Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
27th June, Term 2, Week 9, 2024
Mānawatia a Matariki — Happy Māori New Year
from us all at Stanley Avenue School
From the Principal's desk....
Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed lunch together on this beautiful Winters day. It warms our hearts to see our school community come together like this and celebrate our tamariki, as they showcase their learnings about Matariki. We could not have had such a yummy kai without the help of our sponsors... Inghams Waitoa, Tatua, New Light Minimart and Takeaways, The Duck and Cover, Best Meats Te Aroha and a huge thank you to our wonderful staff.
Ka Pai Stanley Avenue School!
John Byers
Keep an eye out in next week's newsletter for more Matariki photos.
Congratulations to Kelly Ward
Winner of the Firewood Raffle - Ticket #752
Thank you to the school whānau
who kindly donated the firewood. We have made over $600 to go into our fundraising for our new turf!
Upcoming Events
- 28 June Matariki School closed
- 1 July BOT Meeting 6pm Staffroom
- 3 July PacT Conferences School closed from 1pm - Kids Club operating
- 4 July Pact Conferences Book online using HERO
- 5 July Last day of Term 2
- 22 July First day of Term 3
Stanley Avenue School Enrolment Scheme
Details of pre-enrolment procedures and subsequent balloting procedures for the period 22nd July to 26th August 2024
The board advises that five spaces for Years 2-8 students are likely to be available for the
period of 22nd July to 26th August 2024.
Applications close 9 am, 22nd July 2024. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the
number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot for out of zone
places is required, it will be held at 10 am, 22nd July 2024.
Application forms are available from our school office.
Phone 07 8848 479 or alternatively contact John Byers (Principal) on 021 138 1983
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Thank you
John Byers
Piako Gymsports Festival 2024
Last Friday we took a group of gymnasts to compete in the Piako Gymsports Festival in Morrinsville. All of our gymnasts gave it their best and demonstrated great sportsmanship and skills.
Thank you to Whaea Sammi for training and organising our team, and to our parent helpers for the support on the day and for taking transport
A big congratulations to our place getters:
Evie-Raey Olsen 5th= Overall
Amilya Handley 3rd Overall
Harmione Brown 6th Overall
Patrick Norman 1st Overall
Ka pai Stanley Ave. Another example of our students 'Striving to succeed' Whaia kia u.
Friendship Zone - Week 9
This week the sun was shining so we opened the Friendship Zone. Here are some photos of our creative tamariki.
Purchase your Own SAS Sports Shirt!
We have gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
Super Skills Holiday Hockey Programme - sign up using the link below
School Bank Account details...
Uniform room is open Thursday Mornings 8.30am - 9.30am
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Email: office@stanleyave.school.nz
Website: https://stanleyave.school.nz/
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stanleyaveschool/