Ferson Creek eNews
May 12, 2023
Upcoming Dates
Friday, May 12th - Band performs at the Cougars Game
Monday, May 15th - Friday, May 19th -Spirit Week (see image below for details)
Monday, May 15th - 1st Grade Trip to Gray Willows
Wednesday, May 17th - 4th Grade Trip to Leroy Oaks
Friday, May 19th - LAMPE Day
Thursday, May 25th - 2nd Grade Trip to the Butterfly Farm
Friday, May 26th - 5th Grade Celebration at Gray Willows
Friday, May 26th - Last Day of School
LAMPE Day Volunteers Needed
If you are available to volunteer, we'd love to have you! You can sign up here!
Returning Student Registration for 2023-2024 Is Open
Lost & Found
Chess Club Tournament
5th Grade
Grayson Pendexter
Jack Wright
4th Grade
Dominic Shtonyk
Brandt Mika
2023-2024 Ferson PTO Board Officers' Election
The purpose of the Ferson Creek Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is to enhance the curricular and extracurricular educational experience of all children and to support programs which would otherwise not be offered by providing necessary funding, volunteers and materials to teachers, students and the school.
The PTO is comprised of 3-8 elected Board Officer positions in addition to Ex Officio Board Members, dozens of non-elected committee chairs, and numerous volunteers. For the 2023-2024 school year, we are electing the Board Officers.
This year's Board Officers are working together as a team to help the PTO run efficiently and smoothly. To fulfill the IRS requirements for a 501(c)3, these officers will include position titles, such as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer; however, this year's nominated officers have chosen to work collaboratively, regardless titled positions.
Please cast your vote below for the PTO Board Officers for the 2023-2024 school year. Voting is open to any Ferson Creek parent, guardian, or staff member. Anyone that does not vote will be considered to have an abstained ballot.
Ballots must be submitted before May 14, 2023 at midnight. Ballots received after this time will not be counted.
Thank you for your support,
Ferson Creek PTO
Join the 5th Grade Band!
Dear Parents,
It’s hard to believe there are only a few weeks of school left. This is a reminder that you will need to come to school to pick up your child's medication by the last day of school, Friday, May 26th. Medications that are not picked up at the end of the year will be disposed of according to the D303 policy. This policy also does not allow medication to remain in the health office over the summer for reuse in the fall. Medication must be picked up by a parent or adult designee with the parent’s permission.
Looking ahead to the 2023-2024 school year, if your child requires medication or any action plans, your child will need new physician orders and action plans for the school year. Forms can be found under health services on the D303 site or linked directly here:
All incoming kindergarten students must present a record of a Complete Health Examination (physical exam) with all required immunizations prior to the 1st day of school.
Students entering into kindergarten or 2nd grade will need a dental examination and form completed within 18 months of May 15th, 2024. Current 2nd grade students require a dental examination and form completed within 18 months of May 15th, 2023. A vision examination and form is also required for incoming kindergarten students.
These forms can be submitted to the main office or emailed to the school nurse at donna.holloway@d303.org. Please reach out if you have any questions. The health office direct line is 331-228-2304
Thank you and have a Wonderful Summer!
Ferson Creek Health Office Nurse,
Donna Holloway
SCN Summer Athletic Camps
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/