Take Flight 🦅
West Leyden Student Activities

🦅 September 6, 2023
Get in the spirit - HOCO 2023!
Here is everything you need to know about Homecoming, including:
- Spirit Week
- Pep Rally
- Varsity Football Game
- Dance
- How to purchase HOCO Dance tickets
Spirit Week
- Monday, September 11th is Adam's Monday: Baggy bottoms + oversized top = Adam Sandler
- Tuesday, September 12th is Tacky Tourist Day: Vacation very vivaciously
- Wednesday, September 13th is On Wednesdays We Wear Pink Day: Wear all shades of pink
- Thursday, September 14th is Throwback Thursday: Turn back the clock to a younger you
- Friday, September 15th is Neon Day & Night: Rock bright neon colors at school & then to the varsity football game
Pep Rally
Kickoff HOCO weekend & show your school spirit with the Homecoming court, athletes, band, color guard, poms, and cheerleaders. After the Pep Rally, root for the sophomore football team at the West Leyden Football Field.
When: Friday, September 15th at 4:00 pm
Where: West Leyden Fieldhouse
Varsity Football Game
Cheer on the Leyden varsity football team as they battle for a win against the Proviso East Pirates. Enjoy a special halftime show with multiple performances & the announcement of the HOCO Royal Eagles! Make sure to wear NEON colors to the game!
When: Friday, September 15th at 7:00 pm
Where: West Leyden Football Field
Dance - Disco Fever!
The most slammin' event of the year is finally here! Boogie on down to the West Leyden Fieldhouse to take a picture in the 360Ëš photo booth, chill out at the Kona ice truck, and get your groove on during a night you will never forget. Can you dig it?
When: Saturday, September 16th from 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Where: West Leyden Fieldhouse
Get Your Homecoming Dance tickets
Don't miss a night at the disco! Disco Fever Homecoming Dance tickets will be sold Monday, September 11th through Friday, September 15th during ALL lunch periods in the Commons by the Student Activities Office (room 125). Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased with cash or a check made out to Leyden High Schools.
Students who want to bring a guest from another school must get a guest form from the Deans' Office, complete it, and return it to the Deans' Office by Thursday, September 14th. Once the guest form has been signed by a Dean, a guest ticket can be purchased during normal sale times.
Tickets will NOT be sold at the door the night of the dance.
Club Spotlight
The Peer Mediators provide dispute resolution services for students having conflict with one another. Two peer mediators meet with 2 students in conflict. The goal is to help the students reach a win-win agreement. What gets discussed is confidential. Request a mediation in the Student Services office (223).
To learn more about Peer Mediation, contact Mr. Trousdale at ttrousdale@leyden212.org.
In Gardening Club, students learn the basics of horticulture. They are exposed to a variety of gardening activities, learn the basics of perennial and annual plant varieties, and work in the school greenhouse by propagating and taking care of plants. Meetings are usually on Thursdays, with our first meeting planned for September 14th.
To learn more about Gardening Club, contact Mr. Abouchar at rabouchar@leyden212.org.