M. Robinson Elementary
July 2024 - Volume 1

Dear Lion Community,
I hope this message finds you and your families well and that you continue to enjoy your summer break.
As we prepare to begin a new school year, I would like to ask you to review the new transportation policy from Cy-Fair. Some of our students won't be eligible for bus services.
We will need to know if your student will be a car rider or a walker. The information is included in this newsletter.
Please make sure to update your student information. This is only for returning students.
We are excited to see our students return, ready to learn and grow. Your support and involvement are crucial to our collective success, and we encourage you to stay connected and engaged with our school community. Together, we can ensure that each student reaches their full potential.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children's education. We look forward to a fantastic school year ahead.
If you would like to support M. Robinson, we are seeking parents to serve on our Campus Performance Objective Committee (CPOC), Superintendent Parent Leadership Committee (SPLC), and Special Education Parent Council (SEPC). If you are interested in serving on a committee or volunteering at M. Robinson, please email Rocio Braley at rocio.braley@cfisd.net
I will send information about Meet the Teacher and pictures of the progress of our school in the next newsletter. Don't forget to order your school supplies and spirit shirt. We won't have any available during Meet the Teacher.
Warm regards,
Rocio Braley
Querida comunidad de leones,
Espero que este mensaje los encuentre bien a ustedes y a sus familias y que sigan disfrutando de sus vacaciones de verano.
Mientras nos preparamos para comenzar un nuevo año escolar, me gustaría pedirles que revisen la nueva política de transporte de Cy-Fair. Algunos de nuestros estudiantes no serán elegibles para los servicios de autobús.
Necesitaremos saber si su estudiante viajará en automóvil o caminará. La información está incluida en este boletín.
Asegúrese de actualizar la información de su estudiante. Esto es sólo para estudiantes que regresan.
Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes regresar, listos para aprender y crecer. Su apoyo y participación son cruciales para nuestro éxito colectivo y lo alentamos a mantenerse conectado y comprometido con nuestra comunidad escolar. Juntos, podemos asegurar que cada estudiante alcance su máximo potencial.
Gracias por confiarnos la educación de sus hijos. Esperamos tener un año escolar fantástico por delante.
Si desea apoyar a M. Robinson, estamos buscando padres para que formen parte de nuestro Comité de Objetivos de Rendimiento del Campus (CPOC), Comité de Liderazgo de Padres del Superintendente (SPLC) y Consejo de Padres de Educación Especial (SEPC). Si está interesado en formar parte de un comité o ser voluntario en M. Robinson, envíe un correo electrónico a Rocio Braley a rocio.braley@cfisd.net
Enviaré información sobre Meet the Teacher y fotografías del progreso de nuestra escuela en el próximo boletín. No olvide ordenar sus utiles escolares y la playera de espiritu escolar.
Rocio Braley - Directora
CFISD Annual Student Update 2024-2025
It is time to complete the online Annual Student Information Update for the 2024-25 school year!
This convenient process allows parents/guardians of students who will be returning to CFISD this year to verify their child’s information for the beginning of the school year and make changes to:
- any parent/guardian contact information,
- the student's address,
- emergency contact (names and contact information),
- review/update your student’s authorizations (photo/permission)
Even if no changes are needed, parents/guardians should access the Annual Student Update to review information about the Student Code of Conduct, Attendance & Truancy Laws along with authorizations for photo, video and release of information.
Your student’s Annual Student Update is available until Friday, August 9, 2024, through your Parent Portal/Home Access Center Account. Click the link below to access your account.
For quick support, please refer to this help document.
Once you have logged into your CFISD Parent Portal, click on the Home Access Center Icon. Click on the Registration Tab in upper right hand corner. Click the Update Enrollment Tab, then click on Start next to Annual Student Update.
Please respond to each question/prompt in the update. Once you have completed the forms, please click the SUBMIT button. Once you click "SUBMIT", you will not be able to make any additional changes through the portal. You will need to contact the campus registrar to make additional changes. Our registrars are currently on summer break. Elementary and middle school registrars will return from break the first week in August and high school registrars will return in mid-July.
If you need assistance with your Parent Portal/ Home Access Center Login, please contact the Cy-Fair Customer Care Center at 281-897-4357.
Información anual para estudiantes (estudiantes actuales)
A mediados de julio, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD enviará cartas por correo electrónico invitando a los padres/tutores a acceder al portal de padres en nuestro CENTRO DE ACCESO EN CASA (HAC) y completar las actualizaciones requeridas para los estudiantes que estaban inscritos y activos en CFISD el último día de escuela y que regresarán a CFISD para el año escolar 2024-25. El último día para completar la actualización anual de información del estudiante es el jueves, 8 de agosto de 2024.
La Actualización Anual de Información del Estudiante se completa convenientemente en línea y le permitirá:
1. actualizar su información de contacto,
2. actualizar la información de los contactos de emergencia de su estudiante,
3. actualizar su dirección (Si su dirección ha cambiado, por favor esté preparado para subir una nueva prueba de residencia),
4. revisar los permisos del estudiante, y
5. confirme que ha leído el Código de Conducta y el Manual del Estudiante.
Se pide a los padres/tutores que completen la actualización incluso si no hay cambios en la información demográfica del estudiante.
Instrucciones: Cómo acceder CENTRO DE ACCESO EN CASA
Si necesita ayuda para iniciar sesión en el portal para padres, póngase en contacto con el
Cy-Fair Centro de Atención al Cliente al 281-897-4357. Lunes - Jueves, 6:30 AM - 5:00 PM y Viernes, 6:30 AM - 4:30 PM.
Changes to Bus Transportation for 24-25
There have been significant changes to bus transportation this upcoming school year. Not all students will receive bus transportation.
An elementary student will be transported who lives one or more miles from the student’s campus of regular attendance.
The following criteria (approved by the CFISD Board of Trustees on Monday, June 17) will be used to define hazardous traffic conditions, and transportation will be provided for:
Elementary school students within one mile if:
- Crossing a tollway, state highway, and/or farm-to-market road;
- Crossing a moderate to heavily traveled thoroughfare without protected crossing (i.e., traffic light or stop sign);
- Walking along a moderate to heavily traveled thoroughfare without a safe walk path; and/or
- Crossing a railroad track.
Please be sure to determine if your child receives bus service this year. The link below (My Ride) will tell you if you are receiving bus service or not. If you do not have bus service, please be sure you have a solid plan of how your child will be attending school each day.
We do ask that when you know how your child will be going home from school, please fill out the google form below so we can start planning accordingly.
If after school pick-up will be difficult due to the district's bus transportation changes, you may want to look into enrolling your child in Club Rewind. Below are the flyers with more information.
Due to ongoing construction at the building, the EPI company will be delivering your supplies directly to your home. Please ensure that you provide the correct address in the online form.
All M. Robinson Lions receive free breakfast and free lunch every day from our cafeteria. Students are welcome to bring lunch from home.
Your child is permitted to bring a healthy snack to school each day. Students will have the opportunity to eat their snack sometime in the morning/afternoon while they are completing work. Students will not be permitted to share with other students. Some examples of permitted snacks include grapes, carrot sticks, pretzels, animal crackers, apple slices, other fruit, cheese sticks, and granola bars. The snack should be easy for them to eat while they continue to work.
Lions may also bring a clear water bottle to class with water. Only water is permitted during instructional time. We have bottle fillers located around the school to help our Lions refill their water bottles during the school day.
Todos los Leones M. Robinson reciben desayuno y almuerzo gratis todos los días en nuestra cafetería. Los estudiantes pueden traer su almuerzo de casa.
Su hijo puede traer un refrigerio saludable a la escuela todos los días. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de comer su merienda en algún momento de la mañana / tarde mientras completan el trabajo. No se permitirá a los estudiantes compartir con otros estudiantes. Algunos ejemplos de bocadillos permitidos incluyen uvas, palitos de zanahoria, pretzels, galletas de animales, rodajas de manzana, otras frutas, palitos de queso y barras de granola. La merienda debe ser fácil de comer para ellos mientras continúan trabajando.
Nuestros leones también pueden traer una botella de agua transparente a la clase con agua. Solo se permite agua durante el tiempo de instrucción. Tenemos rellenos de botellas alrededor de la escuela para ayudar a nuestros Leones a rellenar sus botellas de agua durante el día escolar.
Monday, August 19 - First Day of School
19 de agosto - Primer día clases