St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 3 | WEEK 5 I 16 August 2024
Good afternoon everyone and all the best for the weekend ahead.
A huge thankyou to the P&F for organising and running the Snr Playground Opening on Thursday afternoon. It was great to see so many families out the back for a chilled-out picnic and play. Deb, Tim, Cristyn and Holli, supported by many other parents, did a great job of catering and decorating our beautiful space. Thanks to everyone who came out to support us – our students are very excited with the new space.
I would also like to thank everyone for their support with sick students this term. As I discussed in my email this week, vigilance is key when children have obvious symptoms. As a parent, I am really aware of the complexities here, and we will always work with families to ensure students come to school as much as they can, and also stay home to get better when they are unwell! There is a fair bit going around, and we have had up to 10 staff away each day here at school too, which left me teaching Year 6 on Monday. Please do not worry, the students are fine! While it had been a while, I had an absolute blast, the Year 6’s really looked after me and I went home with a huge smile on my face. I think we even learnt a thing or two about subtracting fractions…
As mentioned last week, Week 5 of each term, we have a specific focus on student and staff WELLBEING across the whole school. Over the years this initiative has proven to be a great reminder of the values, practices, opportunities, experiences and attitudes that are so important when it comes to maintaining a space where we can each feel safe, protected, calm, happy, cared about, heard, appreciated and empowered, to care for ourselves and for one another. Thank you to everyone who contributed to to the week.
Being mindful and responsive to a child's physical, social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual wellbeing requires a genuine desire to meet kids' needs as responsively as possible. Apart from what we do here at school in this really important area, student wellbeing is the sum total of all our efforts and therefore, the conversations, decisions, values and beliefs that play out in each family every day, also have a significant impact on how a child feels about themselves and how they interact with others.
As a parent, teacher and principal, I am constantly reflecting on the example I set for my children at home and students at school. We won’t always get it right all the time, but I think it is so important to constantly be thinking about the example we set.
Happy, confident, co-operative children generally…
Feel safe and secure.
Feel loved and liked.
Feel listened to, understood and acknowledged, they believe "my thoughts and feelings are important in our family".
Feel respected and valued - spoken to, looked at and touched respectfully.
Feel encouraged and supported - lots of positive reflection.
Can express their needs for help, attention and support without fear.
Are allowed and supported to express their feelings- If they don't get it out, they will act it out.
Are not afraid to make mistakes.
Feel safe and secure in the confidence that they will be taught and guided with patience and tolerance, not punished.
Do not fear that their parents/ caregiver's will hurt them using anger, rejection or punishments.
Go to sleep each night feeling loved and cherished - all conflicts repaired.
Eat enough fresh healthy food and water.
Live in a smoke free, drug free environment and are not exposed to their caregivers being intoxicated.
Are not overly stressed or pressured to perform (there's a big difference between being encouraged or forced).
Are free to largely learn at their own pace.
Have lots of fun, play and laughter with family and friends.
Spend quality time and lots of free play in nature.
Are protected from over-exposure to TV, computers, screens and particularly protected from adults themes.
Are protected from sexual abuse. Parents need to teach children healthy boundaries as well as self-educate to better identify risks.
Live in an emotionally responsible, healthy and mature family - where integrity is valued and healthy communication skills are practiced.
Have healthy, mature role models to aspire to. Kids need real life heros!
Get enough sleep, rest and down time (reading, art, free play etc).
Have adults who spend time talking with them.
Feel proud of and connected to their identity, family and culture.
Feel supported, not overpowered, when problem solving.
Share family meals and quality family time.
Get regular quality one on one time with their parent(s).
Feel confident that conflicts can be worked through and learned
Also, are you ever uncertain whether that movie your child wants to watch is suitable for them? The Australian Parenting website, Raising Children, have done all the hard yards for us.
Simply go to: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/movie-reviews where you can find around 1,200 movie reviews from recent releases such as Lightyear to the 1971 classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Enjoy your weekend,
Assembly 23 August 2024
The following students will be receiving Merit Certificates at next Friday's assembly. Family and friends are welcome to attend.
Please welcome Sofie C in PPR who
started with us this week.
Please welcome her and her
family to Bernie's!
The Wellbeing Captains kicked off Wellbeing Week with a Jump Jam session on Monday ! On Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday the students from Years 1- 6 gathered in the library to watch Inside Out at lunch time. On Thursday, the students commenced their 1000’s Hearts Project where they learnt to sew some felt hearts to give back to the community. Our students are excited to end the week with a fun filled P & F Disco. Thanks to the Wellbeing Team and all the staff and students who participated in Wellbeing Activities this week. We hope you found something that helped you feel good and more connected to our wonderful community!
Jacqueline Deshon
A reminder that the first bell goes at 8:35am and all students should be in class by the time the second bell goes at 8:45am. If your child is late please ensure that they sign in at the office so that our attendance rolls are correct.
If you are collecting your child early, please sign them out from the office before collecting them from their classroom.
If your child is absent please complete our online Absentee Form on our website as we require written confirmation of all absentees - https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au/families
Performing at the Year 6 Confirmation Mass
The choir are performing at the the Year 6 Confirmation Mass on Saturday 24 August at 6:00pm and we'd love for all our members to be there! If your child is able to perform, please complete the link below:
Choir members were presented with their new performing shirts this morning, in time for their performances at the Year 6 Confirmation Mass and the Catholic Performing Arts Festival. Don't they look fantastic!
Year 6 Graduation Polo's 2025
A quick reminder to please order your Year 6 Graduation Polo's. Additional order forms can be collected from the office and sizes are available to try on.
St Bernadette’s Fathers Day breakfast will be held on the school oval on Friday 30th August, 7:30 – 8:30am. A breakfast of bacon and egg rolls and fruit will be provided. Hot and cold drinks will be available. Dad and child games will be held on the oval. All Dads and significant men in our student’s lives are encouraged to attend to gather and spend time together. We are also asking for digital photos of Dads to be sent to the office to be displayed on a PowerPoint loop. For catering purposes, please RSVP your attendance on the attached form by 20th August.
Please purchase tickets by Friday 23 August at 3.00pm. Gifts $7.00 each. No cash sales on the day.
Important dates to diarise
We are getting to that time of year when life gets very busy for our Year 6 cohort. Please make a note of these important dates:
- Graduation Assembly - Friday 18 October 8:50am
- End of year party (parent run) - Friday 22 November
- Graduation Bears and Christmas Concert - Tuesday 26 November
- Kolbe Welcome Day - Monday 2 December
- Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony - Tuesday 3 December 5:00 - 6:30pm
- Adventure World - Thursday 5 December
- Class lunch and Guard of Honour - Friday 6 December
Save the date, more information to follow.
Book Week
Runners Club - Monday 19 August - 3:10 - 4:00pm
KG - Yr 6 Book Character Dress up Parade - Thursday 22 August 9:00am
PPB Assembly - Friday 23 August
Catholic Performing Arts, Choir Performance - Friday 23 August - 11:00am
Creative Edge - Saturday 24 August 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation - Saturday 24 August - 6:00pm
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Website: https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stbernadettescps/