Waikari School Newsletter
Term 2, Week 6
Waikari School
Email: principal@waikari.school.nz
Website: https://waikari.school.nz
Location: 23 Princes Street, Waikari, New Zealand
Phone: (03)314 4250
Tumuaki Update
Kia ora e te whānau,
Thanks to everyone who helped at the recent Cross Countries. We really appreciate your assistance with FAST, marshalling, transport, and everything else in between. Without parent help, none of these events would be possible, so we are extremely grateful.
On another note, a huge thank you and congratulations to Kerry for her organisation and running of the event. The Hurunui Cross Country is a major undertaking for a small staff, who do not receive any additional payment for the extra hours spent organising these events. So, a massive thanks and appreciation to Kerry. Wehi nā Mrs Florance - Awesome!
Last week, I attended the Rural Teaching Principals Conference in Wellington. This was an interesting event, which culminated in a dinner at the Beehive on the day the Budget was announced - an intriguing time to be in Parliament and in Education. It was there that I had many conversations with other rural principals and discussions about the different issues affecting our communities and schools. Key takeaways for me were the role of community and the importance of having positive relationships, as well as understanding the WHY behind our work.
Please read further down in the newsletter, as there is a lot of key information.
Noho ora mai,
Phoebe Todd
Our Strategic Plan - What have we been up to?
The School Board & Staff have been busy working on our School Strategic & Annual Plan, read on to see what we have been up to:
- Develop Cultural Practices - Staff have been attending Professional Learning with Tuahiwi Education, and developed a mihi whakatau protocol. We have also created some cultural mural at school.
- Build Leadership in Yr 7 & 8 - Student Leaders were selected, PRIDE Challenge Book Established.
- Build a localised curriculum - Inquiry into Science in our Backyard learning about our local environment through the Waipara River & Moa Swamp visit. Staff have been working with ImpactEd to develop the curriculum.
- Review Assessment & Reporting - Staff have been working alongside Hero to implement a new reporting system to be shared in assembly at the end of this term.
- Quality Teaching & Learning - Staff have been attending writing and maths Professional Learning and implementing new strategies to continue to develop literacy and maths. Recently Mrs Florance shared her learning of a writing session with the rest of our staff.
Transport Volunteers
We are very appreciative of everyone who offers to help with transport, and we understand that we are all busy. We have recently found it challenging to organize transport to events, as we feel we are not receiving many responses to our surveys on Hero.
We really appreciate it when parents respond quickly, as this gives us time to organize the transport list and complete the necessary health and safety documentation in advance. We do understand that circumstances can change, and we are happy to manage that when it occurs.
Therefore, from now on, we will not be seeking transport indications via Hero. Instead, Phoebe will send out a group text. We kindly ask that if you are able to provide transport, you reply to that text so that we can ensure we organise the transport and that our Health & Safety forms are completed in a timely manner.
If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you.
What's been happening at school
Hurunui Cross Country
Congratulations to all of those students that competed at the Hurunui Cross Country, we were very impressed with the positive behaviour and sportsmanship displayed by all students who attended. There was lots of perseverance and grit shown throughout. Special mention to the following place getters.
Year 8 Boys: 2nd Tom
Year 8 Girls: 5th Shakaiyah
Year 7 Boys: 2nd Nico
Year 7 Girls: 1st Maddison
Year 6 Boys: 3rd Max
Cross Country Award Recipients
National Young Leaders Day
On Wednesday 5th June, our Student Leaders attended the National Young Leaders Day Event in Christchurch. We are always seeking extra opportunities at Waikari School, for all of students to have a range of experience before they leave school.
Our key takeaways from the inspiring speakers were:
- William Pike - Step outside of your comfort zone! We are going to do this by organizing events and running them for our school. We are busy thinking of what we could do for the Difference Jar, which is almost full.
- Te Kahukura Boynton (an entrepreneur) - She shared that "if you want to be rich, start reading!" She also discussed that if you find a need, you need to fill it - we are thinking about what need we could fill at our school.
- Brooke Neil (professional hockey player) - "Be Brave, Be Confident - You've got this!" She spoke about believing in yourself and shared a story of when she had to step up and take the goalie position.
- YahYah (professional singer) - "Don't give up and don't listen to the people who put you down."
- Nate Wilburn (Environmental Advocate) - "Even though you're young, you still have the power to make change!"
Over the next couple of weeks teachers will be completing assessments in our classes. These assessments in reading, writing & maths will help inform teachers OTJ (Overall Teacher Judgement) which will be communicated in there report.
We will be having Collaborative Connects (Parent/Teacher Conferences) at the start of Term 3 which will give you the opportunity to discuss your students learning and their assessment. In the meantime if you would like to meet with the teacher to discuss your students learning please email the teachers to organise a time.
Kerry - kerryf@waikari.school.nz
Zoe - zoed@waikari.school.nz
On Monday the Canterbury Museum is visiting to answer some of the students questions which our recent fossiling trips have revealed. Questions such as: How have Sharks Teeth been found in the Waipara river? Anthony from Canterbury Museum has made a special program to help answer our questions as we will explore the history of Gondwanaland, Deforestation and Dinosaurs. Make sure you ask some questions about this visit.
PRIDE Leadership Challenge
Congratulations to the following students who were awarded PRIDE Badges at Assembly today. The PRIDE Challenge is a challenge for all Year 7 & 8 students where they have the opportunity to work through there booklet throughout the year and complete the challenges.
Perseverance - participate in physical activities that challenge yourself.
Respect - Volunteer to look after our school environment
Integrity - Do things for others
Difference - Volunteer for others
Excellence - Practice for a hobby or skill
Congratulations to Macy, Maddison & Te Atawhai who received their Excellence PRIDE badge this week at assembly.
Fortnightly Maths Challenge
Which one doesn't belong?
This is based on the learning both Mrs Florance and I have been doing, having discussions at home using maths language is a great way to continue to build maths competencies. There are no right or wrong answers for this photo- but share it at home and come up with as many possible answers for which shape doesn't. Both Weka and Kea are/will be learning about shape in their Maths lessons with Miss Todd on Monday & Fridays.
Kiwhaha o te wiki (Saying of the Week)
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Congratulations to the following certificate winners:
Ethan - Volunteering to help Rotherham students walk the track at Cross Country
Manaaki - displaying lovely manners
Zara - Being a good friend, and always being there for others
Odin - Always friendly, bubbly and keeping others happy
John - Holding the door open for others
Charlotte - Holding the door open for others
Shout out to all our Term 2 Certificate Recipients
Principal Awards
- Congratulations to Emily for receiving the principals award for writing an incredible story with the most amazing descriptive language.
- Congratulations to Ethan for receiving the principals award for making a great start in the Kea Class, being a top bloke and helping other schools at the Hurunui Cross Country.
PRIDE Fortnightly Focus - Difference
This week we discussed that we can make a difference by listening to others and not interrupting.
We shared memories about when we have been sharing something and someone interrupts you, and discussed how this made us feel.
We discussed that this can make us feel as though what we were saying doesn't matter.
We discussed that when we are listening to people we have to be patient and wait for our turn to speak.
From the Office (Weekly Reminders)
- If your child is not going to be at school please contact the school before 9:00am. This can now also be done through the HERO app.
School Bank Account
- Automatic payments are also welcome (weekly & fortnightly) and our Student Management system can also handle Payments in Advance.
Office Hours
- School office will be manned by Caryn from 9.00-9:30 and 1:30-3:00
Break Times
- 10:45-11:10 Morning Tea
- 12:45-1:20 Lunch
From the B.O.T
Policies & Procedures
Policies being reviewed this term are:
- Appointment Procedure
- Equal Employment Opportunities
- Teacher Relief Cover
- Safety Checking
- Police Vetting
- Classroom Release Time/Timetable
- Employer Responsibility Policy
You can use the SchoolDocs website to participate in a review. https://waikari.schooldocs.co.nz/Logon.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f
Username: waikari
Password: pride
We as a B.O.T really value your feedback.
Upcoming Events
Term 2 Calendar - 2024
- Tuesday 28th May - Hurunui Zones Cross Country
- Monday 3rd June - Kings Birthday (School Closed)
- Thursday 6th June - Assembly 2:30pm in Kea Class
- Friday 7th June - Teacher Only Day
- Friday 14th June - Weka Class attending Playhouse in Omihi
- Friday 28th June - Matariki Weekend (school closed)
- Thursday 4th July - Assembly & Hero Report Presentation Kea Class 2:15pm
- Friday 5th July - End of Term 2
From the Community
Where - Hawarden Rugby Club Rooms
When - Friday 14th June 2024 @7pm (bar open from 6.30pm)
Entry $40 per team(max 4 people)
Heaps of prizes and fun to be had!!
Some finger food provided
Cash bar available
Raffles $2 a ticket
Courtesy van available by arrangement for pick ups and drop offs.
Fundraising for New Zealand Area Schools Tournament in Te Awamutu, which two ex Waikari Students are competing in Tanner Barton and Nikau Reti.
Contact Bronnie Gunn - 027 245 0128 text or leave a message, or email sport@hurunuicollege.school.nz to enter a team.