BCE Parent Survey- Closes Friday
Currently in 1st Place- Help us get to 50%
We need 55 more responses to make it to 50% and win $5000 for next year PBIS!!
As of today BCE has158 Respondents = 37% of our families. We had 362 families complete the survey last year, can we do it again??
We are currently in 1st place. Last year we had over 85% of our families complete the survey. Please take a moment to complete the survey for us- If we get 50% of our families we get an additional $5000 for PBIS next year. The money goes directly to our students. Thank you
Here is the standings of today
BCE: 158 Respondents = 37.89%
SLVHS: 208 Responses = 35.99%
SLVE: 190 Responses = 35.38%
SLVMS: 139 Responses = 35.10%
We still have a week, so please help us by completing the survey.
Annual Parent Survey-
We would love to get 100% of our family's participation. The information means so much to us. We have made several changes based on the feedback from these surveys, such as the following: intervention progress letters to parents at the end of each round, PBIS incentives, parents attending the monthly awards assemblies, SSC meeting dates and times, etc. We look forward to hearing from you.
SLVUSD is looking to gather feedback from our families regarding our Academic, Communication, and Learning Environment goals. We anticipate the survey will take from five to seven minutes to complete. The valuable feedback that you submit will provide the district and the site with important information as we plan for the 2025-26 school year.
The survey will be open from Monday, March 10th through Friday, March 28th.
As a little incentive, the schools will receive additional site discretionary funds for student/teacher resources based on the percentage of parents that complete the survey for their site.
The breakdown for the financial incentive is as follows (percentage represents participation):
50% = $5,000
In addition, the site with the highest percentage of completed surveys will receive an additional $5,000.
All SLV schools are excited to engage in a little fun competition. Each site is ready for the challenge and believes that it will be their parents that will achieve the highest percentage of completed surveys.
This is the third year that SLV will offer an incentive for survey participation. A little reminder of the previous winners follows:
2022 - SLV Middle School
2023 - SLV Elementary School
2024 - SLV Elementary School
Who will the BIG winner be for 2025? REMEMBER ~ Just 5-7 minutes of your time can push your student's school to be the BIG winner that earns additional funds for your student's classroom!