WJHS Highlights
A Message from the Administrative Team
Hi WJHS Families,
As you know, the safety of our students and schools is our top priority. One of our proactive safety step is implementing unannounced dog searches at WJHS. Our first search will be this month.
These dogs are trained to detect the presence of many prohibited items including:
illicit drugs and narcotics
gunpowder-based items
alcoholic beverages
commonly abused prescription and over-the-counter medications
The company that we are partnering with has trained school safety dogs to conduct random, unannounced inspections. These dogs are friendly, non-aggressive breeds such as Golden and Labrador Retrievers. Searches will be conducted at random in common areas, hallways, lockers, and grounds. If a prohibited item is found, we will initiate appropriate action in accordance with our existing school policies and procedures.
Prior to bringing the safety dogs in to search, we will provide background to the students during advisory. The information will include what the school safety dogs are trained to search for and how it will happen.
We take every reasonable precaution to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment and we believe that this proactive step will play a key role in achieving our goal of deterrence.
Thank you for your partnership in helping to keep all of our students safe,
Kate Dominique
Tony DeMonte
Administrator for Technology and Safety
Curriculum Nights!
Thank you to everyone who attended our WJHS Curriculum Nights! It was wonderful to see and meet so many of our student's family members. We very much appreciate your partnership and hope that you enjoyed walking your child's schedule and meeting our staff!
7th & 8th Grade: MATH COUNTS CLUB
Do you like math competitions? Do you want to represent WJHS at the regional MathCounts competition on Saturday, February 1st, 2025? Then try out for the MathCounts team.
On October 24th, we will go over the program, and solve some MathCounts practice problems. On November 7th, November 14th, and December 5th, students will take 3 school contests. The 12 top scoring students will be chosen to represent HMS at the regional competition. These 12 students will continue to practice for the regional competition on December 12th, 19th, and January 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th.
The Regional Competition is on Saturday, February 1st, 2025. Please make a note of that now, to ensure that your child does not have a conflict with that date, should they make the team. Students who do well at the regional competition may be invited to the State Competition which is usually one of the first two weekends in March. The four top scoring students from the Illinois State competition will be awarded an all expense paid trip to the National Competition in May.
Parents, please fill out this form by October 17th if your student is interested in Mathcounts. The first club date will be October 24th.
Each year the PTO’s role is to facilitate the ordering and distribution of the WJHS yearbook. We are currently waiting for a teacher(s) to volunteer to be the advisor before taking orders. We will keep you updated on any progress!
Thank you for being patient while we replaced our outdated website. The new www.wjhspto.com is connected with Membership Toolkit and provides easy access to PTO resources and current information. Check it out!
After school weekly classes begin Thursdays 9/26 in Magistra Shoemaker’s classroom. For more information email shoemakk@wilmette39.org.
Actually, we have two! And one of them is open during lunch recess for students who want to take a break during the day to relax in a quiet peaceful space. In 2021 the PTO upgraded the space to include chairs and board games for students. In order for the courtyard to be open during lunch recess it requires an adult to supervise the kids while other classes are in session in the surrounding classrooms. Are you available 11:45am-1:15pm? Sign up HERE to volunteer either Wednesdays (7th graders) or Fridays (8th graders). Questions? Contact volunteers@wjhspto.com
Volunteers help serve food to the kids in the line. Peek at your child during lunch and at the same time help out the lunchroom staff by providing an extra set of hands! Come at 11:15am-12:45pm most weekdays. Sign up HERE and thank you! Questions? Email volunteers@wjhspto.com
A lot of work went into migrating the information from the PTO’s old website to the new one! Thank you so much to our VP of Communications, Jo Toppenberg, for her dedication and commitment to improving the look and experience of the new www.wjhspto.com!
The WJHS PTO has been asked to pass along some relevant community information:
Save-the-Date for the D39 College Paddle Party on November 16th from 6:00-11:00pm! Dress for the courts in your alma mater’s gear. Enjoy food, drinks and raffle prizes. All skill levels welcome! Tickets go live on October 1st at 10:00am at www.d39foundation.org and proceeds benefit all D39 schools.
A parent-led Washington D.C. trip is an option for current 8th Graders! This trip is not sponsored by the WJHS PTO but is being coordinated by a WJHS parent. The trip will take place February 14-17, 2025 and no school will be missed. For more information click HERE or contact Stephanie Crocker at crocker.l.stephanie@gmail.com.
Trip Code: wilmette25
Password: wastrip25
WJHS Lost & Found
We have a Lost & Found at WJHS that is located in the school cafeteria. Like your laundry pile at home, it grows and grows and grows with every day we are in school! If you feel like the jackets, lunch bags, water bottles, etc. are running away, please visit the WJHS Lost & Found - it might be here! We throw away lunch bags at the end of every month (they are very smelly by that point) and donate all of our Lost & Found items at Winter Break. You can visit Monday through Friday, 2 - 3:30, or call to make arrangements. Thank you!
SEL News
During our Curriculum Nights across the district, we have enjoyed sharing with you the focus of our SEL curricula in our classrooms, as well as the objectives targeted at each grade level. Information about social-emotional learning in D39 can be found HERE. Be sure to check it out for information about what your child is learning, how to support social-emotional learning at home, and gain information about resources available to families.
Additionally, at Curriculum Night, we shared the District 39 commitment to providing a safe and equitable learning environment that fosters a mindset of empathy, respect, and belonging for all district students and staff. To help foster this inclusive mindset, we are focusing on monthly themes throughout the year. As classrooms explore these themes, students will be able to learn about their identities, understand the unique qualities and perspectives of their classmates and community, and gain insight into celebrations and traditions from around the world.
SEPTEMBER: Our Names are Important
OCTOBER: Our Identities are important
NOVEMBER: Our Families are Important
DECEMBER: Our Traditions are Important
JANUARY: Our Actions are Important
FEBRUARY: Our Features are Important
MARCH: Our Foods are Important
APRIL: Our Abilities are Important
MAY: Our Histories are Important
With September focusing on the importance of our names, we encourage you at home to have a discussion with your child about their name, how their name came to be, and if there is any significance to their name story. It could prompt a fun dinner conversation for the whole family!
District Update
Board of Education Meeting
The Board of Education will gather on Monday, September 23 at 7 pm at the Mikaelian Education Center for its monthly meeting. During the meeting, the Board is expected to approve 2024-25 action steps for the D39 Strategic Plan, hear a review of the D39 Summer Enrichment Program and conduct the second and final reading of several Board policies. Agendas and materials for all Board of Education meetings will be posted online the Friday prior to the meeting.
Partnership with Wilmette Public Library – “Our Names Are Important”
District 39 is collaborating with the Wilmette Public Library throughout the academic year to recognize and celebrate its students and community members. These monthly themes, which were the result of much work by D39 faculty and staff members, are intended to build community and deepen the sense of belonging among our students and staff. This month’s theme is “Our Names Are Important.” In partnership with this effort, the Library has set up a book display and an interactive bulletin board that highlights this theme. We are grateful for their community partnership and support.
Parent Education Events – Let’s Play Series
District 39 is proud to be partnering with the Alliance for Early Childhood, Wilmette Public Library, and BackYard Nature Center for a series of Parent Education events designed to highlight the benefits of free play for our students. These events are meant to be a family adventure into creative, child-led free play that sparks imagination and fuels growth. This experience is designed for you and your child(ren) to explore a variety of fun-filled activities designed to flex your “play muscles” and strengthen your bond. The schedule for these events is listed below. Registration is required and can be done online through the respective school links.
McKenzie Wednesday, Oct. 2 3:30-4:30 pm
Romona Monday, Oct. 7 3:30-4:30 pm
Harper Friday, Oct. 18 2:30-3:30 pm
Central Monday, Oct. 21 3:30-4:30 pm
Highcrest Monday, Oct. 28 3:50-4:50 pm
Parent Education Event – Researched-Based Mathematics
D39 is offering a Parent Education event, titled “Researched-Based Mathematics Teaching and Learning,” on Wednesday, Oct. 9 at 11 am. This event will be held virtually via Zoom. Dr. Jen Munson, an assistant professor of learning sciences at Northwestern University, with a Ph.D. in Teacher Education and Mathematics Education from Stanford University, will help our families gain insight into the ways children understand and engage with math. Learn what research suggests students need in order to develop strong mathematical skills. Registration is open for this event.
Mark Your Calendars for TrevFest!
New Trier High School and the New Trier Parents Association are proud to announce that the 2nd Annual Trev Fest will take place on Saturday, Sept. 28 at Clarkson Park in Northfield. Trev Fest is a special parent-only event featuring live music by local favorites Along the Drive, Chris Karabas, Silver Age, and Steely Dad—comprising New Trier parents and alumni. It's a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow parents, enjoy great music. Please visit the New Trier Parents Association webpage for more details.
Wilmette Junior High School
Email: office-wjhs@wilmette39.org
Website: http://wjhs.wilmette39.org/
Location: 620 Locust Rd, Wilmette, IL, USA
Phone: 847-512-6600
Instagram: @wjhswolves39
Twitter: @hawkwolf39
Principal at Wilmette Junior High School; love being an educator and working with young people; value spending time with friends and family