Capitol Hill Community News
October 2024
Principal's Message
Capitol Hill Community,
In this month's newsletter, I will highlight a few of the neat things that are happening at Capitol Hill. The school year is flying by and we feel lucky to be able to spend our days with your children. I hope you all are able to enjoy this fall weather and we can get more sun than rain :)
My Core Values
Honesty and Transparency
Student First Decision-Making
Listen to Understand
Realize We Are All Humans
Important Dates
Check out the many ways that our school has decided to take action while we stand firm in our CORE Values.
Capitol Hill Core Values
Inclusivity & Kindness
Respect & Honesty
Safety & Wellbeing
Growth Mindset
5th Grade Ambassador Program!
This year we kicked off a new 5th grade leadership program that allows 5th grade students to be student ambassadors. Our 5th grade ambassadors are matched with younger grade level classrooms that they help in each week. Our ambassadors run our daily video announcements, help out at school wide assemblies and events (Big Boo!), and are looked to as ambassadors of our core values at Capitol Hill.
Check out a few of our morning announcements here!
Lewis & Clark -- Capitol Hill Mentorship Program!
This year we are continuing year 2 of our partnership with Lewis & Clark College. This program is for our Capitol Hill students of color to have a space and time to connect with college age students of color. Students spend supervised time together, develop relationships, listen and share, and support each other.
Check out what students have to say!
Lunch Helpers!
This year we've started allowing our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to serve fruits and vegetables in our cafeteria lunch line. This builds collective responsibility and ownership of our spaces at Capitol Hill and allows students to serve fellow classmates during their own lunch. Students are welcome to volunteer for this role, but are not required. Students don't miss any class time while serving, and so far, all have reported loving being behind the counter helping out!
Rainbow Awards!
We continue to recognize students who demonstrate a particular strength or skill that is related to our core values. I'm able to help recognize these students by having a positive phone call home! Check out our rainbow wall!
Caring Schools Community!
We have adopted a new school wide Transformational Social Emotional Curriculum. Each class has a morning meeting every day where students have the chance to connect with each other, be seen, and have their voice heard. Every classroom teacher is welcoming students into each classroom every morning! Each of our classrooms have a buddy classroom and are able to engage in planned actvities that connect our student body across grade levels!
Monthly Assembly and Awards!
Each month our entire student body has an assembly in the cafeteria.
Capitol Hill is a great place to learn!
Capitol Hill School
Email: msauers@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/capitolhill
Location: 8401 SW 17th Ave
Phone: 503-916-6303
Principal @ Capitol Hill Elementary Portland Public Schools