Hisle Happenings
May 13, 2024

Your family is officially a HISLE HOUND!
Congrats for a successful school year and even more congratulations for a fun summer break! Summer with my children was always a good time...we would pick a few authors to read when they were small or a chapter book to read together. Swimming, picnics, and family naps were always on our summer list! Enjoy.....the chores can wait! Time flies! As you think about summer, please remember nightly reading is the number one indicator of school success! Reading is reading...children can read a magazine, a cereal box, or even the captions on a television!
As a campus, we will work until June 20th before taking a few weeks off! Our first official day is July 15th for the 2024-2025 school year! We anticipate being at North until the beginning of August, but we will share the campus progress over the next few newslettters!
Bus Information
Transportation is already working on routes for he beginning of the school year, and this is where we need your help! IF you wish to take advantage of bus transportation next year (if you are eligible), please make sure to register NOW! The information is in the photo below for your family to access the regisration form!
Hisle PTO!
We're excited to share that Hisle has officially formed a PTO. PTO is a parent teacher organization that will work collaboratively with the campus to bring high quality engagement to Hisle Elementary! In the future, we will share information on joining Hisle PTO along with asking for your input on our first community events! Our goal is to host a family event each nine weeks to build the community of Hisle Elementary!
Our next steps:
- VOLUNTEER NEEDS: Kandice Ding will serve as our fearless president the first year. The group of volunteers will begin meeting this summer to organize our first family event and identify meetings, budget, and volunteer opportunities! We are in need of a few people to serve as volunteer coordinator, membership chair, and a few others! If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out to niki.prindle@leanderisd.org OR kandice.ding@gmail.com
Mark Your Calendars for August 12th!
As we get closer to summer, we know that families are making plans for summer! We wanted to share our Open House plans with you so your family can put it on the calendar NOW! To allow staff more time to prepare our building and classrooms, we will CANCEL New Family NIght on August 7th. We will host Open House with campus tours on August 12th between the hours of 2:30-6:30pm!
On August 8th, families will get a welcome email from homeroom teacher inviting families to sign up for a time to visit the classroom. This will allow families and child some individual time with their teacher. After visiting the classroom, families can attend a campus tour or tour the campus independently to check out the library, the playground, and more fun spaces! More information will be coming as the event gets closer, but we wanted you to "Save the Date" for August 12th at Hisle Elementary!
Prepping for Back to Shool
School Supplies
Each year, you will receive a list of needed supplies for your child's classroom. We've made it easy for you to shop at the click of one button! The needed supplies will be delivered straight to your chid's classroom. It's amazing! Please purchase these kits by May 26th to ensure delivery to Hisle!
School Shirts
This year, the campus is supporting school spirit by organizing school t-shirts! We will wear our school shirts each Friday to show Hisle pride! Families have the option to purchase short sleeve t-shirts and sweatshirts for their child!
Leave Your Mark!
Ms. Beaty, our campus librarian, is busy ordering books for the campus library! We would love for your family to choose a title or leave your mark on the Hisle library by donating to our library. You can visit this website to purchase your favorite title or donate a dollar amount!
Staffing News
It's hard to believe it's May, and we have finalized our teaching staff! This is soooo exciting! Hisle Elementary will open with a variety of programs such as PreK and various special education classes that are in need of instructional assistants! An instructional assistant is a valuable team member that provides assistance in many ways: teaching a small group, assisting with life skills, or supervising children at lunch. An instructional assistant needs to have 48 college hours and be able to sit, stand, and more! If you are interested in a full-time position, there are two steps to complete to receive an interview. First, apply online at www.leanderisd.org under the careers tab. Finally, please reach out to Niki at 512.570.8410 or Niki.prindle@leanderisd.org
Meet the 1st Grade Team!
Ashley L Johnson
HI! My name is Ashley Johnson. I am a graduate of Austin College with a Bachelor's in History and a Master of Arts in Education. This will be my 12th year teaching first grade and 13th year teaching. My fiance (Ernie) and I are getting married in February. We have two teenagers and a 10 year old dog named Duke. I am so excited to be a Hisle Hound!
MIchelle Heck
Hello! My name is Michelle Heck and I am so excited and honored to be able to teach First grade this year! First grade is a time of tremendous growth and I thank you for allowing me to be part of your child's journey. I have taught Kindergarten and first grade for over 15 years and love fostering self-esteem and independence in my students. I have a Master's degree in Education from Lewis University in Chicago Ill., a American Montessori School teaching credential, an ec-6th grade teaching credential, and a teaching endorsement in ESL. In the classroom, my favorite thing is cracking the reading code with students and teaching the science of reading. At home, I spend my free time playing board games, gardening, and chasing my 5 year old around!
Kaitlin Mackey
My name is Kaitlin Mackey, and I’m super excited to be a part of the Hisle first grade team! I recently graduated from Texas State University in San Marcos where I was given the opportunity to participate in the residency program in a first grade classroom in San Marcos. I loved it so much that I decided I wanted to continue to grow as a first grade teacher! I grew up in Pflugerville, Texas with my parents and sister. I’m so excited to come back to the area and to teach in such a great district! In my free time I love to hang out with my loved ones, read a good book, and spend time with my dog, Sage! I cannot wait for this upcoming year getting to know all of you and getting to watch all of us grow together!
Grace Becker
My name is Grace Becker. I am a graduate of California State University where I received a Bachelors of Arts degree. I have a Masters degree in Education from California Baptist University. This is my 14th year in education. This upcoming school year I will have taught in the Leander Independent School district for four years. My husband's name is Max. We have a 20 month old son named Zion and another one on the way. I am so excited to be part of the Hisle community, Go Hisle Hounds!