Jydstrup Elementary Welcome Back
2014-2015 Staff Welcome Back Letter
WELCOME BACK 2014-2015
- http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/classroom_solutions/2011/09/developing-hopes-and-dreams
- http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/columnists/charney/charney001.shtml
- http://www.pinterest.com/responsive/hopes-dreams-in-elementary-classrooms/
- https://www.google.com/search?q=hopes+and+dreams+school+bulletin+board+ideas&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=pxLhU5rPGKHKigLA6oGoCw&ved=0CCkQsAQ&biw=1152&bih=769
New Staff
Transferring from other schools within CCSD
- Nichola Perillo - Kindergarten (Paradise ES)
- Chelsie Pate (Nobles) - First Grade (Crestwood ES)
- Dawn Browne - First Grade (Bendorf ES)
- Ima Jean Turner - First Grade (Paradise ES)
- Elizabeth Dixon-Coleman - 2nd Grade (Bendorf ES)
- Melissa Gennaro - 3rd Grade (Cox ES)
- Kenyoni House - Counselor (Fitzgerald ES)
- Nicole Baumgartner - Primary Autism (PZ12)
- Melissa Hof - Special K - (Headstart)
- Lori Kunkee - Education Computer Strategist - (Ira J. Earl)
- Ann Low-McDonald -SPTA (Doris Reed ES)
- Lolita Francis - SPTA (Spring Valley High School)
Transferring from out of district
- Tracie Diraffaele - Kindergarten (Nevada)
- Ashley Hughes - 1st Grade (New York)
- Jennifer Ciotti - 4th Grade (Nevada)
- Rachel Kenney - 5th Grade (Illinois)
- Karriem Ferreira - 5th Grade (New York)
- Jake Ward - PE (Arizona/NV)
- Bernadette Quander- Art (Nevada)
Setting up Classrooms
Reporting Back Dates
New Teachers report for CCSD DIstrict Trainings
Thursday, August 14, 2014
New Teachers report for CCSD DIstrict Trainings
Friday, August 15, 2014 @7:10 AM
New Teachers report to Helen Jydstrup Elementary for welcome to Jydstrup ES training. We will be going over:
- School Tour
- Teacher expectations
- School Procedures
- Behavior Procedures
- Google Apps email and password
- Beginning of the year expectations
*Teachers new to Jydstrup but not to the district can attend this meeting. It should not happen all day. (Optional)
Monday, August 18, 2014
*Possible Training on Readwell Intervention program
Brand New Teachers to CCSD (Grades K-2)
New Teachers to Jydstrup ES (Grades K-2)
If the training does not take place, this day will be a classroom prep day. I will be sending out an email once I know for sure.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 @Helen Jydstrup Elementary School
Capturing Kids' Hearts Training
Brand New Teachers to CCSD (All grades & subjects)
Highly Recommended:
New Teachers to Jydstrup ES (All grades & subjects)
*Capturing Kids' Hearts is the process that we use with all of our students. It is highly recommended that any teacher who has not gone through this training attend. Please email me at dpfny@interact.ccsd.net to let me know if you will be attending. Brand new teachers to CCSD do not need to let me know,
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 @7:10 AM
Back to School Kickoff (All Teachers)
Thursday, August 21, 2014 @7:10 AM
Teacher Prep day in your classes. Day reserved for you to work in your classroom to prepare for the first week of school.
Friday, August 22, 2014 @7:30 AM
Day reserved for:
- Information from the office manager/clerk
- Beginning of the year info from the Counselor/ECS
- Committee Sign up
- RTI Information
- Grade level collaboration
From 1:00-2:30 we will be having an informal meet and greet. Parents will come in to visit the classroom. Do not confuse this with Open House. Please be in your room to greet parents at this time.