Newsletter for Ridgeview MS (Issue 7 2.2024)
The Principal's Post
Dear RMS Families,
I hope each family is doing well! The school year is flying by fast. We are now well into the 3rd Nine Weeks of the school year. At this point in the year, as a school we are in the midst of preparing for the Ohio State Tests and encouraging all students to do their best in all aspects (i.e., academically and behaviorally) for the remainder of the school year.
The 3rd Nine Weeks are critical for some of our students, particularly those who are in danger of being retained in their current grade level. Report cards were mailed home for all students last week. It is critical that all parents/guardians continue to check their child’s progress in Infinite Campus and to stay in contact with their child’s teacher. We don’t want any of our students to be left behind.
In an effort to encourage all students to do their best during the 3rd Nine Weeks, we will be recognizing the “MVPs" (i.e., highest grade and most improved) of each class at the interim and at the end of the quarter. This is an annual tradition at Ridgeview that the students enjoy.
Finally, we are continuing to encourage each student to have a growth mindset and to embody the tenets of self-efficacy and believe that they can achieve.
Be Well,
Natalie M. James
Help Your Child Be Successful by Following these ...
Getting Real with Mr. Reese
Ridgeview's Assistant Principal, Mr. Reese, offers these words of wisdom ...
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it,
change the way you think about it.
--Mary Englebreit
Calendar of Events
- 2.15.24, Tuesday from 3:00 - 6:30 pm: Parent Teacher Conference (see flyer below)
- 2.27.24, Tuesday from 4:00 - 8:00 pm : Band Fundraiser at Chipotle (see flyer below)
- 2.29.24, Thursday from 5:30 - 7:00 pm: Math and Reading Family Night (see the flyer below)
- 3.7.24, Thursday: PTA Zoom Meeting (refer to PTA Point-of-View section in this newsletter)
If You Missed it ... You Missed Out On A Fun Time!
We Danced!
The Invitation
And We Danced Some More with Laser Lights!
The OELPA (Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment) practice sessions ended on January 26th and testing will run from January 29th through March 22nd.
Students must receive 4s and 5s on the assessment in order to pass the OELPA.
Important Note: The Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) is the state summative test used to determine an English learner’s proficiency level and to exit from the English language program. The OELPA is aligned to the K-12 English Language Proficiency Standards and is used to meet the federal requirement of an annual assessment of English proficiency measuring listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Congrats to the Power of the Pen Students!
Ridgeview students experienced a triumphant success in standing out amongst 18 schools that competed in the Power of the Pen event. Three of our students placed in the Top 12 and our 7th grade team won second place overall. It's a fact that our students did an amazing job!
Note, the top 50% of writers will go to the regional competition. Stay tuned to learn more.
RMS Spelling Bee Success!
A student has been crowned as the 1st place winner of the Ridgeview Middle School Spelling Bee. His next step is to take the online spelling test in order to qualify for the regional spelling bee. In addition, 2nd and 3rd place awards were earned by two students.
The Counselor's Corner: 8th Annual Relationship Week (February 5th - 9th)
Greetings RMS Families,
The 8th Annual Relationship Week was February 5-9, 2024 (Monday - Friday). This year’s theme was Cultivating Hope. During the week we celebrated kindness, connection, inclusion, empathy, and belonging in the classroom, school, and community. Research has shown that more hopeful students perform better, believe in pathways to desired goals, and are naturally motivated to pursue them.
CCS has shared some great resources. Here at Ridgeview, we did the following:
Monday - Students watched a video presentation approved for Ohio House Bill 123 - Safety and Violence Education Students Act. (SAVE Students). It took most of the period.
Tuesday - This was a great day to encourage students to thank someone who reached out and helped others and/or thanked a trusted adult who spread positivity.
Wednesday - Professional Development Day and students were not in attendance.
Thursday - All were encouraged to wear green as a symbol of unity, inclusivity, and solidarity with Sandy Hook Promise.
Friday - We were committed in making a pledge to keep the Relationship Week spirit going. Remember, just to be kind every day.
Your RMS Counselor
Nurse Gina: Heart Health & Dental Health Month and Transportation Services to Healthcare
February brings us National Heart Health Month and National Children's Dental Health Month.
- Recognize Heart Attack, Stroke, and Cardiac Arrest Symptoms: The American Heart Association (AMA) asks you to join the fight against our nation's #1 and #5 killers - heart disease and stroke.
- Donate to the AMA: If you feel lead to contribute to The American Heart Association, click on the link below.
- Dental Health for Children: Cavities, also known as caries or tooth decay, are the most common chronic disease of childhood, yet cavities are preventable. Children who have poor oral health often miss more school and receive lower grades than children who don’t.
Stay Healthy!
Nurse Gina
EXCITING NEWS! Columbus City Schools Now Offers Transportation to Health Services
Ridgeview Middle School Families,
Columbus City Schools has partnered with Nationwide Children’s Hospital to offer transportation to health care services for all Ridgeview students and their siblings! Small groups of students will be scheduled and transported to a School-Based Health Center at Ft Hayes Metropolitan Education Center during select days and hours during the week. Now, your child can receive the primary care services they need from trusted, hospital experts—right at a school nearby.
Services provided:
- Annual physicals, including paperwork for sports physicals and work permits.
- Vaccinations
- Blood work
- Medication management
- And more!
A signed consent form is required from a parent/guardian before your child can be seen. You can find the consent form and an FAQ document attached with this email!
To schedule an appointment, call 614.306.1005, or contact your school nurse. Tell them your child will need transportation.
These services are not meant to replace your pediatrician or family doctor.
When your child has any medical need, your first call should always be to your pediatrician.
Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Wharton
The spotlight for February 2024 is Mrs. Wharton, a RMS Intervention Specialist.
Mrs. Wharton was born, raised, and has always lived in Columbus, Ohio. She comes from a family of two sisters and one brother. She is married and has two children—a son and daughter.
She is a graduate of The Ohio State University where she majored in education for mild to moderate disabilities. Mrs. Wharton states, “I chose this field because I wanted to help students who struggled in school."
She loves to read, go to concerts and plays, and eat spicy foods. Her favorite book was Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. She states, “I read it because my great grandmother–who passed away when Mrs. Wharton was in high school—was one-half Blackfoot Indian and grew up on a reservation.”
Her family focus is on trips with her children. Last summer, the family went to New York. Two summers before, the family went to Orlando, FL where they visited Disney World and Universal Studios. This coming summer, the family would like to go to Washington, D.C and possibly Jamaica. In addition, she is saving to take her daughter to France.
Mrs. Wharton states, people would be surprised to learn that she is a history buff and spends a lot of time researching her family. Her plan is to write a book about her life to pass on to her children.
In closing, she states, “ The most important life lesson I've learned is that no matter what happens in your life or what obstacles you face you have to make a choice to choose to keep going and aim to thrive.”
CCS Safety Measures
For the Safety of All Students and Staff
Lockers are the property of the Board of Education.
The Contents of all lockers
Ohio Revised Code section 33.13.20(B)(1)(b)
Stop at Attendance Office 1st!
Attention all RMS Families,
Everyone (all visitors, including parents) is required to enter the building via the Attendance Office.
This is the "check in" point that enables the school to manage
the safety and security for our students and staff.
Thank you for your Support!
Special Needs and Services: Cultivating Hope Everyday (not just in February)!
Let's all follow the 8th Annual Relationship Week theme everyday by cultivating hope all year long.
Encourage your student to exercise kindness, connection, inclusion, empathy, and belonging and acceptance at RMS.
Be Responsible. Be a Member. Be Safe.
Help teach your student to include students with disabilities in their circle of friends.
The Vision: Each student at Ridgeview Middle School will show a year's worth of growth or more in reading and math as measured by District and/or state assessments by the end of each school year.
Our Mission: We exist to create an environment where students are educated through a lens of culturally responsive teaching, mindfulness, and the use of high-quality data. Collectively, we aim to advocate, challenge, and support student growth in all areas of development.
Our 4 Core Values: 1. Create a safe, encouraging, inclusive, and supportive environment. 2. Maintain high expectations. 3. Inspire student success. 4. Demonstrate respect through empathy and inclusivity
CCS Mission & This Year's School Theme
Columbus City Schools Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.
2023-24 School Year Theme: Start Strong. End Stronger!
The RMS PBIS Corner
At Ridgeview, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is the ideal framework for our students to develop social-emotional competencies and improve outcomes. Below you will find our beliefs and monthly fun events and activities.
#1: Be RMS Definition
- Be Responsible
- Be a Member
- Be Safe
February's focus in THE VIEW is - ON THE BUS.
- Arrive 5 minutes early
- Enter/exit at your assigned stop and ride your assigned bus
- Come with all necessary items
- Keep up with all of your belongings
- Keep cell phones and electronics off and put away
- Share space respectfully
- Follow the rules, requests, and expectations of the Driver and Assistants
- Talk quietly and use appropriate language
- Stay in your assigned seat
- Keep hands, feet and objects to self, out of aisles, windows and other seats
- Be quiet at railroad crossing
- Sit up appropriately in assigned seat
- Resolve conflicts nonviolently and with maturity
- in the HALL (check The VIEW September edition)
- in the CLASSROOM (check The VIEW October edition)
- in the RESTROOM (check out The VIEW November edition)
- in the CAFETERIA(check out (The VIEW December edition)
- in the AUDITORIUM (The VIEW January edition)
- on the BUS
Tutoring & Academic Support, Get a Library Card & Digital Tips
Do you need academic support for tutoring for your student?
Click on the links below.
Also, help your child get a library card and make trips to the library a family fun activity.
Celebrating Diversity in February
INCLUSION is the celebration of DIVERSITY put in action
~ Brookes Publishing
Check out these celebrations in February:
- February 1 - 28: Black History Month & American Heart Month
- February 9: National Pizza Day
- February 11: International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- February 11: Super Bowl Sunday
- February 14: Valentine's Day & National Donor Day
- February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
- February 19: President's Day
- February 20: World Day of Social Justice
- February 21: International Mother Language Day
- February 22: World Thinking Day
Remember, we are better when we work together.
PTA Point-of-View
Thank you to everyone who sold/bought pizza rollers. We were able to raise $468.75! Rollers will be passed out February 1st!
SAVE THE DATE: February 9th for the Winter Dance – Valentine theme - from 6 to 7:45 PM. Last year students had so much fun, you do not want to miss it. We need family support! Please sign up to chaperone or donate -
FUNDRAISER: Our Spring Flower sale will kick off on March 6th and run through March 20. Flowers will be delivered April 26th! Watch for communication home. We are hoping to have our best sale yet!
PLANNING FOR 2024-2025 PTA BOARD: Planning for next year’s PTA board has begun. If you are interested in filling an officer position, please send an email to: expressing your interest. Currently, all positions for next year are open.
OUTSIDE OF FUNDRAISERS: KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS – has been our best way to raise money. If you have not done so already, PLEASE, make RMS PTA your organization.
Our number is 84721.
- Create a Digital Account
- Link your Card to the Organization
- Your Organization earns
WAYS TO PROVIDE SUPPORT: Here are two no cost/low time way to support the PTA:
--Download the Box Tops app, add Ridgeview PTA as your school and scan all your receipts
- If this is your first-time registering be sure to use our code: HXSC8XH4 – we receive a little bonus
- No cost to you and RMS PTA does not receive copies of your receipts.
--Make RMS PTA your organization on the Kroger Community Rewards program.
- At or on your Kroger App, under Rewards, then Community Rewards, add our organization number 84721
- No cost to you and RMS PTA does not receive your personal information.
BECOME A PTA MEMBER: Don’t have time to commit to being a board member but want to help?! Please let us know by becoming a member and sending an email to with the level of commitment you can give. There is no such thing as too little!! We are all working adults who help each other as needed.
PTA MEETING DATES: The PTA meets the first Thursday of every month, at 6 PM over zoom. Please join us for these meetings. They are filled with information about fundraisers, events and how PTA funds are being allocated. It is also a good opportunity to meet other families with students are Ridgeview.
STAY INFORMED: If you haven’t done so already, get added to our mailing list! Send an email to us at and ask to be added to the list to make sure that you are aware of upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
Facebook: Join our Facebook by searching "Ridgeview MS PTA".
RMS BRANDED ITEMS: Our spirit wear shop is LIVE!! Get your RMS gear shipped directly to you. Shop our link: Ridgeview Webstore
Mark your calendar to attend our March 7, 2024 meeting via Zoom from 6 to 7 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 9688 9925
Passcode: RMSPTA
Got Questions? Call the FACTLine
Need Help? Check Out Our Community Partners
LSS 211 offers services from homeless shelters to senior living. Call 211.
- City of Columbus CARES Act offers assistance with utilities.
- Cap4Kids provides resources for families in the areas of meals, housing, utilities, mental health, and lots more!
- Charity Newsies offers clothing assistance & winter coats.
- Charitable Pharmacy of Central Ohio offers pharmacy services and medicines, counseling on proper medication usage, health screenings, wellness education, and social program assistance for those who cannot afford them. (614) 227-0301.
- Clintonville Resource Center serving all of Central Ohio by providing assistance through the food pantry, child and youth programs, senior services, and kinship care program.
- Franklin County Children Services 2022 Guide provides information on local emergency or non-emergency assistance to families.
- Mid Ohio Food Bank provides food locations by zip code.
- OhioKAN ensures every kinship and adoptive family who wants support navigating the resources available to them can get it.
- Project Connect provides help to families living in shelter, car, motel, campground, and doubled-up families.
- Emergency Broadband Benefit provides relief for broadband services and a laptop, computer, or tablet.
Ridgeview Middle School
Ridgeview Attendance email:
Ridgeview Attendance phone number: 380.997.6994
FACTline Email:
FACTline Phone Number: 614.221.FACT (614.221.3228)
Customer Relations Phone Number: 614.365.8888
Customer Relations Email:
Family Ambassador Debora Myles: 614.365.5506 and
Location: 4241 Rudy Rd, Columbus, OH 43214, USA
Phone: 614.365.5506