The Bronco Blast
November 22, 2024
November 22, 2024 Newsletter
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- 11/27 - 29: Thanksgiving Break No School
- 12/9: PTO Meeting
- 12/13 & 14: Winter Wonderfest
- 12/14: Barrington Giving Day Event
- 12/18, 19 & 20: Capstone Days
- 12/23 - 1/3: No School winter break
- 1/6: In Service Day - no student attendance
- 1/7: Classes resume - Second Semester
- 1/7: BOE Meeting
- 1/13: PTO Meeting
- 1/20: MLK Day - No School
- 1/31: The Big Game (Special Olympics) @ Hersey 6 p.m.
Enjoy the sights and sounds of the holiday season! The event includes performances, art displays, crafts, games and Santa visits.
Treats available for cash only.
Attendance Records
BHS Parents/Guardians,
As we approach the end of the semester, we encourage you to review your student's attendance records prior to Monday, December 16, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns about your student's attendance record, please contact the Attendance Office as soon as possible for assistance at (847) 756-2300.
Yearbook Senior Recognition Ads
Dear Class of 2025 parent(s)/guardian(s),
Purchasing a Senior Recognition Ad for a senior student in the yearbook is available!
Yearbook recognition ads are a great way for parents, families and friends to commemorate student achievements and important milestones. In addition, revenue from Recognition Ads helps our school create a higher quality yearbook. To purchase your ad online, go to, choose your ad size and layout, then enter your text and upload your photos.
Jostens manages BHS yearbook ads, so please do not send materials to the school. Please see the attached flier for more information. Due to publishing deadlines, the deadline to purchase a Senior Recognition Ad is February 3, 2025.
Jon Mihevc and the BHS Yearbook Staff
Click the image below to purchase BHS clothing and gear.
November is federally recognized as National Native American Heritage Month (NNAHM). During this month, American Indian and Alaskan Natives are honored and celebrated for their rich and varied cultures, traditions, history, and societal contributions. NNAHM gives us an opportunity to become more educated about Native Americans, increase our knowledge of unique challenges faced by this population, and better understand how historical trauma—such as colonization and genocide—has impacted Native peoples.
Parent Teacher Organization
The next PTO meeting will be held on December 9, 2024 at 9:15 am. in room C271 at BHS.
Please park in the Visitors Parking section (Main Street entrance), or in the visitors spots on the Hart Road side and enter in the main entrance (to the left of the new atrium). Be sure to bring a photo ID. For faster check-in on the 9th, please RSVP to
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Location: 616 W Main St, Barrington, IL, USA
Phone: 847-381-1400
Twitter: @BarringtonHS220