Cougar Clips
12 January 2024
Happy Friday Kipling Families,
Thank you for your patience, support, and flexibility as we all navigated our E-learning day together. Flipping schedules and juggling work responsibilities is never easy and so I am grateful for all of your understanding and your partnership.
I hope everyone had time to relax, recharge, and reconnect with friends and loved ones over the break. It was so nice to relax from the usual routine, but after 18 days at home, I am happy we are all back to school and work. We hit the ground running here at Kipling this week and students have transitioned back smoothly. I am so excited to see what we accomplish together in 2024!
Just a reminder there is no school on this Monday, January 15th in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
All my best to you and your families over the long weekend!
Mr. Matthew O. Lombardo, NBCT
Kipling Elementary School
Kipling PTO
The deadline to purchase a Kipling 2023/24 yearbook is January 31st. Please place your order on our PTO website before it is too late!
Please visit for all things PTO. Please also note these important upcoming dates:
-2/1/24: PTO Meeting @ Kipling, 9:30-10:30 in the Lounge
Kids Heart Challenge
Student Council Toy Drive Next Week
Please see the message below from our Student Council:
The Student Council is running a toy drive from January 16-19. After celebrating the holidays, we would like to encourage Kipling students to donate new or old toys to people in need. We will be donating all of these toys to Toys For Tots.
Common Sense Media Video from Ms. Thurman
The Library Information Specialist team came across this resource and I felt compelled to share it with families in hopes of providing insight, support, and advice in navigating and supporting healthy and productive student use of technology and social media at home.
This week's video: Finding Teachable Moments with Media
Pick-Up/Drop-Off Reminders
-Please stay in your car and continue to pull as far forward as possible. We want to keep the line moving as efficiently as possible.
-If your child needs to be unbuckled/buckled in please let our staff know and someone can help them get in or out of the car.
-If you want to walk your child to or from the door, please find a parking spot in the lot or on the street and then walk to the building.
Outdoor Recess Protocols
Please ensure your children have appropriate clothing, including coats, hats, gloves, boots, etc., for the temperature outside. Our outdoor recess protocols are as follows:
-We will be outside as long as it is not raining and the real-feel temperature is 15 degrees or above.
-Students cannot go into the snow unless they are wearing snow boots and snow pants.
-Snow cannot be thrown or kicked.
District 109 Communication
2024 Kindergarten Registration online form is available! To register your new student please visit our registration page.
Please register here so we can plan accordingly.
Deerfield Park District and Community News
Park District Before and After Care and Enrichment Classes
The Deerfield Park District holds after-school enrichment programs in our school. All questions should be directed to the park district (847-945-0650).
Upcoming Important Dates
-Mon 1/15: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
-Wed 1/24: 2nd Grade Music Show, 5:30pm
-Fri 1/26: Report Cards Posted
-Fri 2/1: PTO Meeting, 9:30am in the Kipling Lounge