The FAST Flyer
Volume 7, Issue 16
November 16, 2024
FAST Tech Fair: December 6
We’re excited to invite you to our Annual Technology Fair on Friday, December 6, from 8:30–10:00 AM! This is a fantastic opportunity to see the innovative projects our students have been working on as they prepare to compete in the FCS Technology Competition.
Our students have put incredible effort and creativity into their projects, and they’re eager to showcase their work and share their learning with you. From digital photo production to productivity design and digital game design to robotics, you’ll be amazed by their skills and innovation.
Lost & Found
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with fleece jackets and hoodies (not to mention the water bottles and lunch boxes)! This time of year, mornings are chilly, and afternoons warm up, so students often wear a jacket to school but leave it behind. Please take a moment to check the Lost and Found or remind your child to look for any missing items. Anything not claimed before winter break will be donated so please claim it soon.
Thank you for helping us reunite these items with their owners!
FCS Annual Perception Survey
Each year, Fulton County Schools collects feedback from families, students, and staff members about their experiences through the Annual Perception Survey. The survey is open until November 22 and can be found here:
Save the Date: Holiday Jubilee
Student Council Food Drive
Monday November 18 is the last day for our annual student council food drive to benefit North Fulton Community Charities (NFCC). Student council members will be on hand during morning carpool to collect donated items. This is the sixth year that FAST will be supporting this charity with - we have been one of the largest donors the past few years and, when faced with a critical shortage this year, they reached out to us for help. Please refer to the list below for high need items. All items must be unopened and unexpired.
Substitute Teachers Needed!
As we prepare for the upcoming cold and flu season, we are actively working to build a strong pool of substitute teachers to ensure consistent, high-quality learning experiences for our students during staff absences. If you or someone you know is interested in making a positive impact in our school community and would like the flexibility of part-time work, we encourage you to consider joining our team of dedicated substitute teachers.
To get started, simply download THIS APPLICATION and complete it. Once finished, please forward it directly to mary.miller@fastk8.org. Substituting with us is a great opportunity to connect with our students, support their education, and experience the vibrant, collaborative environment here at our school.
Yearbooks Now Available for Pre-Order
To reserve your student's yearbook or purchase an ad, please visit: https://shop.memorybook.com/ and reference School Code: 246825M. All users will have to Register the first time they access the site.
School Pictures
CURRICULUM/CLASSROOM CONCERNS: If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's class, your first point of contact should be your child’s classroom teacher. If further clarification or assistance is needed, you can contact the respective assistant principal (anesha.james@fastk8.org or elementary or demetria.walker@fastk8.org for middle school.)
TRANSPORTATION CHANGES: If your student will have a change to their afternoon transportation (whether it is for a day or long-term), please be sure that you are communicating any changes to your student's afternoon dismissal to both their homeroom teacher and Ms. Cadogan (gail.cadogan@fastk8.org).
A Note from the Nurse
If your child is not feeling well, we encourage you to keep them home to avoid spreading illness at school. Please keep in mind that if a student is running a fever they are expected to remain out of school until they have been fever free without the use of medication for a full 24 hours.
FAST is a Nut Free School
Please remember that FAST is a nut free school. Students should not bring any foods for lunch or snack that contain any nut products including, but not limited to, peanut butter or almond butter.
This is a serious risk to those students with severe allergies. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated.
Cell Phones and Bluetooth Devices
As a reminder students are not permitted to use their cell phones or Bluetooth devices throughout the day. Students who have a cell phone out after school begins at 7:40am through 3pm will have their phone confiscated for the day. Please remind your students of this policy so that you will not have to come to the office to retrieve their phone.
School Hours
Students must be in homeroom by 7:40am each day. Please be sure that you are allowing time to navigate carpool and your student to get to class on time. If you arrive after 8am, you will need to come into Innovation Hall to sign in your student.
Early dismissals are not permitted after 2:40pm (M-Th, 1:40pm Fridays). If you need to pick up your child for any reason, please plan accordingly.
All students are expected to be in full uniform every day. The full uniform code can be found on our website at: https://www.fastk8.org/fast-apparel-and-supplies/
Students who are not in full uniform will have their parents contacted.
Pre-Sale: New 2024-2025 Spirit Wear Hat!
We're excited to announce a new Spirit Wear hat that is available for pre-sale! Students can wear their hats during recess and outdoor activities starting January 2025!
Nov. 21: Governing board meeting
Nov. 22-29: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 6: FAST Tech Fair
Dec. 13: Holiday Jubilee
Follow Us on Social Media!
Fulton County Schools
GA Charter Schools Association
Email: info@fastk8.org
Website: www.fastk8.org
Location: 11365 Crabapple Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 678-321-1100
Facebook: facebook.com/FASTK8.School/
Twitter: @fastk8charter