MCCESC Teaching & Learning
September: Ohio Teacher Evaluation System 2.0
So why? Many of us are stuck in the mindset of the previous OTES, which often felt as if teachers were jumping through hoops so that administrators could simply check some boxes... Ultimately, however, the purpose of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System was to encourage student growth.
The approach this time around is different and the framework for OTES 2.0 demonstrates that: "The State Board of Education values the importance of promoting educator professional growth that leads to improved instructional performance and student learning. OTES 2.0 is a professional growth model and is intended to be used to continually assist educators in enhancing teacher performance. An effective professional growth model considers a teacher’s instructional strengths while supporting identified areas for improvement according to the profile of each educator. This process is to be collaborative, ongoing, and supportive of the professional growth of the teacher.
Each teacher will be evaluated according to Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Teacher Evaluation Framework which is aligned with the Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession adopted under state law. Using multiple factors set forth in the framework, the teacher’s Final Holistic Rating will be based upon a combination of informal and formal observations and supporting evidence using the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric."
Much of the information that follows has been pulled from those trainings.
LOOKS LIKE: Goal-setting for students & from students; tracking towards goals
SOUNDS LIKE: Comparisons of previous data to current; predictions made based on data
EVIDENCE: Goal tracking; student reflections
Connections to Prior & Future Learning:
LOOKS LIKE: Lesson plans that show connections; Map of prior & future learning; Lesson relevance
SOUNDS LIKE: "Remember when..."; "You will need this information for..."
EVIDENCE: Pre-assessment; student/parent surveys; curriculum maps
Connections to State Standards & District Priorities
LOOKS LIKE: Targets posted on board; standards addressed in lesson plans/assessment blueprints
SOUNDS LIKE: "I can..." statements that align to rigor & cognitive demand of standard
EVIDENCE: Lesson plans; assessment blueprints; work from "unpacking" the standards
LOOKS LIKE: Lessons that encompass all students' backgrounds; students being able to "see themselves" in the lesson; use of culturally responsive practices
SOUNDS LIKE: Teacher is making each child feel as if he/she is a part of the lesson
EVIDENCE: Student interest surveys; parent surveys; lesson plan/curriculum map that includes background information
LOOKS LIKE: Appropriate goal setting; student-friendly language; timely feedback on learning
SOUNDS LIKE: Using higher-order thinking questions; students providing feedback to one another
EVIDENCE: Goal-setting/tracking; talk moves anchor charts/cards; examples of feedback to students and the impact it had on learning (before & after the feedback was received)
Monitoring Student Understanding:
LOOKS LIKE: Lesson plans that predict misconceptions & provide suggestions; multiple formats of instructional tools (for instance: notes, guided notes, infographics, etc)
SOUNDS LIKE: "I notice that some of the class is doing..."; "That's a common misunderstanding..."; "To avoid making an error..."
EVIDENCE: Lesson plans; observations; classroom tools/visuals
Student-Centered Learning:
LOOKS LIKE: Varied lesson settings (whole group; small groups; independent; all of the above) based upon the tasks; students persevering; differentiated lessons based on the needs of students
SOUNDS LIKE: "I'm going to keep trying until I get it"; the teacher asking questions that promote deeper thinking
EVIDENCE: Lesson plans; assessment data used for grouping
LOOKS LIKE: Class expectations posted; activity transitions are known/understood/seamless; students are on-task
SOUNDS LIKE: Students reminding one another of expectations/on-task behavior; student utilizing appropriate volume for given situations
EVIDENCE: Explanation of classroom expectation development; list of classroom expectations
Classroom Climate & Cultural Competency:
LOOKS LIKE: Students respecting one another/teacher; classroom reflects all students (posters, books, topics, activities)
SOUNDS LIKE: Teacher calling each student by name; teachers & students asking for input from one another; respect & care for all members of the classroom
EVIDENCE: Lesson plans; classroom expectations; PBIS-implementation proof; proof of recognition of all students
LOOKS LIKE: Teacher developing/using a variety of formative/summative assessments to gain an understanding of students' level of mastery; teachers using the data to make instructional decisions
SOUNDS LIKE: "When I assessed ________, I learned/noticed ___________, so I adapted my instruction by ______________"
EVIDENCE: Assessments; data collection/reflection; lesson plans; lesson reflections; documentation of conversations had during parent-teacher conferences/teacher-based teams
Evidence of Student Learning (cannot be evaluated for the 2021-22 school year):
LOOKS LIKE: Teacher using 2 pieces high-quality student data; using data collection tool/report to show growth; increase in student achievement
SOUNDS LIKE: "Based upon the data collected from my HQSD instruments, my students have grown ___________________. I know this because..."
EVIDENCE: HQSD instruments; data collection tools/reports; data collection reflections
LOOKS LIKE: Teacher newsletters; participation in family nights, open house, sporting events, extra-curricular activities; emails
SOUNDS LIKE: Phone calls to parents for more than just discipline issues; parent-teacher conferences; invitations to volunteer
EVIDENCE: Communication documentation; attendence documentation
Communication & Collaboration with Colleagues:
LOOKS LIKE: Participation in team meetings (including teacher-based teams, building/district leadership teams, department meetings)
SOUNDS LIKE: "How can we work together to improve ______________"
EVIDENCE: Documentation of attendance; meeting minutes
District Policies & Professional Responsibilities:
LOOKS LIKE: Teachers adhering to laws/policies/procedures; leading committees both in and out of the district
SOUNDS LIKE: Providing critical feedback while maintaining professionalism
EVIDENCE: Documentation of attendance
Professional Learning:
LOOKS LIKE: Participation in professional learning; creating/editing professional growth goals; leading professional development
SOUNDS LIKE: Reflecting on professional growth goals; implementation of professional learning; sharing newly learned instructional tools with colleagues
EVIDENCE: Documentation of attendance; lesson plans; professional growth plan
Use of High-Quality Student Data (HQSD): Have students set academic goals. Here's a NWEA article about setting strategic and tactical goals.
Connections to Prior & Future Learning: Include relevance in your lessons - "What does today's lesson have to do with my life?"
Connections to State Standards & District Priorities: Utilize released test items to create assessments
Communication with Students: Communicate learning goals with students.
Monitoring Student Understanding: Diagnose your students' thinking. This article provides a number of strategies to assist in this component.
Student-Centered Learning: Universal Design for Learning - Make learning accessible and challenging for all students, while supporting the various needs of individual students.
Classroom Routines & Procedures: Involve students in making the rules and norms.
Classroom Climate & Cultural Competency: Incorporating Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) with this lesson plan template.
Use of Assessments: Use a variety of formative and summative assessments to gain information on student achievement. This article has a number of different assessments, along with benefits and limitations for each.
Evidence of Student Learning: Share evidence of learning with students and parents.
Communication & Collaboration with Families: Make conferences goal-oriented.
Communication & Collaboration with Colleagues: Start & participate in professional learning communities within your building.
District Policies & Professional Responsibilities: Join leadership committees within the district. (BLT, DLT, Strategic Planning, etc.)
Professional Learning: Keep track of professional discourse that you have with colleagues.
Reach out - we are here to help. tandlsupport@mccesc.org
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