LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
September 3, 2024

November 11th, 2024
Hello Levelland Lobos!
Today we celebrate Veterans Day. It is an honor for Levelland ISD to be able to provide a program that shows how much we appreciate our veterans. They are true heroes and we owe them more than we can ever do. As Elmer Davis said, "This will remain the land of the free so long as it is the home of the brave."
Have a great week!
Go Lobos!
Expect Excellence
Becky McCutchen, Superintendent
All Things LISD..................
Veteran's Day Celebration.....
You are invited to the Levelland ISD Veteran's Day Celebration on Veteran's Day today. We hope to see you at Levelland Middle School at 1:30. Our students from ABC, Capitol, South, LMS & LHS are participating in the ceremony, and Mrs. Katherine McLamore Lowrance is our featured speaker. We cannot wait to hear what she teaches about Texas South Plains War Stories. The first 50 Veterans will also receive a stitched American Flag. It will be a great celebration, and we hope to see you there.
South Honored Veterans too...................
South Elementary Levelland ISD 4th-Graders is performed their annual Tribute to Veterans music program last week. What a wonderful way to honor those who served. Thank you, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Soliz for a great music program.
FFA Helped at County Veteran's Day Celebration!
Thank you to our fantastic FFA Officers for hosting at the County Veteran's Day Celebration on Saturday. You always represent LISD well! We are proud of you. We cannot wait to see you again this afternoon.
2nd-Graders Learn at Global Festival
Capitol and South Second-Graders had the best day when they traveled the world last Friday at the annual Global Festival! Thanks to the South Plains College International Students Association, The Wallace, and The Breakfast Rotary for such a great learning experience. Students learned about cultural aspects France, Sweden, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, India, Japan, Korea, Brazil and Mexico. In each country, they got their Breakfast Rotary Global Passport stamped and engaged in activities. They learned how to write their name in Korean and tasted plantains in Kenya. They made bracelets in Nigeria and a crown of flowers in Sweden. In Japan they made origami art, in France they made a cockade, and in Mexico they made a famous piƱata. They made a mask for the Brazilian carnival and had their face painted! Thank you to The Wallace, The SPC International Students, and Breakfast Rotary for helping us learn so many new things in one day! https://files.gabbart.com/461/globalfestival24.mp4
Slow Down...................
Capitol Elementary 4th-Graders in Mrs. Clara Sanders' Science Classes are finishing up a massive unit on friction. They have been working for a while, learning all the aspects of how friction slows movement down. They have experimented outside too, learning how the energy of a moving object is affected. They now know what causes friction and what doesn't, how objects are slowed down and what makes them go faster. Today these science engineers reviewed all aspects of friction in the dark while using flashlights. Students could only crawl on their knees, which was an out-of-the-box concept that showed how friction slows them down! Mrs. Sanders, students will never forget this lesson about friction! Thank you for #expectingexcellence!
It's Saturday!
Capitol Elementary 3rd-Graders performed It's Saturday by Mac Huff and John Jacobson on Friday under the direction of Music Director Susan Draper. The audience joined in the on the celebration of it being Saturday, from watching cartoons to piano lessons, from football practice to chores. Students sang songs and performed short connecting skits, along with choreography. Thank you, Ms. Draper for a magnificent show and all your hard work to get these kids to this level. You set everyone up for their perfect Saturday!
Senior Night!
Congratulations to our Seniors of Football Season 2024 who were honored on Friday night! (Photos courtesy Amie Brogden). https://files.gabbart.com/456/seniornightfootball24.mp4
Loboettes Start Strong!
The Loboettes are undefeated and off to a great start! They play in Shallowater tomorrow! Maybe you can make the short drive to cheer them on!
Black Out Neon Pep Rally
Thank you to LHS Yearbook Advisor Kelly Buckner and student Adi Strickland for this amazing video!
Lobos Win!
Congratulations to our Lobos and Coaches on their win Friday night! They will move on to the Bi-District playoffs vs Seminole on Thursday night in Denver City at 7 pm!
Bill's Backpacks!
Please vote to help hungry children.......................
Please vote to help Bill's BackPacks win in the City Bank Community Rewards program. This Community Rewards Program serves non-profits with much-needed funds to keep rolling. We appreciate your help in advance and will remind you often! You can vote every hour through December 6th. Feel free to vote for any other Levelland organization in the other categories as well.
The food item for November is
breakfast bars!
BBP is always accepting donations.
We are thankful for..............
al the helping hands that make Bill's BackPacks a success!
Levelland ISD
Email: rmccutchen@levellandisd.net
Website: www.levellandisd.net
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LevellandISD/
Instagram: levellandindschooldistrict