RCE Comet Parent Update
August 2024 Edition
From Your Principal
Hello parents,
It has been a wonderful first week back at school. I have thoroughly enjoyed having all the sweet, smiling faces back in the building. The teachers and staff spent the first week of school, teaching students the expectations and procedures, so they could be successful as we started learning curriculum this week.
Teachers will communicate through Remind, email, weekly newsletters and the weekly folder. You should be connected to your child's teacher via Remind, so if you have not been getting messages, please reach out to them to get a code. You should start to see homework coming home as well. This could include reading for 20 minutes each night, practicing "tricky words", math facts and more.
Over the next few weeks, each grade level will host a parent information meeting. During this meeting they will go over specific routines and expectations for that grade level. See the image below for specific dates.
We are looking forward to an amazing and successful school year as our Crippen Astronauts Soar!!
Important Dates
August/September Important Dates
- August 20: 1st Grade Parent Informational Session from 5:30-6pm
- August 21: Fall Picture Day (Yearbook Pictures) See flyer below or visit https://tinyurl.com/CrippenFall24
- August 22: 3rd Grade Parent Informational Session 5:30-6pm
- August 27: Breakfast With Brent 8:30am-9am
- August 29: 5th Grade Parent Informational Session 5:30-6pm
- September 2: Labor Day - No School
- September 6: Pre-K Parent Informational Session 5:30-6pm
- September 9-13: Shine Bright Suicide Prevention Week
- September 10: Kindergarten Parent Informational Session 5:30-6pm
- September 11: 2nd Grade Parent Informational Session 5:30-6pm
- September 12: 4th Grade Parent Informational Session 5:30-6pm
- September 19: Picture Retakes
- September 27: Crippen Spirit Night at PHS Football Game 6:30pm-7:30pm (see details below)
Afternoon Car Rider Duty
Afternoon Car Rider Procedures
Car riders are loaded from the cafeteria starting at 3:55pm. Parents will need to drive to the end of Cumberland Boulevard and U-turn to come back to the campus. Please do not cut in front of the cars already in line.
If a line has already formed down Cumberland Boulevard, you must go to the end of it. Staff will direct cars to the outside lane when it is time.
When driving onto campus to pick up your child, form two lines after you pull into the parking lot. Once the two lanes have been formed, you may not change lanes.
Please pull close to the car in front of you and next to your cone. There will be 7 colored cones.
If the group of cars at the cones directly in front of the cafeteria have all students loaded, and your child has not come out, you will be asked to pull forward next to the gym. Your child will be brought to you. This will allow the line to keep moving so that we can get all of our students home in a timely manner.
All cars must have a campus issued car rider tag. These may be ordered in the front office. If you need to order, get a replacement, or have duplicate tags made, you will need to complete a Car Tag Order Form located in the front office. You must show a valid ID in order to receive your car tag.
Students will not be released to cars without a correct car rider tag.
We ask that you place this car rider tag on your rearview mirror so that it will be easy to locate and read. PLEASE KEEP TAG VISIBLE until your child is in your car.
If someone attempts to pick up a student, and they do not have the correct car tag, they will be asked to go into the building to show proper identification before the student will be released to them.
We ask that parents do not walk up to the cafeteria doors for your child. They will not be released in this manner.
RCE Website
Visit our new website for important information about our school. Many of your questions can be answered with a few clicks. Find information like grade level schedules and teachers, district and school calendars, Skyward and Classlink access, how to volunteer, and so much more. It's your one stop shop for all things RCE!
Watch this video to learn about the new navigation and website features!
Canvas & Connecting With Your Child's Account
Students in grades PK-12 currently have access to Canvas Learning Management System. Canvas provides a single platform for students to access course materials, as well as educational apps and resources. Students are able to interact with course content, submit assignments, receive feedback, and collaborate with peers in Canvas. Canvas is accessible on the web and through mobile apps available for Apple and Android devices.
NCISD parents/guardians have the option to create a Canvas Parent account to connect to their student's courses in Canvas. The Canvas Parent Portal can be accessed via a web browser or Android/iOS app. Please click on this link connecting to the NCISD resources to get you started.
You can also reach out to our media specialist, Lisa Christian for additional support.
Remind is our number 1 way that we communicate with parents. It is synced through Skyward. The primary parent listed in Skyward will automatically be added to Remind and should see all of their child's classes and teachers. The email address listed in Skyward must be the one connected to the Remind account. If you are the primary parent and do not see your child's classes in your Remind, you might need to adjust your notifications. The following directions may help troubleshoot. Any additional family members that want to be added need to reach out to the teacher or our campus media specialist, Lisa Christian.
Smart Tags
Got a Smart Tag?
Smart Tag Information:
All new students will receive a free Smart Tag that will be delivered to our campus and given to their homeroom teacher. No need to use this form. All returning students who lost their tag or would like a replacement will have to pay $5 for a new one. Scan the QR code or go to the link below to purchase one. bit.ly/3YBNWd5
Crippen Parent Teacher Organization
Homeroom in each grade level with most signups wins Pizza Party by August 30th.
Order House Shirts
House Shirt Special!!
Special Going on Now! - free name on back and free shipping for a limited time- purchase at crippenpto.org
All Crippen Astronauts will display stellar citizenship and perform at or above grade level in every subject.
Email: tbrent@newcaneyisd.org
Website: https://ces.newcaneyisd.org/
Location: 18690 Cumberland Boulevard, Porter, TX, United States
Phone: 281-577-8740
Facebook: Facebook.com/CrippenElementary
Twitter: @CrippenElem