FM9 News
October 28 - November 3, 2024

December 16-20, 2024
- December 19 - Final Exams (1st & 2nd Period)
- December 20 - Final Exams (3rd & 4th Period)
- December 20 - Early Release at 12:20pm
- December 23-January 6 - Winter Break
- January 15 - OPEN HOUSE NIGHT 6-7pm
Dear 9th Grade Parents,
As we wrap up the fall semester, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your support and partnership in your students’ educational journey. This semester has been filled with growth, achievement, and meaningful connections, and much of that is thanks to the incredible community we have here at the Flower Mound 9th Grade Campus.
Your dedication to your students’ success and well-being has been evident throughout the semester. From attending events, supporting extracurriculars, and collaborating with teachers, to simply encouraging your students to embrace their potential—you make all the difference.
As we look forward to the spring semester and the start of a new year, we are excited to continue building on the momentum we’ve created together. Our goal remains to provide every student with a safe, supportive, and inspiring environment where they can thrive academically, socially, and personally.
Thank you for trusting us with this pivotal year in your students’ lives. Your engagement and encouragement motivate us daily to give our very best. I wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with joy, rest, and time with loved ones.
Here’s to a fantastic spring semester ahead!
Warm regards,
Jeff Brown
Flower Mound 9th Grade Campus
Get Involved in campus Clubs & Organizations
The BEST way to be part of Jaguar Nation is to get involved. FMHS has many different clubs and organizations that 9th-12th grader students can join. Check out the main clubs list and make plans to attend the 1st meetings of the year. Information can also be found posted in the CLUB HUB located on the bulletin board at the doors to Main Campus.
Future Medical Leaders Toy Drive
Choir Winter Concert
- Date: December 17
- Time: 7:00PM
- Location: FMHS Auditorium
Save the Date: "Hello, Dolly"
Save the date for Hello, Dolly! presented by our very own FMHS Theater! More details to follow.
- When: January 23 - 26
- Where: FMHS Auditorium
FMHS Art Open
This is a campus wide art show open to all FMHS & FMHS9 students. The Show will be held in FMHS Library in the Spring Semester, and features original artwork from the student body.
Accepting Entries Dec 16-18th during all lunches in front of FMHS Library.
- Jan 7-17: FMHS Art Open
- Jan 9: FMHS Art Open, Opening Reception @ 4:00PM
- For more information & guidelines, CLICK HERE
Basketball Jr. Jags Night
It’s time to sign up for Junior Jags again! We had such a great time last season, and we hope to see your child join us!
- When: Tuesday, December 17
- Where: FMHS Arena
FM Baseball
FMHS Baseball is looking for someone to keep baseball stats and a video manager.
Qualifications include but not limited to:
- Charting ground balls and flyballs
- Charting swings, misses, hard contact
- Charting balls and strikes
- Filming and downloading practices and games
This position will be a part of the team, will help with practice daily, and attend games.
Click HERE to complete the Google form.
Support PTSA While Shopping
It’s easy to support FMHS PTSA while you shop! Click the links below to learn how to sign up for rewards programs.
- Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program – FMHS’ charity number is 8074. https://fmhsptsa.org/.../08/good_neighbor_charity_tt.pdf
- Kroger Community Rewards Program – Must re-link to FMHS PTSA every fall after Aug. 1. https://fmhsptsa.org/.../kroger-community-rewards...
Ask an Expert: Video Series
In 2018, LISD launched Ask-an-Expert, a video series aimed at helping parents continue crucial conversations with their children at home. Throughout the year, our counselors share their expertise with you, touching on some of the most important issues our students face today. Videos can be accessed here: Ask an Expert Videos
Talk, listen, and keep the conversation going. #askLISD
Whole Child Series
The Lewisville ISD Counseling and Social Work Department is grateful to partner with you to support the social emotional needs of all LISD students. We believe education on these issues is key to helping our students become happy, successful people.
Please review the flyers in English or Spanish describing different social issues our students may face. If you have any areas that we may assist you or your student, please contact your student’s school counselor.
We appreciate the opportunity to work with your students.
Canvas for Parents
Canvas is a digital learning management system, or LMS, used by schools, educators, students and families. Users access and manage online learning materials, communicate about skill development and learning achievement.
School Lunch & Other Fees
RevTrak Login - click on Meal Payments to put money on your student's lunch account.
Here Comes the Bus App
- Location of a student's bus both before and after school;
- Confirmation a student's bus has arrived at the bus stop, at school, or both;
- Push notifications or email messages when the bus is near a student's stop, if a bus has been replaced with a backup, or when Texas Central School Bus has important information to relay.
LINK for further instructions and to learn more!
Recognize SomeONE
This program gives our community members the opportunity to highlight the exceptional work of our staff here at LISD. Please take a moment to recognize someONE!
- CLICK HERE to send a special recognition to teachers, administrators, and staff 💙
Join the PTSA - Supports the students and staff of FM9 and FMHS with campus grants, scholarships, student programs, and more!
District Calendar
Now it's Time to SHINE at FM9!!
Have a GREAT Week! GO JAGS!!
Stay Connected
Follow FM9 online & on social media.
- FM9 Website
- FM9 Facebook
- FM9 Twitter
- FM9 Instagram (@fmhs9th)