Te Whare Akoranga o Maungawhau, May 16, 2024
From The Principal
Kia ora koutou
Cross-country Training
The children have got underway with cross-country training this term, focusing on stamina and goal-setting for the level of challenge they will work towards - from the less experienced to the most competitive runners!
It's a unique opportunity to develop resilience, push themselves out of their comfort zone, and hopefully build a sense of enthusiasm and achievement for the Y1-3 and Y4-6 events later this term while promoting fitness at all year levels.
Road Safety Week
Next week marks Road Safety Week - an annual event run by the road safety charity 'Brake', a road safety charity.
The theme of Road Safety Week 2024 (20-26 May) is Be a road safety hero, recognising everyone who helps to make our roads safer, and explaining how we can all play a part in making journeys safer and healthier for everyone, so you may notice Road Safety promotions around school, which we encourage all of our families to support in the interests of keeping our tamariki safe on and around roads.
Hall Floor Renovation
Please note that demolition of the school hall floor begins this weekend, with the first stage involving some asbestos controls - further notification on this will be sent via the HERO app this week, so please look out for further details soon.
Classes will not be affected, and will resume as usual on Monday.
Support Staff Day
Finally, today is ‘Support Staff Day’ in schools around the country, and so I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge all those members of our team who work in the many roles that enable and support teaching and learning at our school.
From taking care of property to tending gardens, managing resources, handling administration, caring for the individual learning and wellbeing needs of our children in so many countless ways, it’s a reminder to take a moment to say a sincere thank you to all our support staff for the outstanding work they do - we're lucky to have such an amazing team!
Ka kite anõ i a koutou
Alan Jackson
Events & Reminders
Friday 17th May:
- PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop (8:15am - 9:15am)
Monday 20th - Saturday 25th May - Road Safety Week
Tuesday 21st May:
- Zone Football - Keith Hay Park
Thursday 23rd May:
- Save day for zone football
Friday 24th May:
- Student Council Gold Coin Trail
Student Council News - KidsCan fundraiser
On Friday the 24th of May, the Student Council are organizing a coin trail fundraiser for KidsCan.
Each student is collecting gold coins to add to their very own ‘Coin Tower’.
The Student council is asking and encouraging parents to give jobs around the house to their kids, so that each child can earn a little extra money for their coin tower. On the day of the coin trail each student will bring in all the coins they collected and add them to their class coin trail. Thank you for your support
PTA News
Come and join us for the MENPS Community Event of the year! Enjoy Lion Dancing, children's performances, martial arts performances, demonstrations of sugar art 糖画, Dragons Beard Candy 龙须糖 and Zongzi dumplings 粽子 among other fun activities and delicious food!!
We need your help on the day! If you can spare a couple of hours on June 8th please come and get involved with this fun community event - we need helpers to set up the festival, as well as to help at the stalls selling delicious food, or assisting with the craft or fun stalls. No experience needed just come and get amongst the fun! To see what help is needed and to sign up, please see: https://volunteersignup.org/83AB4.
We are also seeking sponsors for this event from small or medium size businesses. If you are interested in what sponsorship would provide for your business please email menpspta@gmail.com to discuss further.
PRE ORDER Zongzi via Kindo now!
Delicious zongzi for sale - this year we have Pork, Red Bean Paste or Date flavours to choose from! ONLY available via Kindo this year so pre-order yours now!!
For more information see: https://www.menpspta.co.nz/dragon-boat
Can you help our ice-block team please?
- Ice Block sales: Join the ice block team WhatsApp group and volunteer to help when you can at the mid term and end of term ice block sales - email menpspta@gmail.com to be added to the ice block team chat.
Second hand Uniform Shop open Friday 17th May
- 8.15 - 9.15am
- In the PTA Room: follow signs from Valley Rd gates OR
- Order online by emailing Jane at menpspta@gmail.com.
- Pay via Cash or Bank transfer.
- Donations needed - especially good quality winter uniforms! If you have any uniforms that your child no longer fits/needs then please consider donating to the Uniform Shop. Donations can be dropped off at the office. Thank you!
Collect your Yummy Apple Stickers!
Collect stickers from Yummy Apples or cut out labels (or bar codes) from Yummy Apple bags. Completed sheets can be dropped back to your class teacher or the office at any time until the 20th Sept 2024. Stickers will be redeemed for new sports equipment for MENPS - last year we received $1,548 worth of sports equipment for our kids to enjoy! Thank you for collecting
PTA - Supporting our school through fundraising & fun events
Email menpspta@gmail.com I Follow us on Facebook
Refer to the PTA website for information on the various fundraising and community activities
Co-Chairs Pam Clifford & Svantje Reiber
Secretary Chelsea Chen
Treasurer Linda Waddington-Miller & Paula Tran
PTA Advisor Chantal Brunner
Sponsorships Rayni Chung
School Representative Hilary Edwards
Save the Date: ‘Books, Bagels & Banter’ Friday 24 May to Sunday 26 May. St Andrew’s Church, 100 St Andrew’s Road, Epsom.
A weekend event with something for all the family, including children’s books (new and second hand), delicious bagels and stimulating guest speakers, including children’s author Colleen Brown. Plus, our children’s story time and colouring competition will be happening all weekend.
- Books and bagels on sale from Saturday 25 May, 9am to 5pm and Sunday 26 May, 9am to 4pm
- To reserve a seat for the speaker events: