Collier Elementary PreK - 6th
September 2024 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
September has arrived and the school year is in full swing. Thank you, Collier families for making the beinnging of this year a great start! We have appreciated the support that you have given by showing up for our Open House Title 1 Meeting and the Book Fair. Partnering with you for our students is important to us and we appreciate you for being here. Please make sure to sign up now for your Parent Teacher Conferences!
Our 50th Year Open House was a big success! We had educators and students from many different generations of Collier! We even had a very special teacher Roz Motgomery who was one of the first teachers here at Collier. It was a special evening filled with joy, laughter, and happy reunions! Thank you to all who were able to attend.
September is Attendance Awareness Month and I would like to remind you how important school attendance is. Students who miss just two days of school per month are more likely to not be able to read at grade level. Students who are chronically absent by 6th grade are far less likely to graduate from high school. We understand that if a student is sick they need to stay home, but it should always be important to make sure your child is at school and on time each day. Thank you for partnering with us for your children's success.
Upcoming Events
- Sep. 2nd No School Labor Day
- Sep. 6th PTA Glow Party- 6:00 - 8:00pm Collier Cafe
- Sep. 18th, 19th, 20th Parent Teacher Conference Days, Students Dismissed at 11:25am
- Sep. 27th PTA Family Favorite Night (Details to come), PTA Meeting 6:00pm
Thank you!
Thank you to all who were able to attend our 50th Year Open House! It was a wonderful evening catching up with each other! Such big smiles all around! Our Collier Community is strong because of the bonds that have been made past and present and we value you all so very much!
Collier Educators Past and Present!
Collier Alumni!
OMA Gold News
We are off to a great start this school year!
All students have been using math to create movement sequences tied to English Language Arts. Kindergarten has been focused on nouns and verbs; 1st grade is dancing the main idea and key details of a book; 2nd grade is focused on geometry vocabulary words; 3rd and 4th are creating 64 count pieces of choreography; and 5th is writing their class song. They will be sharing some of these creations with other classes soon.
Last week the entire school learned about quilting and textile art. They explored working with colored pencil on fabric to create a short narrative, and are beginning to think of ideas for their year-long quilting project. In addition, each class has an art print related to quilting and textile art in their room for a month.
We are planning to bring an artist from the Museum of Contemporary Art in to work with our students this month as well.
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
Collier Health Office News
Just a quick reminder from the health office. If you have not yet brought in an immunization record for your student(s), please do so as soon as possible.
For our 6th grade families, your student has immunizations they will need to receive upon turning 11 to be compliant with state requirements for school attendance. These immunizations include a Tdap booster and the Meningococcal vaccine (MCV). If you have any questions, please contact our health office at 520-584-4817!
Collier PTA News
Thank you to everyone who has joined the PTA! We appreciate you! The PTA is a great way to be involved and support our students and staff! You can choose to participate as much as you would like! Please consider joining! Click here for membership link.
Thank you for everyone who stopped by the Book Fair!
Our first School Glow Party is coming!! We would love to see everyone there!
Our PTA Monster Mash Fundraising Carnival is October 26th! Please look for information soon on how you can help out, and for ticket sales!
Young Rembrandts Drawing Classes
Ronald McDonald House Pull Tabs
Collier collects pull tabs off of canned beverages for the Ronald McDonald House. If you would like to send in your pull tabs you can do so at any time in the year. The collection box is located in the cafeteria. Thank you for helping us with this community service project.
Tucson, AZ 85749