students who have a need for improvement/grade under 80%.
Jan. 31- 1:30 pm HSA Ice Skating Party, Northtown Center
Feb. 2 - 9am - Catholic Schools Week Closing Mass
Feb. 2 - 10am - HSA Catholic Schools Week Family Breakfast
Feb. 4 - 7pm - HSA Meeting
Feb. 5 - First Weds. Teacher Breakfast
Feb. 6 - NJHS Induction
Feb. 7 -9 am School Mass led by St. Scholastica Faith Family (Mrs. Laderer)
Feb. 10-14 - SMS Spirit Week!
Feb. 10- Crazy Hat Day (Montessori), Decades Day (K-8)
Feb. 11- Spirit Wear with Uniform Bottoms (MCH- Grade 6), Dress for the Weather Outdoors (Grades 7,8)
Feb. 12 - Team Spirit Day
Feb. 12 - Flavors of Fellowship International Night - 5:30-7pm
Feb. 13 - Pajama Day
Feb. 14 - St. Valentine’s Day! Wear red, pink or purple with uniform bottom/jumper
Feb. 14 - 9 am School Mass led by St Teresa of Calcutta Faith Family (Mrs. Leong)
Feb. 17-21 - February Recess - NO SCHOOL
Feb. 28 -9 am School Mass led by St. Jerome Faith Family (Mrs. Hammond)
News from the Cafe
Please note, there will be a menu change on Monday, 2/24. The egga-muffin will be served with a Jimmy Dean Pork Sausage patty, hash brown & optional cheese instead of an English muffin. Grades 2-8 will receive two egg patties.
Lunch Room Volunteers
If you are interested in helping out in the lunchroom and are VIRTUS trained please sign up below using the buttons. If you have any questions, you can email Mr. Mangione at attendance@st.maryschoolswormville.org.
Catholic Schools Week Special Persons Lunches were a hit!
Students enjoyed a variety of fun foods brought in by their special person this week at lunch. From sushi to subs, chicken nuggets, milk shakes and more, the food was great and the company was even better! Thank you to all of our parents, grandparents, siblings, and special people who took time out to have lunch with their student. Click the link below to view a Facebook album of the lunches.
Catch up on VIRTUS
Some of you may have received emails from the Diocesan VIRTUS Department letting you know that you haven't read any bulletins since the beginning of the school year. If you do not catch up on reading these bulletins by February 17th, your account will automatically be suspended.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR YOU? This means that you will not be able to help out in the school, coach, or attend field trips with your child. All of our volunteers need to be VIRTUS compliant. I know it is so easy to put the reminder aside and before you know it, you have 3 or 4 bulletins to complete. Please check your account today. If you have any questions, please contact me at principal@stmaryschoolswormville.org.
Catholic Education Strategic Plan
You may have seen information on the news or heard from friends that there is a strategic focus for the future of Catholic Education in our Diocese. We are very fortunate that our school is secure in the main areas of focus; Catholic Identity, Academics, and Finances. The plan's focus is making our schools as strong as possible. If you are interested in an overview of this plan, I will be presenting it at the end of our HSA meeting on February 4th at 7pm.
Our Open House was a great success, please help us continue to spread the word about our AMAZING SCHOOL!
We had a fantastic response to our Open House with many new families coming in, checking out the school, and leaving with a delicious donut and fabulous impression. Thank you to all of our parent and student tour guides and volunteers - your help was greatly appreciated! Please continue to LIKE & SHARE our school’s social media posts, LIKE, FOLLOW & SUBSCRIBE to our pages on Facebook, X and Instagram, and spread the word to friends & family looking for a wonderful school for their children. New applications are starting to roll in, and on-school-time tours are available. Please have anyone you know who is interested contact Rebecca Kisailus at 716-689-8424, or email rkisailus@stmaryschoolswormville.org
Fill out your 2025-6 Auto Re-enrollment Options Form by Tomorrow!
This year we are doing AUTOMATIC ONLINE RE-ENROLLMENT to save paper and time! Please complete the form at the link below BY TOMORROW to choose your family’s billing options & to notify us of any changes for the 2025-2026 school year. All students are considered automatically re-enrolled for the coming school year unless you notify us otherwise. If you do not complete the form your student(s) will be re-enrolled with the same billing options as last year. If you do not wish to re-enroll, please call the school office at 716-689-842.
CLICK HERE to complete the 2025-6 Re-enrollment Options Form
Please see the NYS Catholic Conference Action Alert below. Please consider clicking the link provided -https://www.votervoice.net/NYSCATHOLIC/campaigns/119871/respond - to send a prewritten email to your US Representative and Senators urging them to support the federal Education Choice for Children Act (ECCA). Once your home address is entered, the process takes less than a minute to complete.
Bowling is back!
This year we are taking advantage of the opportunity to bowl with other schools in our area through the Diocesan Spring Bowling League! The season will start at the beginning of March. Please sign up before February 12th. The Spring Bowling League will be held on Tuesdays from 3:30 -5:00 PM. Bowling dates will be: March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1. The bowling allies participating in our league will be Abbott Lanes - Buffalo, Classic Lanes - Kenmore, and Mallwitz Lanes - Grand Island. You must provide your own transportation for your students to and from bowling, and the cost is $36 per student. You will be billed for this via FACTS after you register. Registration is open to grades K-8, and bumpers will be used if needed. We will need a minimum of 1 dedicated chaperone for our school for the season, please list your name and contact number in the registration form if you would like to volunteer to chaperone.
There will be a Championship match held on Saturday, April 5th at Classic Lanes, 1840 Military Road, Kenmore, NY - starting promptly at 10:00 AM. Championship is limited to grades 5/6 and 7/8. Your school may send your top boy bowler and top girl bowler from grades 5/6 and 7/8.
Click here for the Bowling Registration Form
Items in the Lost & Found Box will be donated if not claimed by Feb.16
Please check out the pictures below from our large collection of Lost & Found items. If you see anything that belongs to your family, please claim it before February break begins or it will be donated. Thank you!
SNOW ME THE MONEY winners announced!
Thank you to everyone who purchased/sold tickets! The winning grade for the snowball fight with the priests and principal will be announced as soon as the results are tabulated!
See you Sunday for the HSA Catholic Schools Week Family Breakfast!
Join school friends and families for 9:00 am Mass this Sun., Feb. 2 - let’s pack the pews and show everyone how much we love SMS! Students please wear uniforms or spirit wear to Mass. Families who RSVP’ed for the breakfast may join us in the gym afterwards. The menu includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, juice, coffee, tea, milk, fruit and pastries.
Please bring a canned good or non-perishable food item for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
We are still in need of donations & volunteers for set-up on Sat. evening- click here if you can help: https://tinyurl.com/44pnxeph
See you tomorrow for the HSA Ice Skating Party from 1:30 - 2:30 pm, no need to RSVP!
All SMS students, from Montessori Pre-K up to grade 8 are invited to our annual HSA Ice skating party! This event is a well-loved SMS tradition! Join us on the afternoon of the half-day of school, Friday, January 31st from 1:30-2:30 pm at the Northtown Center. No RSVPs are necessary, just pay $5 per skater at the door. Skate rental if needed is additional. Admission to this event is included in the “All-in” & “Social Event” donations. Dress down passes will also be sold at the door for $2 each to benefit SABAH (Skating Association for the Blind and Handicapped). If you purchase a pass your student may dress down on Mon. Feb. 3rd. Hope to see you there!