Larson Elementary
News You Can Use for May 11, 2023
A Message from our Interim Principal...
Larson Families,
As the 2022-2023 school year ends, I want to thank each of you for the support during the past few months. Although it has been challenging, our staff and students have persevered and thrived both academically and socially. That would not have been possible without amazing families that care deeply about their kids. Thank you for your encouragement, your positive influence, and sharing your children.
In the meantime, during the summer months, you can help your children maintain their academics by practicing math and reading (reading to them and/or having them read to you). Students have access to their learning path for both math and reading through the online platform of I-ready, as well as math facts through Rocket Math. All of these programs can be accessed through the school district website for students.
We look forward to the next school year with anticipation as Mr. Matthew LaHue will lead us to greater things. Our goal at Larson is to support students and families to achieve their goals.
Finally, stay safe, enjoy your family time and we will see you next year.
Polly Rowell
Friday, May 19th - Last Day of School Fun!
Students will enjoy a fun- filled last day of school! All classes will participate in Field Day. There are 14 fun stations including face-painting, bouncy houses, Capture the Flag, Otter Pops and MORE! Students will also enjoy a hot dog picnic lunch. It's going to be GREAT!
Field Day Parent Volunteers are Needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help with our Field Day stations on the last day of school on Friday, May 19th. Stations will run from 9:45am - 3:15pm. We especially need parents to help with our face painting station and bouncy house station. We are also looking for a couple of grill-masters to help grill hotdogs for our student picnic. If you are interested in helping for the whole day or some of day, please contact the front office at 907-352-2300.
We are looking for artistic parents to help with our face painting station!
Volunteers Please!
We need parents to help chaperone the bouncy house fun in the gym!
Final Quarter 4 Report Cards Available in ParentVUE on May 19th!
Chromebooks are Going Home for the Summer!
Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year Opens on Saturday, July 1st!
To register your student(s) for the 2023-2024 school year, click on the following link:
If you are having trouble with registration, the HELP desk if available to answer any questions. Contact them at (907) 761- HELP. Larson Elementary Office staff will be returning from summer break on Friday, July 28th.
School is out for the Summer!
On behalf of the teachers/staff at Larson Elementary, we wish you a wonderful and safe summer vacation!
The first day of school for Grades 1st-5th will be Tuesday, August 15th.
The first day of school for kindergarteners is Tuesday, August 22nd.
- May 10th - KG Field Trip to Reindeer Farm
- May 10th - WHS Band Concert for Larson students
- May 10th - 5th Grade Thrive Field Day 1:00-3:30
- May 12th - 5th Grade Career Day
- May 12th - 4th Grade Field Day on the Larson field/bball courts
- May 16th - KG Bug Day
- May 17th - 5th Grade Field Trip
- May 18th - 4th Quarter Awards Assembly
- May 19th - Field Day / Q4 ENDS / Last Day of School!
Third graders enjoy the Student of the Month luncheon on 5/3
Band and Choir students head to the Honors Band/Choir Event on 4/27 at Palmer High
Making fun creations in Library
4th grade recess fun!
Larson 4th grader, Ryan S. enjoys directing the Wasilla High Band performance on 5/10.
STEAM Night fun with Mrs. Alexander!
Enjoying the "Out of this World Cosmic Tacos'" at STEAM Nigt on 5/5
More STEAM Night fun!
Miss Lamont helps with a science project during STEAM Night.
Having fun on the kindergarten field trip to the Reindeer Farm on 5/10
More fun at the Reindeer Farm on 5/10!
Reindeer Farm Fun!
5th Graders having fun with Mrs. Pitney at the district track meet on 5/6
Taking a break in between events at the district track meet
Ready, Set, GO!
Abbey Grilliot receives the Champion for Children Award on 5/4!
Third graders explore the inside of a plane on JBER!
4th graders enjoy a math lesson outside on a sunny day!
As always, please contact the front office at 907-352-2300 with any questions or concerns. We are here to help!
Have a great summer!