-PHS Update- May 5
Pleasanton High School
Important Dates and Events
May 6 - Final Exams for Seniors
May 6 - HS Track @ Iola
May 7 - Final Exams for Seniors
May 8 - JH/HS Awards Assembly (JH to begin at 9:00 am)
May 8 - Graduation Practice/Walk-Through
May 8 - HS Baseball - Regionals
May 8 - Baccalaureate
May 9 - HS Track, League @ NE Arma
May 10 - Last Day of School - Early Release @ 12:30 pm
May 11 - Graduation
May 13 - BOE Meeting
May 17 - HS Track, Regionals - TBA
May 23 - HS Baseball - state
May 24 - HS Track State - Wichita
June 3 - Summer School Begins
June 10 - BOE Meeting
Awards Assembly
Please join us on Wednesday, May 8 for our annual PHS Awards Assembly. At this time we will honor our students academic achievements, growth and seniors who have received scholarships. Additionally the Junior High will receive recognition for their athletic achievements.
The assembly begins at 9:00 am with junior high students, we will then move to high school students immediately following.
Baccalaurete and Graduation
It is time to honor the class of 2024! We hope to see you at our upcoming Baccalaureate and Graduation events to wish our seniors the best of look in their next steps.
Baccalaureate - Wednesday, May 8
6:00 pm
Faith Chapel Church
Graduation - Saturday, May 10
1:00 pm
Pleasanton High School
Final Exams - May 6 - May 10
Students will be completing their final exams from May 6 - May 10.
May 6/7 - Seniors Final Exams
May 8/9/10 - Grades 7-11 Final Exams
Final Exam Exemptions for Grades 9-12
All junior high students take final exams, the following policy applies to final exams for students in grades 9-12.
SEMESTER TEST AND FINAL EXAMS EXEMPTION POLICY: In order to encourage excellence in both grades and attendance, the following policy has been adopted.
*ALL students will take a First Semester Final for each individual class.
*HS Students would be exempt from the Second Semester Final if meeting the following criteria:
An “A” grade in the class with no more than six (6) excused absences during that class for the school year with no unexcused absences.
A “B” grade in the class with no more than four (4) excused absences during that class for the school year with no unexcused absences.
Each class will be separate and students must meet the criteria for each class to be exempt from the test in that class. Students who qualify for the exemption may choose to take the test if it could raise their grades in the class. Two FNS assignments or any OSS days will nullify the exemption. Good citizenship is an equal part of this incentive program.
News - Last Day of School - Early Release
The last day of school for all students is Friday, May 10. We will have an early release, after lunch at 12:30 pm. Buses will run their regular routes beginning after dismissal at 12:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact the high school office.
Reminder: PHS Dress Code
As the weather improves, we like to remind all of our students of the dress code at PHS.
The primary objective of PHS is to create an atmosphere in which each student can develop to the best of his/her individual potential. Students should appear at school in a manner that will allow them to function at the best level possible without interfering with the learning situation. This dress code applies not only to the school day but to all after-school activities and events.
The following is a minimum, which is expected:
Students are required to wear footwear.
All clothing must cover from armpit to armpit and from mid-thigh to mid-thigh at a fingertip length (front and back of clothing). Leggings may also be worn under clothing that does not meet the fingertip length rule.
Students may wear jeans and pants that are distressed, but all exposed skin (holes) must be below the fingertip line.
All shirts must have two straps and cover undergarments. Students will not be allowed to wear clothing that reveals undergarments of any kind.
Students will not be allowed to wear clothing that is designed primarily to be worn as undergarments. This includes tank tops, muscle shirts, or any shirt that has large armholes, which expose the chest or stomach of the student.
Students will not be allowed to wear hats and/or head coverings of any kind in the school building during regular school hours. The exception is on Hat Day, once a month.
All organizations reserve the right to regulate the appearance of their members provided this meets the administrative approval.
Students are prohibited from wearing sunglasses in school unless for medical reasons verified by a physician’s note. Prescription eyewear with tinted lenses that adjust to the light level of the room is acceptable.
No shirts or apparel expressing sexual innuendos, rude statements, or promoting the usage of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol are to be worn to school or at school-related events. Additionally, clothing cannot be adorned with lettering, patches, or drawings that are offensive or are against the student's standards of excellence.
No blankets or pillows are allowed in the classrooms.
IMPACT Referrals - Take a moment to celebrate someone!
Policy Reminder: Spectator Expectations at Events
As we ramp up basketball season, we just want to remind everyone of the expectations of spectators at events. Basketball is a physical and high-intensity sport, tensions can run high. We want all of our athletes and Blu-Jay fans to be able to enjoy the game!
From the PHS Student/Family Handbook:
Parent/Adult/Spectator Expectations at Events: In order to ensure a safe and orderly environment in which our students can maximize their educational and social development, the following regulations are enacted with respect to the conduct of adult visitors:
1. Access to extracurricular locker rooms, meeting rooms, school transportation, and the like is strictly limited to students involved in extracurricular activities, sponsors/coaches, and administrators. Access by all others is prohibited by the Board of Education. Failure to comply with this policy will result in a suspension of the individual from extracurricular activities and/or school premises.
2. Verbally aggressive behavior, which would include, but not be limited to, threats, intimidation, and profanity, will result in limited access to school premises and school activities for up to one (1) year. The length of the restriction will be determined by the administration.
3. Physical or violent behavior will result in a ban by the Board of Education from school premises and activities and will be referred to law enforcement.
4. Failures to comply with the restricted access provided in these regulations will result in the filing of civil and/or criminal charges.
Contact Us
Email: sara.conley@usd344.org
Website: https://www.usd344.org/
Location: 1001 Ash Street, Pleasanton, KS, USA
Phone: 913-352-8701
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pleasantonschoolsusd344/
Twitter: @344_usd