Builta PTA News & Notes

3.3.25 PTA News and Notes
Builta Families -
Check out our upcoming events and learn how you can get involved!
PTA Calendar
- 3/1 - 3/31: 2025-2026 PTA Board applications accepted
- 3/26: In-school Spring Break Bash celebration (volunteer)
- 4/7 - 4/11: PTA Board election
- 5/5 - 5/9: Teacher appreciation week
Application now open for 2025-2026 PTA Board positions
Want to help make a difference in our school? Join the 2025-2026 PTA Board! Available positions include President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Chair and Events Chair. View our elections webpage for more information and to apply. Applications must be submitted by March 31, 2025.
Introducing Spring Break Bash!
We’re excited to add a new in-school event this year called Spring Break Bash! This event will take place during school hours on Wednesday, March 26 and will include fun activities for all students. We are in need of volunteers to help host the event, as well as volunteers to be a part of the event planning committee. Sign up here!
We had a blast with The Headspin Guy!
Thank you for supporting our staff appreciation event!
We’d like to say thank you to everyone who provided treats for our staff appreciation event during parent/teacher conferences last week. We appreciate you!
Builta Spirit Wear Store
Shop our spiritwear store
Stock up on Builta gear with our year-round spiritwear store. The Builta PTA earns a percentage of all sales. Shop now!
PTA Quick Links
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